
Blind Date

IT'S ALREADY been five years ever since the opening of Jack's art exhibition. It has also been five years ago since she last saw the painting 'Hidden Light' in person. From then on, Hershey also developed interest on arts. Specifically on paintings. She did not try painting by herself nor does she ever plan to. She is already satisfied with admiring different paintings made by different artists. Even still, she couldn't understand the meaning of the paintings behind of every strokes and colors on it. She could not comprehend what the emotions or what the artist wants to deliver through their piece. However, she was now able to appreciate the beauty of it. Well, for paintings only.

Up until now, Hershey waits for Jack's invitation for his next art exhibition. But it's already been five long years since that day! Hershey already have doubts that her father might be the reason for it. Her father surely blocked her from receiving any invites from him.

She did try to tell her father about the Hidden Light that she really admired so much. That's why, she asked her father if she could gain any information more about Jack. This probably made her father misunderstood her intentions.

"No," her father firmly said that day.


"You're interested with only the painting right? Why do you want to know more about Jack?"

"I want to meet him again to talk more about the painting. I want to know how he made it and what was he thinking when he made it. For some reason, I was really drawn to that painting pa. "

Reed sighed at Hershey's reason. "Then, you don't have to. Jack is a busy person and he does not have any time for silly things like chatting. Currently, he is in France for a new project. You should find something else to do, rather than thinking about useless stuff like this"


"This conversation is over, Hershey. If you're interested with the Hidden Light, then just think about that painting itself. You don't need to think about that Jack since he have also told you that he won't sell it, right? He won't be able to give you what you want, so just give up. Anyway, I still have a lot of things to do. Go now and do whatever you need to do", was the words that her father once said to end their discussion about Jack.

However, Hershey was still able to get a little information about Jack after five years. She learned that Jack is not Jack's real name. It was only his artist's name, and that he had already held several other exhibitions in different countries. She was not able to go nor did she received any invitations. Nevertheless, Jack's promise that he will display the Hidden Light painting on his every exhibit had been kept.

She jumped in surprise when she heard a knock on the door.

"Come in", she said after she exits from the gallery on her phone. She was staring at the Hidden Light painting saved on her photos. It had already became a habit of hers on looking at that picture everyday.

"Your father is looking for you, my lady", the maid informed her.

Hershey could not believe what she just heard. Did the maid just said that her father was looking for her? That's so unusual. Not only did she were not able to go to any other art exhibition held by Jack, her father also rarely calls for her.

Wait, no. She should not be excited or anything. Her father might be asking her for other reasons. It might not be what she's thinking. But, she still couldn't help but to hope that her father will entrust her a new task just like five years ago. She wants to be noticed and prove herself useful to his father.

"Alright. Where is he?", Hershey asked perfectly hiding her excitement.

"He's currently at the office. He told me that you should dress up and make yourself presentable before going there. Your father also have already made the other preparations that is needed"

Hershey tilts her head in confusion, "Preparation for what? What's going on?"

"I see that your father forgot to inform you again. He sets you up to a blind date. You'll be meeting your father first to orient you for a bit"

Hershey's mouth slightly went open as she was did not expect what the maid just said. But, she was able to compose herself easily. She understood it quickly and accepts what her father intends her to do.

"I got it. I'll go fix myself up now", she said as she smiled.


The waiter guided her to the table that were reserved for them. Right after she sat down, the guy she has been set up to by her father also just arrived.

"Hi," she stood up again to greet him.

The guy smiled at her and offer a handshake. "Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Kian"

"I'm Hershey. You may just call me Shey."

Both of them sat down. The waiter puts down a glass of water and gave them the menu. The two of them ordered their meal.

"Sorry, I'm not used to this so I'm not really sure what to talk about" Kian said apologetically to break the silence between them.

Hershey gave a small giggle which surprisingly broke the awkwardness between them. "It's alright. I'm also just new from this kind of things. It's my first time going out with a guy, you see"

"Really? Does that also mean thay you've never been on a relationship before?"

"Yeah. Although, there was some guys who showed their intentions to court me, my father probably made a way to stop all of them. Besides, I was also not that interested at that time"

Kian nodded to acknowledge what she was saying. "Does that mean you're interested now, since you're here?"

Before Hershey could give her answer, the appetizer they've ordered arrived first. Hershey let the waiter serve the food on their table. When the waiter finally left, she took a quick taste on the food.

She smiled then finally answered, "If my father is interested, then I probably am as well. Besides, you look just fine"

"Ah haha, thanks. So you're not forced to come here, right?"

"No, why? Are you forced to come here?" Hershey returned the question as she enjoyed another bite from the appetizer.

"If I'm gonna be honest with you, my parents sets me up with different ladies for me to marry. Of course, all of them came from a rich family just like you. I don't really like things like this, that's why I avoided all of them. But this time, I wasn't able to get away"

Hershey nodded to tell him that she understands. If she was a normal person, she probably would hate things like this as well. However, she does not have any desires or any dreams like the guy who is in front of her. So, she's just fine with whatever.

"Oh! Please don't misunderstand me. You are really pretty and I'm very lucky to be the first guy you've ever dated. That's just my personal view from this situation." Kian immediately said.

"It's fine, don't worry about it. I actually appreciate it that you were honest about it. I hope you'll do so more in the future. If things didn't worked out, or if you find a way to break the arrangement that our parents set, then I at least still want to be your friend"