
18 Kitty's Premonition Dream

Leo took in the information from Julie. "I think I can handle the pain. I want to be with Kitty no matter what." He looked down at Kitty. "Is that why you don't call Julie Grandmother?"

"Julie requested that I call her by her name so that we can honour Grandmother Margret. I will be teaching you how to completely conceal your presence, not that you are bad at it but not one hundred percent perfect either." Kitty lets out a giggle. "I have a few unique powers that are not recorded in any of our books: the name reading, foreseeing the future, and the barriers. The reason for my uniqueness is from my father's bloodline. He wasn't a human turned fox demon but a warlock. So I have inherited magical powers that are not normally present. I was learning magic from him as well as learning all about my clan. My studies never ended." She sat up and took the tea that Julie brought to her. "Thank you, Julie. Also, Will is awake, so could you open the door, Leo? He should be heading over."

Leo got up and opened the door. "Morning, Will. Coffee is in the pot, and breakfast will be here in roughly thirty minutes."

"Morning. It looks like everyone has gathered already?" Will walked into the kitchen and poured a cup of coffee, and searched the cupboard for sugar to add to the blacker than usual coffee.

"It wasn't intentional." Leo looked at Kitty to see how she wanted to proceed.

"I believe that it is my fault that Julie had to come to the room. Which I should explain now that we are all here. I won't be able to have the baby in town here. Julie, we need to work on transferring all the young out of the village. I will leave the older generation to decide whether they want to leave to go to safety or stay here. Of course, I will not force the young to leave either they do have a choice as well. All the books in the cottage need to be moved. I will be taking them with me. In one week's time, all the fox demons who stay will be killed. That is what I saw in my premonition dream." Kitty drank the calming tea. "The safest place to hide the books will be in Leo's house. I deduct that it would also be the safest place to be and since Leo has hidden Luke at one of his places, so that is also where I will go."

Julie looked at Kitty. "I will not be joining you. I wish to stay here and let my feelings rest in peace."

"Yes, Julie, I understand that you want to stay, and I will allow you to stay. I wouldn't be able to convince you to come with us even if I tried. It was foreseen that you would stay here. Your other wish will be granted as well. I will undo the mark and let you remarry, Grant. I know that you didn't request it to be done because of my current state, but we no longer have the time to mess around. He is a good fit for you." Kitty looked at Julie sadly, but also, it was full of respect. Kitty got up off of the couch and opened the door. "Grant. Thank you for bringing breakfast; please come in."

Grant brought in all the food. "Kitty. I'm happy that I could make breakfast for everyone." Grant smiled and bought the food to the table. "Julie, what's wrong?" He walked up to her and gently touched her cheek; his face was full of worry and love.

"Grant plans have changed, and I need everything to go as foreseen. You, Julie and I will go back to Julie's room. I am going to give the two of you your request." Kitty pulled out the contents of breakfast. She put Julie's food back in the bag and went to the door. "Leo and Will, you two stay here. I'll be back in a little bit." She opened the door and went down to Julie's room.

Grant helped Julie up and walked back to the door. He wasn't sure what to say. So he nodded his head at the guys, and the two left the room.

Will stared at the door, then at Leo. "What is going on, Leo? I don't understand anything right now."

Leo let out a sigh. 'My wife-to-be is amazing.' He thought about how to explain the situation to Will. "Headquarters is going to attack the town at the end of my vacation. I think they're planning this so that if I am no longer human, they can justify ending me. Kitty is calling the shots to help take care of the people she has living here, and I will help her out as much as I can. There is almost a guarantee that your time here will also be extended for a second time. Traitors are not treated kindly after all." Leo shrugs while sighing.

"I can see them doing that. So we will need for Kitty to come back in order to get the ball rolling?" Will walked over to the table and opened the bag that had his name on it. "I don't understand how Kitty is going to grant Julie's and Grant's request. I do believe that was his name?"

"Will, I don't understand that part all that well myself but let them sort it out. For now, let us eat and wait for Kitty to come back." Leo sighed and walked to the table. 'I don't like lying to Will, but there are some things he doesn't need to completely understand.

Kitty opened Julie's room door, walked in, placed the food down on the table and walked over to the bedroom. She heard the two come into the room. "Julie, take off your shirt and lay down on the bed." Kitty walked to the left side of the bed.

Julie took off her shirt and laid down. Grant moved to the right side of the bed and asked, "are you approving of her remarriage to me?"

"En. I would rather the two of you be happy at the end together than lonely and get separated." Kitty leaned down over Julie's mark that her grandfather had given her many years ago. She traced the mark backwards, and slowly the mark evaporated. After she finished removing the mark, she smiled. "It has been undone. Grant, it is your turn. I acknowledge that the two of you will honour this pact to protect one another for the rest of your days." Kitty got up and left the room. She slowly walked back to the room. The hallway was slightly spinning and started to have issues focussing. She leaned on the door frame and was breathing heavily.

Leo and Will both felt the presence at the door. Leo shot up from his chair and quickly opened the door. He looked at her, leaning on the doorway. "I'm going to pick you up." He quickly scooped her up and carried her to the bed. Gently he laid her down. "I should've gone with you." Leo was blaming himself.

Kitty had fallen asleep after he picked her up. She was wholly relaxed lying on the bed. "Mmmm. It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself. I just need some rest." She mumbled the words gently and then fell back asleep.

“A moment comes when the true self reveals itself. That moment comes when you are willing to be unconditionally present in the imperfection of this moment. A simple change of attitude; instead of chasing after perfection, you allow a total and profound surrendering to the imperfection of the moment.”

— Tyohar

“Feelings could override facts, as facts could alter feelings. Choose the truth first, rather than following after feelings.”

― Anthony Liccione

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