
Chapter 17

"what could possibly go wrong?"

still kicking the defenseless old driver she drivers her sharp heel into his foot tearing apart his brown leather shoe.

he howls in pain like an injured animal

as she pulls it out ,blood gushes from the wound .

this is the scene that welcomes Vienna and Richmond. 

Stopping abruptly below the stairs

"My goodness !"she exclaims taken aback she could only stare at her.

Caught in the act she turns ghastly pale.

Still holding the stiletto whose silver heel is coated and dripping with the driver's blood she looks like a butcher.

Vienna looks like she is going to puke.

Realizing what she has just done she throws away the shoe and takes two steps back as though distancing herself from the matter.

Opening her mouth she tries to justify her actions but no word comes out her throat has gone dry.

She prays for the earth to open and swallow her.

For a family that loved its sense of peace ,her act seemed improbable.

Maria and Dion almost bump into Vienna and Richmond.

"Holy shit! Ana what have you done?"

That is the first accusing statement she had heard so far and coming from Maria she feels like a real criminal.

"I... I di..didn't mean to." she stutters 

"you didn't mean to? had he died would you still utter such rubbish"

If Aina is right, Maria is trying to weaken her support base by making her appear sinister, even if she is not.

The accusing stares makes her feel like she has committed a grave injustice.

Sweeping eyes on the people she can see disappointment written all over their faces but Maria looks at her and gives a smirk.

occupying the high moral ground, Maria continues to criticize her action mixing fact and fiction ensuring that she leaves her no room for recovery.

For the first time in ages she wishes for somebody to stand up for her.

As though her prayers have been heard

"Don't blame her.

I was the careless one in all this as I had accidentally driven the car while young master was alighting thus sustaining an injury".

The disappointment looks in their faces vanishes like the morning dew leaving behind worry.

she heaves a sigh of relief as she wipes off the droplets of sweat that had begun forming on her forehead.

She can feel her cotton dress sticking to her back.

their attention was on Aina that they hadn't noticed him by now his palms were dripping with blood.

"Call the doctor, call the doctor. Ooh my son" she runs to him all hysterical.

"How did this happen ,Cleve how did you end up like this?"

she feels a sharp, stabbing pain to her chest making it difficult for her to breath.

she takes in deep breathes as she holds her son close to her chest while running small circles on his back as though soothing the pain away.

The driver tries to get up but Maria beats him to it

"Slowly old Tai, take it easy. I must commend your good act even though it wasn't convincing"

He winces in pain as his injured foots hits the ground he passes out.

Not long the ambulance arrives

"Finally "she says as she moves from the rooted spot she once stood.

"Phew! That was close", she touches her heart as though ensuring its still beating

All this doesn't escape the eagle eye of someone.

There is this nagging feeling in his heart that the driver did not say it all

Looking at her husband she winks at him as though saying, we did not even lift a finger but seems like her own self destructive tendencies beat us to it.

It was not up to bar but a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step and today they had earned an extra point.

As though their thoughts are in sync ,he nods in confirmation as he lifts the corner of his lip.

Being the sweet and caring fiancé she wants to get in the ambulance but  Cleve's look makes her stop halfway.

Seeing her face brighten after the driver put in a word of honor for her ,it made him feel sick to his stomach.

"Aina aren't you going to get in?

Vienna asks shifting her plumb body a little to make room for her.

She hesitates ,the disgusted look on Cleve's is enough to kill.

"Aunt..I would rather stay back to brew some soup for him

He also need a change of clothes so I would have them ready."

She sounds like a sweet housewife.

Hearing her mouth spew such nonsense Cleve is reminded of her earlier act and he sneers.

"How sweet and docile of you", his remark is full of mockery but Vienna thinks otherwise.

at times Cleve feels like opening his mother's brain to see what its made of.

"Sweet and meek as a lamb that's my sweet daughter in- law." she comments as she strokes her chin giving her  a warm motherly smile.

"Go on dear ,rest some more before brewing the soup am sure what happened to Cleve must have shocked you".

Cleve rolls his eyes but stops himself from bursting her bubble.


Regaining his consciousness old Tai is met by a stoic face of his employer.

He shrinks back into the covers.

"Old Tai I know you are awake so cut to the chase.

With a blank expression "I don't understand what you mean sir".

Inching closer, huge eye bags can be seen under his eyes.

"Have you been awake all night sir ?were you the one taking care of me?"

He feels touched .

"Yes and no .Now telme what really happened

You have been out driver for the past 20 years and this has never happened.

What's the story behind Cleve jumping out of a moving vehicle ?'

 Writhing in agony "Sir, I told you what really transpired".

As usual I drove young master and miss Aina to the hospital ..

"Which hospital?"

"Miadele  clinic sir.

Coming back I stopped at the gate waiting to be openned for.

I didn't realize young master was stepping out.

When I realized it was  too late, he was already rolling on the ground writhing in pain."

Cracking his knuckles he just prays that his boss believed his story.

"How long have you been working for us?" the question sends shivers down his spine.

"How long Tai' he sounds cold

"Its twenty years seven moths and three days" his voice is so low if not for his heightened sense of hearing he wouldn't have heard him.

"Wow !that long?"

"Yes..yes sir"

"Then I guess you should have understood that I hate lies right?"

He feels like his body is floating.

"Don't make me think that you have joined my enemies or have you?"

"Ooooh no.. not at all sir ,I have never even considered it."

Over the years working for the khumbata's he had heard and experienced first hand on how they treated the traitors.

"Sir ,sir please put me down ",but his pleas fall on deaf ears

He drags him to the window.

Looking down he cannot even see beyond the twenty sixth floor. In his grip he can feel the old man trembling,

"you must have the fear of heights don't you?"

He nods hastily

"If I throw you down ,no  not throw you down but if you accidentally fall  they will have to collect your small pieces one by one ,that is if you are lucky and if you aren't ,he guides his face pointing to the concrete mixer

That machine will ensure your body mixes perfectly with the concrete that nobody would tell you from concrete".

Hearing that his face turns ghostly pale and his body goes jelly.

He almost pees in his pants.

"Now are you ready to talk?"

He nods.

After listening to him he expression changes from gentle to murderous.

"I wanted to hear the truth from your mouth before I checked on the security footage".

Tai's old body shudders with the realization that he might have just dug his own grave.

"Sir! I was wrong ,am sorry"

"You should be, as of today, you will be the gardener at the north east villa" not sparring him a glance he exits the room leaving broken and dejected man behind.

Two days later the door is opened and in walk two burly men.

As the other stands guarding the door the other is busy packing his stuff.

"Hey what. what are you doing?

Who are you people?"

Without talking ,they dash him a card

His body almost goes limp

Sitting On the bed he laughs hysterically .

"And here I was thinking it was nothing but a bad dream.

Our sir is really a no nonsense man".

Picking his walking cane,

"I will gladly accept my punishment at least I get to breath and earn something for my family."

Riding north east the scenery changes to beautiful green fields.

Used to the hustle and bustle of the city life he appreciates his masters goodwill of sending him close to nature.

Inhaling the sweet fresh and refreshing air.

Young men serve our master wholeheartedly he is a nice man with the heart of a king.

"Be faithful in small things because its in them that your strength lies" mother Teresa.

They look at each other with question marks on their faces.

"What a weird old man, no wonder the master sent him off' they conclude.
