
Unknown Light

This Is a story of a boy and a girl that wanted to explore the world......... If you want to know what's gonna happen next please read it.

llLinctll · ファンタジー
5 Chs

A difficult challenge

"this dungeon sure is big and looks hard to finish" Linct said.

"So everyone, this dungeon has fiends and trap so be careful" Ambrosius said.

"Yes sir" the students said.

So the students entered to the 7th floor, many of them was trap there.

"This is the only magic that I learn, light magic sure is hard but I'll master it" Linct said it in his mind.

"Common magic: floating light shards" Linct said.

Suddenly 2 light shards float and attack the fiend.

"Wow, so your good at magic now Linct" Elizia said.

"So do you Elizia you really are good at bow" Linct said.

So all the students fought and others got trap.

30 Minutes later

"Elizia, that sure was hard" Linct said.

"Yeah it was but at least we past them 7th floor" Elizia.

"So is everyone ok?" Ambrosius said.

"Uhmm sir how did you get here fast?" Linct said.

"I told you right this is my dungeon, this dungeon is one of my sacred magic, but this magic can cost your life" Ambrosius said.

"But how did you use it without causing your life?" the students said.

"Because this is the only magic I can use, since I was a kid, I was the only one who cannot use magic in the royal kingdom, my parents said I should stop learning magic, but I dont want to.

But one day a powerful mage came to my school to test us, but when she saw me that I cannot use any magic she was disappointed, she said "I know its hard for you to use magic why don't you leave this school and live a normal life" and I said "No, even though I can't use any magic I want to learn it" then she said "fine then if you want to use a powerful magic then I can give it to you but in exchange don't come back to this school" then she hold my hand and said.

"Share magic: Magical dungeon"

And that magic runs through my body, so I left the school since I promise to left, then when I got home I told my parents about it and ask them that I want to build a school so they agreed, and in that way I want to teach students and tell them that.

"Even if you don't like your magic keep them because all of you are gifted". Ambrosius said.

"So in your school everyone can past even if you fail?" Linct said.

"Correct, so you should better run now, because this dungeon is fading slowly" Ambrosius said.

So everyone run as fast as they can, some of them fall and forgot there team.

"Linct don't let go your hand off me" Elizia said.

"Ok" Linct said.

So they reach the 6th floor, they were only a hundreds of the students left.

"I fell sorry for the ones that did not reach here" Linct said.

"Me too but at least we survived, and they still passed" Elizia said.

"I see, so many students is still left in the 7th floor" Ambrosius said.

"I don't really care what happened to my partner sir, he was too slow" a student said. "So that means you should find him if you wanna continue" Ambrosius said.

"What! , after I run here on the top by my self im gonna fine him, pathetic" the student said. Suddenly Ambrosius pick her and trow her down in the 7th floor.

Hello everyone if you have a question in the story just comment me in the comment section

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