
Unknown hero

On hiatus. Focusing on other novel for now. System unlocked. Potential Level 500 fighter. Enter name - ... the name is ... the name is.. The year is 4069. Earth has developed drastically and now is on type 2 civilization. In this world now people live by how strong they are according to their levels. The strong dominates weak and seeks for more stronger power. Harvey brights a student of overdrive highschool is a victim of bullying since he entered the first year. He never tried to fight back the bullies but instead told the teachers but they would not listen to him. Harvey gets angry about school authorities doing nothing. Now what will Harvey do about it. Will he sit back and take the abuse or will he face slap them all.

Zukashi_zuno · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Another unknown hero.

Weeks passed by, the people seemed to have forgotten about the overhauls. The students in the third year were very less compared to when overhaul were there.

They felt as if something was missing but couldn't find what was missing and thought of forgetting about it.

It was Tuesday. Harvey went to school alone again as Paul and rengar were admitted to the hospital.

The people thought Paul and rengar were in hospital due to a big accident.

Harvey just like every regular day entered the classroom but there was one person who was always doubting him.

Kai Dakota.

Kai Dakota always asked about what happened on the rooftop and to the overhauls whenever he finds Harvey alone.

Harvey tried not to come in contact with Kai.

He kept wondering why Kai is still able to remember those things.

Harvey at last after one week of curiosity and avoiding contact with Kai asked how does he remember about the overhauls.

Kai dodged the question and instead told Harvey to answer his question first.

Harvey had no other choice and told Kai to meet him at a manga cafe.

Kai agreed to it happily.

The school was over. Harvey told Kai to meet him at manga cafe 5 blocks down from school.

Kai asked Harvey why don't go together to the manga cafe.

Harvey said that he had some work to deal with at home and told him that at 4:30 he will be there.

Harvey ran off from school in a hurry.

Kai curious about Harvey decided to follow Harvey home.

Kai was following Harvey but Harvey could see kai following him because Kai was not trying to hide that he was following Harvey.

Harvey turned back, Kai smiled at him.

This happened more than 5 times until they reached the zebra cross.

Harvey coming towards Kai furiously asked

" Why are you following me!!?"

Kai with a smile told, " I will help you with your work and then we can go to the manga cafe faster."

Harvey told Kai that he doesn't need help and not to follow him but...

Kai still follows him.

Harvey once the traffic light hit green ran as fast as he could trying to leave kai behind.

Kai was still behind him running at almost the same speed.

Harvey tried running away faster only to his shock to see kai running beside him.

Harvey then suddenly stopped, taking brake from his foot to stop himself.

Kai also did the same but a little further ahead.

" Why did you stop?" Kai asked.

Harvey with a confused face asked kai " Who are you?"

Kai spoke, " I am Kai Dakota."

Harvey shook his head " No no no no no, not your name. Who are you? How were you able to catch up to my speed?"

" Catch up your speed?" Let me tell you that at the manga cafe.

" How dare you use my words against me..." Harvey with an expressionless face told Kai.

" Well, I am giving you the taste of your own medicine," Kai spoke pointing his fingers towards Harvey.

Harvey continued looking with his expressionless face.

He shook his face and said, " Ok, Instead of going to the manga cafe come with me to my house."

" So now you want me to follow you at your house?" Kai spoke with his fingers rubbing his chin.

" If you don't want then fine go away," Harvey spoke while looking like he was going to walk off.

" Chill I am just joking, now show me the way to your house." Kai grabbing Harvey's shoulder spoke.

Harvey couldn't believe that the coldest and smartest looking guy in the class was so talkative and sarcastic.

He never even thought that this person Kai Dakota would be the one speaking and behaving like this.

" *Sighs. Okay, then let's go. You are completely different from the way you look." Saying that Harvey and Kai walked together towards his home.

" So, who do you live with?" Kai asked Harvey.

" I live alone..." Harvey replied.

" Alone? Where are your parents? Are they abroad?" Kai curiously asked.

Harvey started zoning out hearing the word parents.

He had a flashback of what happened 7 years ago.

" Harvey go and hide under the basement ok! Mama and papa are going to take care of this matter." Harvey's mother spoke to Harvey while holding his face in a caring and loving way.

She hugged Harvey and told him with tears and a smile in her eyes. " Harvey, no matter where you go and what you don't be harsh to kind people."

"Mama? why are you crying? Papa, why is mommy crying?" A 10-year-old Harvey questioned.

His father knelt on the floor handing Harvey a small microchip " Son, you are now 10 years old, you may not understand what is happening now. Once you are old enough to understand the world give this microchip to the person here in the photo. Here is the photo of him. He will come here to take you from the basement. Trust him ok."

Harvey's father handed him a photo of don and a microchip small as a memory card.

" Papa? Why are you crying too?" Harvey with tears asked his father and mother what is it that is making them cry.

Harvey's father and mother hugged Harvey and sent him to the basement.

"Papa! Mama! Why are you doing this?" Harvey shouted crying like a toddler.

"Mama and papa will meet you again someday ok Harvey. Be a strong boy till then." His mother spoke with tears streaming down her eyes.

" Honey let's go. We must not let them know about Harvey and the chip." Harvey's father told Harvey's mother.

" Yes, darling."

The basement door slowly closing. Harvey never saw his parents again after that.

Back from the flashback.

" Harvey!" Kai waves his hand in front of Harvey.

" Why are you crying?" Kai asked Harvey.

Harvey not knowing that he had tears rolling down from his eyes questioned " Crying? Oh sorry." Wiping his tears from the eyes.

" I just remembered something important. Sorry to shock you like that. Yes, my parents are abroad."

Harvey looked towards the sky " I wonder when will I be able to meet then again."

Kai had a confused face hearing Harvey's word but didn't want to further ask the question.

" Is that so, they will soon come to meet you. I hope." Kai with a smile answered.

Harvey wiping his tears thanked Kai for comforting him a bit.

They reached Harvey's house front gate.

It was just a normal looking house but spacious for just one person living there.

" Come in let's talk about the overhaul and your identity in my house," Harvey spoke.

Kai entered Harvey's house for the first time and spoke.

" Even being in type 2 civilization, we human are still living in this type of house but with better flexibility and unbreakable materials."

" Yes, that is what I do love about the type 2 civilization. So advanced in technology that we don't have to carry school bags just let our system show the book we need." Harvey while opening his shoes in the entrance spoke.

" What do you drink? Tea, coffee, cold drinks?" Harvey asked Kai.

" Just water will be fine," Kai responded.

Harvey looking back at kai with a brief pause said

" As you like, I will change my dress so you can sit on the T.V room left from here the first room." Harvey pointed out the direction and went to his room upstairs.

Kai went to the T.V room and sat there looking around the round.

He found a picture of Harvey's parents framed in a small frame on the desk.

He picked up the photo in his hands looking closely and assumed that they were Harvey's parents.

" Yeah, they are my parents." Harvey with a changed dress from the doorways told Kai.

" Oh, you look pretty childish here." Kai looking at the photo told Harvey.

" Yes because the photo was taken when I was 5 years old," Harvey responded.

" Now let's talk about what we came here for," Harvey spoke.

Kai and Harvey then sat on the opposite side of the table face to face started asking questions.

" Now you first, tell me what happened to overhauls," Kai asked.

Harvey told Kai everything that happened on the fight day.

Kai was shocked to hear that Harvey just annihilated them and killed most of the overhauls.

The overhaul members that are present now either went to another school or are missing.

Harvey then asked Kai that how he knew about overhauls even after he used memory manipulation on all the school and overhauls parents.

Kai with a smile told Harvey.

" You are an unknown hero right?"

Harvey again shocked, he didn't tell Kai about him being an unknown hero.

Harvey again asked Kai how does he know about it.

" So you are not denying being an unknown hero," Kai spoke.

" If you are an unknown hero you should know the spell you used who will it work on and to whom it will not work."

Harvey thought about it for a min and realised.

" Are you an unknown hero too?"

An unknown hero cannot use the status effect spell on another unknown hero that was the only conclusion he reached.

" It took you so long to know about it." Kai facepalming himself.

" Another unknown hero at my school? But don apostle didn't tell me about this," said Harvey.

" I never told you that I was sent by don apostle, did I?" Kai spoke.

" No, you didn't," Harvey responded.

Kai raising one eyebrow asked.

" I was sent by Terry and Chloe. Sounds familiar?"

" Terry, Chloe... that are the name of my parents. How do you know them?" Harvey with a shocked face asked Kai

Winking his eye at Harvey, Kai said" How do I know them? Because I am your mother's brother in law."

Harvey was still confused as his mother and father never told him about any relatives they had to him.

Harvey with a worried face asked Kai

" So can you tell me more about the relationship between you and my parents?"

Kai raising one eyebrow said

" Sure!"

Leave a review about my novel and tell me, what do you think about my stories.

Thank you for reading and continue reading! Sayonara..

Zukashi_zunocreators' thoughts