
46 Tour of New Home

Kitty starts to eat the pasta that she was served. 'This is pretty tasty.' She goes over the words that Luke said. "Hmmmmmm. Darling, why is it that the staff here do not question why Luke or myself have ears and a tail? Not that it is a bad thing I am merely just curious."

Leo got his food last and didn't mind in the least. "That is because I have found that if the staff are paid more than enough they would never betray me. None of them would want to lose this job and also it is in the contract that they all signed. There is a gardener, cook, two maids, and my butler Edgar. Sometimes I bring in outside help as well but they too are also sworn to secrecy. So if there is something that you need you can feel free to ask any one of them. Edgar has the contact numbers for my trusted outside sources. If you want to cook I am sure the cook would let you use the kitchen. Also for three days out of the month I give every one of my workers time off." He starts to eats the pasta.

Seeing Leo eat, Luke starts to dig into the food. "The night before the full moon, the full moon night and the night after the full moon. I don't want to cause anyone harm, so the staff always have those days off," he says this when the maid is out of earshot. "I would not be able to handle it if I hurt a human. I really hope that I do not cause you any harm but for some reason, I feel that I wouldn't be able too even if I accidentally tried. I think it might be as I see you as the mate of my alpha but I do feel that there is more to it than that." The facial expression on his face is one that is deep contemplation.

Cindy watches everything and stays quiet and eats her meal. 'This is not something I can really comment on but it is useful information.'

'That makes a lot of sense. I can imagine that with being a hunter Leo needs discrete workers anyways.' Kitty eats more of her food. "Yes, you may actually be right with that assumption. With me carrying your alpha's child would affect you. It could also be that I myself am a clan leader and your body is naturally cautious because it senses something is very different from what you would expect. I'm a hybrid so that can definitely set off alarms for most supernatural beings. I've had some run away from me because of the fear they felt," she shrugs and drinks some of her water then finishes off her food. "Darling, when you are done eating please show me around so that I can figure out where we should move everything that needs to be moved into the house while you go back to my hometown."

Leo finishes his meal and looks over at her, "Of course I will do so. I can show you what available open rooms there are and you can decide which ones you want to convert to whatever you think would be best." He gets up and holds out his hand to her and then leads her away. He tours the house and shows her their room first. "This is our room from now onwards. The room across from us and the room next to us is empty."

Kitty walks to the room across from theirs first and opens it up. She explores how it looks and notices that is clean even though it is an unused room. "I think that this is the best room for the nursery. It's a good size for a baby not too big but not too small either. I will get Luke to set up all the baby stuff in here. I will do the clothing and such but the crib is something that he or even Cindy can do." She leaves the room and goes down to the room next to their room and opens it up. "Hmmmmmm. I imagine that you already have a study and that it is rather full, so maybe we could make this room my study? I have way too many books and it might not be a good idea to mix your books and mine up."

"Using this room as a study is a good idea that way there is no issue if we are a little loud but then again you can use your magic to block out the sound. Not mixing our books together is a good idea. Are you going to look in our room?" He looks at the bare room and starts to plan on contracting a contractor to come in and remodel the room. "I can message my contractor and see if he can come in to do the room today." He pulls out his phone and takes pictures and sends them to the contractor. ~Can you please come and remodel this room to be a study? I would prefer the sooner the better. The room size is roughly fourteen by eighteen. Just send me a quote and let me know when you can come and get it done.~

The contractor opened his phone and smiled when he saw the contact name. 'I love doing jobs for Leo. He is easy to please and always gives me all the information I need to get the job done' He quickly replies back, ~I am almost done with the job I am working on I will be there in an hour. If that works for you then I will see you then.~

Kitty had blushed at his comments but didn't reply to them. She watches Leo text on his phone, then she leaves the room to go and explore the bedroom. She opens the door and sees a rather big room. 'This big room would feel lonely if I am here alone a lot but I am sure I could get used to it over time.' She opens the closet and sees that there is a lot of spare room. She walks around the room exploring everything. "You don't use this room very much, do you?"

"No, I do not stay here as often of some of my other places but this is going to be our home. I will come here more often now that you and our baby will be here. The contractor will be here in about an hour. I think I will stay at least until the contractor gets here that way I can help you give him direction you would like to go. Then I think I should head back and deal with the other issue at hand." He walked up beside her smiling sadly. "There are still other rooms that I need to show you. If you don't remember where the rooms are you can always ask Luke. You seem to have hit off well with him. I am glad that he accepts you."

"Yes, he is a good kid. We are similar and yet very different so it is easy to see how we get along. I would like to continue the tour before the contractor arrives. Do not be so sad. I know that this is hard to accept but it is something that needs to happen. Just come home as soon as you able too." She takes his hand and pulls him out of the room and points to the room beside the now designated nursery room, "Who's room is that?"

"That is an empty guest room. It might be wise to let Cindy use that room and the last room is also empty. There are more rooms on the other side of the house but they are mostly empty or they are empty guest rooms. When the baby is a toddler I was thinking that we should move the child to the other side of the house. Luke has moved his room over there already." He starts to lead her down the stairs and then they went away from the dining room area and went towards the living room. "As you can tell this is the living room and if you go through this door you will reach the billiards room." He opens the door and steps in, "have you ever played pool before?"

No, I have yet to play. I have played chess but never have I had the opportunity to play pool." Kitty pokes her head in the room and sees the interesting table. "Will you teach me how to play when you are home?" She closes the door.

"Yes, I can teach you when we have time. So if you go down to the basement through the door across from this room you will reach the gym. I had a bunch of equipment set up so that Luke could work out and burn off all his excess energy. There is a sauna down there as well. The only other room down this hallway is my study. I took out a few rooms to make the study bigger and I still don't have that much room left." Leo leads her through the dining room and then points to the kitchen, "This is the kitchen if you need anything you can talk to the cook and he will cook it up for you." Leo keeps walking to a door to the outside and opens it. "There is a heated pool and hot tub so if you want to go swimming feel free to do so."

She steps outside and looks at the pool. "You have a wonderful house. I am lucky that I now get to live here with you. Thank you for showing me around. I know that this is going to be where I am living from now and I am looking forward to it. I will miss you while you are gone but I understand that you still have your duties." She goes back inside and heads back to the dining room. "If you two are done eating we need to empty the van before Leo leaves and heads back to his vacation spot."

Yesterday's just a memory, tomorrow is never what it's supposed to be.

--Bob Dylan Read

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