
Unknown in the abyss

the unknown is all that awaits. we look out into the darkness and see only are selfs.. only in light can we see past are self. this is a journey of an unknown in the abyss. no plans just going. no real goal just moving. no path in sight... I'll make one. please leave.

jakobi_fling · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Chapter. 3 The Meeting Part 2

Niensors stare on the two caused a cold sweat to slightly dampen their backs as they approached in a slow but steady manner.

'Now that they have decided to approach I should promptly figure out how I may communicate without looking like a simple cave dweller as my lack of decorum may suggest. I may as well try that; I believe master called it a guide. Maybe if I just focus on it, ah there it is.'

[ Imput Query ]

'Ok maybe this will work.'

[ Alternative method of communication? ]

[ There are six hundred twenty eight different ways of communication. One hundred and twelve available to be used in your current state, and only five reliable methods for this encounter that can be used with a minimal learning curve. ]

'Far more than I could have dared to imagine.

[ Listed in order of most useful

One. Terra forming

Two. Writing

Three. Intent

Four. Thought projection

Five. Hand signals

Of the five above number one will be simple and necessary to learn in order to fulfill your duties as well will have the least possible negative percussions if you choose to magically communicate.

Two is the most direct and efficient method with no learning curve. Three requires a bit of magic to radiate your intentions, however only vaguely defined in the beginning it will be useful when dealing with non-sentient creatures.

Four is similar to three but far more direct and if your control of magic wavers it could easily cripple a fellow novice especially when unprepared. Five is....]

'Not important I most certainly will not act as a fool trying to learn and communicate in a way unknown to my self at the same time. Thus my options are only one and two, or rather two by the means of one.

[ Tera forming is an exclusive magic not to be confused with tera shift that allows the movement of terrain with a very extensive magic drain as Tera forming can only be used in the abyss drawing on your shared connection to shape mold and change anything around you.

To practice first point your index finger at the ground or nearest surface then focus your will and concentration on the tip of your finger.

Then slowly lower the finger tip to the surface; you will observe the fingertip start to glow in a very deep violet as it nears its destination.

Now for the final part while still holding focus start imaging what you want to happen when the contact occurs, and at the moment of contact release your control and feel as though you send your imagery out into the surrounding area. ]

Back to the adventurous pair..

'We're nearing em but I still haven't thought of anything to possibly lessen any backlash we'll receive do to are actions. Wait it's started moving its gaze is softer almost vacant.

The expression it holds appears to be somber as the gaze seems to suddenly fixate on something unnoticeable atleast by my eyes. After a moment the eyes twitch and ridicule appear briefly on the face ahead, and almost just as quickly a resounding focus appears one so strong...'

"He looks constipated; do you think he may have to...?"

Dread, absolute dread appears on Daudres face

'No have mercy please don't finish that sentence!'


The darkness encroached the crestfallen and moronic duo. Suddenly a muffled laugh was heard deep, dark, and crackaling.

'no one will know what happened if there is no one to talk about it!'

The two stood frozen watching as the creature slowly brought its finger to the floor as a glow illuminated the tip then contact...




There was a sudden wetness across Daudres face and he decided to wipe it off only to see red; confused but keeping an eye on the creature he asked Mable "Are you really drinking right now?" Wine was difficult to clean from his fur.

After a moment "Hey answer me." Still hearing no response he turned his head to Mable only to find her head still against his shoulder a small smirk blood leaking from the corner of her lips, and a stone needle in bedded in her throat gushing blood. 'No. no. NO!'


""Stop day dreaming Daudre!""

"Huff, huff, huff." 'What was, but she was. Ah thought projection; I was so focused I thought she said that aloud damn it.'

Mable now found with her arms lightly rapped around Daudres neck staring worryingly into his eyes. sighing he feels his worries and fears disappear with just the sight of her being without injury.

""Daudre are you ok? You look like you've eaten Nellis cooking again.""

""Mable be merciful please; my heart can't handle much more distress in the name of one of your quips.""

Giving a small pout Mable nodds a bit sadly fully realizing that her joke wasn't appreciated at this time.

Calming his heart and refocusing on his other cause of worry Daudre sees the figure start to lift a finger. 'No, no this isn't.'

The finger starts to glow.

Breaking the silence that had been on going in this cavernous hall Daudre starts to yell.

"Mable get down now!" He rapidly rotates his body to face Mable and then grabs and covers her with himself pulling her down in the process believing that is all he can do to protect her.

Having done this he waits for the eminent attack, and waits, and waits longer only to find a wide eyed dazed Mable below himself not at all understanding what is happening, and no attack launched as he presumed would come.

Blinking at each other trying to come to an understanding they raise their heads look at their audience who they find in self pity and embarrassed for them baffled by their actions.

Now feeling embarrassment of their own they sit up and simply wait for the spectator to continue their action.

'They must see me as an animal, a beast ready to attack at a moments notice! I'm sure if only I had clothes on I would be seen as the man I..No I must calm down and try again hopefully they will not respond the same this time.'

Once again he raises his finger then with a glow about it he drops it picturing the hall with floating flames of blue to illuminate the area, and an easy conversion and explanation engraved in the walls to help himself in this situation.

Suddenly Blue Wisps of flame appear and hover above. The stone walls become engraved with ancient text unfortunately unknown by the two however these changes carry an understanding that at the very least they find to be quite benevolent.

"These are the same kind of wisps that light the houses of our clan!" states a rather excited Mable.

"What language is this written in? I believe it should be in the enchiridon; it does hold many of the ancient and uncommon languages and other useful information so it might just have it."

Pulling a thick and well worn book from his rucksack he flips through the pages comparing the contents to the wall ahead.

During this spectacle Niensor simply watches with understanding that his hopes of communication are dashed if not only delayed.

'This might be a good thing if they must translate my writing as it will give me time to get my apparel in order. They're sufficiently distracted so I'll just shift to my storage chest and come back with no more shame to my name.'

<Shift: a spell to teleport to a known space.>

<Till next time "peace".>

Ok took a little longer to write then planned. unfortunately I really don't know how to be comedic in writing or serious for that matter some may have noticed the tag DARK for the book but that is more literal then anything of course gore will be present but generally I'm a lighter writer and I'm very poor at writing a psychological or suspenseful piece but I'm new and plan on improving. as always yep still winging it only very lightly planned in the most general sense.

jakobi_flingcreators' thoughts