
Unknown hero

On hiatus. Focusing on other novel for now. System unlocked. Potential Level 500 fighter. Enter name - ... the name is ... the name is.. The year is 4069. Earth has developed drastically and now is on type 2 civilization. In this world now people live by how strong they are according to their levels. The strong dominates weak and seeks for more stronger power. Harvey brights a student of overdrive highschool is a victim of bullying since he entered the first year. He never tried to fight back the bullies but instead told the teachers but they would not listen to him. Harvey gets angry about school authorities doing nothing. Now what will Harvey do about it. Will he sit back and take the abuse or will he face slap them all.

Zukashi_zuno · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Extra chapters

Harvey and rengar outside a building where they are going to work.

Stands with a mouth open what in the world expression.

"Are you sure about working here?" Harvey questioned Paul while pointing at the building.

" Umm... why are we here..." Rengar questioned paul still looking at the building.

" Don't worry let's go in, no need to worry " Paul with both hands on both of their shoulders brought them inside the...


Sorry for not uploading recently. My internet was not nice and I had been sick so forgive me, my friends.

Thank you!

Zukashi_zunocreators' thoughts