
Unknown Romance story

Mylar Rodriguez, a simple waitress at a night club finds herself in a tight spot and she couldn't think of a way out. When the solution finally came, it turned out to be the handsome, smart, very cold and arrogant young billionaire who frequented their club every night. He's name, Camilo Wylder. Is he really the solution or just another problem added into her life? Well let's find out. Mylar gets an unwanted visitor and she in greater trouble. Unable to fend for her and the unborn child, she seeks help from her child's father as luck would have it, an heir was being search for in the Wylder family and they took her in with a condition, they will have a contract marriage until a year after the child is born. Would she be able to tolerate the constant ridiculing and insult from the man she is made to live with for her child's sake. A friend arrives in her life when she needed one the most, he became her comforter and protector. He teaches her how to fight for herself and the how to blend in the way of the rich. Mylar becomes what she always wanted to be, a famous model, owned her own car, a huge Mansion and also gave birth to her baby, she began to live without fear and with confidence. She made a name for herself. Camilo started getting more angry because of how Mylar was behaving now, she was no longer afraid of him and that was getting him angry. Mylar forces Camilo to take her and the baby on a vacation to California and that was where she fell in love with him. After the vacation Camilo started liking his child and spending more time with him. At the end he realized his feelings for Mylar and confesses it, she gives him a second chance. The story comes to an end.

Oubukunmi_Jokotoye · 幻想
40 Chs

CHAPTER EIGHT (Deal with it)

"I will let you live in the house with us, I think you deserve it after what my son did to you."

"I didn't do anything forcefully, she agreed to do it." Camilo murmured angrily, luckily for him, Mr Julian didn't hear what he said. Mr Julian asked for Mylar's silence until the matter is settled.

"But I would like you to keep it a secret and let me handle things."

After hearing her husband's decision, Mrs Camila clapped with joy, Elio smiled seeing how happy his mom was, Mr Julian was also happy to see his wife's mood. For several years now, she didn't even want to talk to anyone let alone laughing or being happy.

"But I have a condition for the sake of my son." Mr Julian said to Mylar who was beginning to feel relieved as it seemed that a heavy weight has been lifted from her shoulders.

"What is it sir?" She asked feeling a bit nervous, she was wondering what favor he could possibly want from her.

"You two are going to get married but it will be a contract marriage." Mr Julian replied her, Camilo heaved a sigh of relief at what his dad said, he couldn't imagine spending the rest of his life with Mylar, he could handle a year or two. Mylar quietly replies.

"A contract marriage, that's fine but for how long will the contract last?"

"The contract will begin immediately after you both sign the papers I will ask lawyer to prepare and then it end when the child turns three but after that, you will be leaving the child in our custody when the time comes, you don't have to be concerned about the child, we will take proper care of him or her and give it the very best of everything. You also will receive a huge sum of money enough to start up your life." Mr Julian replied.

Mylar became sad at the thought of giving up her child, that will be inhuman of her. She didn't want to spend her life with Camilo either but still, she can't just give up her child.

"Can I be given some time to think about it?" She asked Mr Julian, after some minutes of thinking it through.

Mr Julian looked at Camilo and then back at Mylar and then gave his approval, then Mr Julian said to her.

"I will ask my driver to take you back to your house."

"Thank you sir." They both chorus and said goodbye to Mrs Camila who was still insisting that Mylar stays with her, Mr Julian assured her that Mylar would live with them and that was when Mrs Camila finally calm down. They went outside to wait for the driver to bring the car to the front.

"I didn't think his dad will easily accept you but I am glad at how things turned out." Vida said to Mylar as they were waiting.

"I am glad too but I don't really think I can let them keep my child after giving birth, it's isn't easy for me to let go of a part of me just like that." Mylar said with sadness showing on her face.

"I know it's hard but we both know, you can't take care of the child, we could just tell them that you should be allowed to visit your child from time to time. What about that?" Vida asked.

"That's a very good idea." Mylar said, she never thought of that, this way her child will know she exist.

Hi!!! called a lovely voice from behind them, they both turned around quickly and saw the tall masculine guy with the cutest smile. Vida raised waved her hand in front of her with a stupid smile on her face.

"Hi." They both replied, they didn't notice him earlier because of all the chaos.

"I don't think the driver is coming anytime soon, why don't you do me the honors of allowing me to take you to your house." Elio said with a smile.

"And who might you be?" Mylar asked and Vida pinched her hand a little. Mylar looked at Vida with both an annoyed and surprise look on her face, why would Vida pinch her like that, she only did that when she doesn't want her to talk.

"We don't really mind you dropping us off. Maybe you could tell us more about yourself on the way." Vida said and his hand, this really surprised him and Mylar.

He drove them to Mylar's house in his black exotic electric car, a porsche taycan turbo S. Vida sat comfortably in the front after begging Mylar to seat at the back, Mylar agreed and sat quietly the back. The car was super fast and so beautiful, both in and out. After a little of driving in silence, Vida broke the silence by asking.

"You haven't told us who you are yet. We are afraid you might be a kidnapper." He looked at her slightly with a smile and turned his gaze back to the road.

"What a question to ask after riding in his car for over twenty minutes." Mylar thought to herself.

He looked at Mylar in the rear view mirror, she wasn't even looking at them, she seemed busy with her own thoughts. He then replied Vida's question.

"I am Elio, Mr Julian's second child and Camilo's younger brother."

Mylar suddenly showed interest, she looked at Elio from behind with shock written on her face. It was indeed rather shocking, everyone knew Camilo have a brother but no one has ever seen him before and who could believe that his brother was such a gentleman. Vida smiled, though she was shocked but she was also glad to be privileged to meet him, he is such a charming young man with great looks as well unlike his asshole of a brother.

"Though Camilo is more handsome and sexier than him but who cares, this guy's a better person than Camilo." Vida thought to herself.

"Camilo's brother." Mylar exclaimed loudly, he heard her and smile.

"Yes I am but do not see me like Camilo because I am nothing like him. His is an exact copy of his dad and I am, of my mom." Elio said to her, he didn't want them to see him differently now that they knew who he was. After getting to Mylar's house, Elio off the engine and turned towards Mylar, then he said to her with sincerity.

"I am sorry for whatever pain my brother caused you. He's just like that, an asshole, a total jackass and fucking arrogant billionaire, his money gets into his head and makes him think, he can do whatever he wants. I need you to trust me and to also be free to ask me for whatever you and the child might need, I will make sure to give it to you." Mylar thanked him for his kindness, he got out of the car, went around and opened the door for Mylar and then went to open the door for Vida like the gentleman that he was. Vida smiled, she has never been treated like this before.

From afar, someone came approaching them with a big fake smile on her face, it was Mrs Linda, Mylar's annoying landlady. She called out to Mylar sweetly as she saw Elio carrying her bag, she felt that the father of her child was finally here to take his child and he also seemed rich from the way he was dressed, so she wanted to be nice to Mylar now.

"Mylar! You are welcome back, I have been waiting for you, I thought I check up on my pregnant tenant but it's seems the father of the child is already here to check up on his child."

Mylar remembered how the landlady called her a slut who opens here legs for every man, she even went ahead to threaten her, she told her that she was going to send her out of house soon but all of a sudden, she is now acting all sweet, it's obviously because she saw Elio and his fancy car.

"Oh that's so sweet of you. You lying old witch" Vida said mocking her.

"I might be a lying witch but we all know that Mylar's is knocked up right?" The old woman replied Vida's taunting now mocking Mylar, she had forgotten all about her plan of being nice to her.

"She isn't knocked up, she is my brother's girlfriend and they both love each other very much. It is because of their love for each other that they are having this child, don't see me as a liar, i mean whatever I say. Tomorrow morning, Mylar is leaving this house of yours to live in the Mansion owned by Julian Wylder her soon to be father in-law." Elio said in order to defend Mylar and make the old lady chew her words. Miss Linda was totally dumbstruck by what she heard.

"Julian Wylder, famous billionaire and father to two billionaires." Miss Linda exclaimed in shock. Mylar and Vida smiled seeing her reaction, Elio wanted to get her even more shocked.

"And do you even know who she is getting married to?" Miss Linda shakes her head from left in response to what he asked.

"Camilo Wylder and she is going to be my sister in-law and do you know who I am? Elio Wylder, younger brother of Camilo Wylder." Her legs suddenly became weak and she almost fell, the shock was too much. They left her in that state and went away to Mylar's room.

"Thank you so much." Mylar said with a heart of gratitude, Elio smiled and said to her.

"You don't have to thank me, that old lady kinda deserved it."

They said their goodbyes to each other and he went away. Vida placed her hand on her heart with a sweet smile on her face, Mylar looked at her and pinched her shoulder.

Arghhh!!! She yelled in pain.

"What was that for?" She asked yelling at Mylar.

"Why was your face like that? That smile, what was that for?" Mylar asked her. Vida held Mylar's hand and pleaded with her.

"Please Mylar, since he is going to be your brother in-law, can you please hook us up? I like him, his super sweet and so cute. Please!!!" Mylar started laughing and said to her.

"Crazy bitch, let's go inside."

She went inside and Vida ran after her.

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