
Unknown Gift I Got In Fictional Universe Made Me OP!

He always had a truly terrifying luck around him. However one day, he died saving a child. However that wasn't the end. Since his death was not something the universe expected, it gave him a chance. He is allowed to choose or random choose one gift. and got one extra as a service. After he randomly chose one, he was sent to the universe of anime and movies. there he saw that his gifts are.... _______________________________________ The characters from each anime and movies are not mine. I'm just borrowing them for some fun. Also, he sometimes go to other universe to pass the time during each world main events. It won't be the worlds given below. Though if you have any recommendations, just comment the latest chapter! Though I won't be using their characters that often, they will still be in the story. Thanks for reading! _______________________________________ World's : 1.) One Piece (Currently!) 2.) Tensura 3.) ??? 4.) DxD 5.) ??? Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from these anime,series or movies. The only thing I own is my own characters, (OC)

Mad_Crazer · アニメ·コミックス
61 Chs

Chapter - 43 [ #V1.26 : Danmachi : Loki Again! ]

Ash and the new Freya enjoyed each other's company for a few years inside the time dilated Inner universe. Now she was wearing less revealing clothes, no more flirty unless it's him, and always with a smile that will make many like her even more than her past.

Ash exited with a intimate Freya who was hugging him tightly. Although her divinities changed, she was still the Freya others knows. The only difference is that, she was no more the goddess of Sex. Of course that means she wouldn't have sex with anyone else from now. What's more, she even said she will follow him wherever he goes, otherworld or anything different. For her absence, he have created a avatar that she can control remotely. She can enter inside whenever she wants so she doesn't have to miss her children or this world.

"It's only a day here, Freya. So they wouldn't be worried, but still, I'm sure Ottar must be wondering why we are not out yet."

He said, while patting her which she found more liking in their years inside the inner universe. She looked up at him with a sad eyes and said,

"Don't worry about him. But I will miss you..."

He chuckled and said,

"You are just like a certain goddess. You know, Hephaestus? She is also my lover. She, like you always say that she miss me even though we are close and can meet anytime you or she wants. So, if you want, just come to my home. Or just send me a message."

He tapped her forehead while saying that. Then, he pulled her to a passionate kiss and licked his lips making her blush. He pinched her cheek and chuckled again. After talking for a few more minutes, he left through the open door where Ottar was waiting for them.

Ottar only bowed and nodded. Ash did the same, but only nodding and left by teleporting. Ottar went towards his Goddess but showed a surprised face when he saw Freya looking different.

"Oh, Hey Ottar. How are you? Did you find anyone to marry? I hope you will show me your grandchildren one day...fufufufu.."

He was again stunned. He asked,

"Did something happened, Freya-sama? You look and talk.... differently?"

"Hm? Ah, that's because Ash helped me with something. I'm not longer the goddess of Sex, but a goddess of love. Ahh...Ash...I love you..."

Hearing his goddess, Ottar didn't know how to react. He doesn't have any knowledge about divinity or how it works. But seeing his goddess happy, he was fine with it.

"Ottar... notify those who I have my relationship with in the past...there is a list in the table I've wrote before. Tell them that I won't be the same anymore. I have found my true love..."

Ottar didn't think of this much, but did as he was told. When Ottar went to do her order, Freya fell to her bed, and squirmed while hugging her pillow.

"I never thought having someone like that would make me so happy.... Now I feel ashamed to face him because of my past...but he said he will accept me as long as I'm loyal to him. I don't want to think of a future without him... it's scary..."

She remembered their days together and squirmed more in her bed.


The reason that is him for Freya's change was going to meet another goddess. It was his other goddess lover.

'Though it went in a new direction i haven't planned for, the end result was something I desired. So it's fine. Though I feel a little bad for forcing her to make her go through all that. But that was necessary for a broken existence like her. Maybe to help her, i should tell Hephaestus about her.'

He walked a little and reached in front of her store and knocked on it. The one to open it was Tsubaki. She was surprised to see him, but immediately smiled and welcomed him in.

"Did you come here for Hephaestus-sama?"

He nodded. She opened the door towards her office, and stood outside. As he entered the room, Tsubaki closed it. Inside was a busy looking Hephaestus reading some documents and sealing them. Her eyes wanderered towards the door and finding him, she smiled widely.



She stood before him and bear hugged him in a tired manner. He patted her head and healed some of her tiredness and soar muscles. She wasn't noticing this, but was drawing circles on his chest with a relaxed smile.

"Then let me help you."

She nodded. He together with her read the documents, and when it needed her approval, he passed it to her, other than that, they did it after a few hours. After they were done, she fell to his lap on the couch and looked at his smiling face. But her eyes stared at his lips with a blush, which he found cute. He lowered himself a little, and she raised her head a little and kissed each other. Not lewdly, but more with affection.

"By the way, why did you come here today? Is there a news?"

Hephaestus suddenly asked. He nodded and explained what happened with Freya. Hephaestus blinked in shock and amazement before asking,

"So, you just changed the divinity of a goddess, just like that?"

He nodded.

"Though it wasn't intended, I think that was a good end result. Besides there's nothing we can do about it anymore unless I mind control her. And after spending time with her, I don't want to. After time, I leaned that she was only searching for a hero of her own, but her own divinity was going against her inner desires. Her own bodyily desires dominated her inner pure desires. And I don't think this incident will repeat, atleast not so easily. I think it is because she desired it. Because she desired true love, her unneeded divinity of sex changed to Divinity of Love. Well, that is my theory."

She nodded.

"I'll talk with her. Will you be staying over tonight?"

"No. It seems someone is still not had enough of my wrath. That joke of a goddess is going to regret her decisions soon..."

"Loki did something?"

"I don't know what. But I can sense her in my manor. I don't know why she is there. For now, I'll go back."

He gave her a kiss and left after she nodded.


Teleporting in from of Eternal Manor, Ash didn't have to open the door, as Haruhime appeared and opened the door welcoming him.

"Welcome back, Ash-sama. Loki-sama came again."

He nodded and went inside with Haruhime following him. He used his mask to hide his face. Inside was the goddess he doesn't wish to even talk, Loki and her familia. But this time, there was the others like, Finn Deimne their Captian, Gareth Landrock the dwarf, Bete Loga, the annoying wolf brat.

Seeing him entering, all stood other then Loki in respect for him. He didn't really cared for such things so he ignored her. He sat in the free seat near Tatsuya and Miyuki. Others were standing behind him. Haruhime served him tea and stood beside him for further orders.

He sipped his tea and looked at the goddess with his masked face and asked,

"So, what do you want, Loki?"

She snickered playfully, then said,

"I came here to apologize for our rudeness last time also introduce my other familia members to you. Last time, they weren't here, but with these guys included in our familia's main party."

She pointed towards the boys. They stood again and introduced themselves.

The Pallum was the first.

"My name is Finn Deimne, Captain of the Loki familia. It's nice to meet you, Ash-sama."

"My name is Gareth Landrock, an executive of Loki familia. Do you drink sake, Ash-sama?"

"Bete Loga. Executive as well. Nice to meet you."

Next was the girls. Last time, they didn't introduced themselves before he kicked them out, so he waited.

"My name is Riveria Ljos Alf, A High Elf, and Executive and Vice Captain of Loki familia. It's a pleasure to meet a new God.."

"I'm Tione Hiryute. Older twin of this girl here. Also an executive of Loki familia. Glad to meet you."

"Heya~ I'm called Tiona Hiryute~! Ash-sama, are you interested in an Amazoness~?"

"I'm Lefiya Viridis. It's an honour to be in presence of a another god."

In total, they were all fine. Riveria and Lefiya who were elves, had mad respect for him. Gareth was more of a drunkard than a possible good friend. Tiona was more of a bubbly type girl, but her older twin was more on the cold side. Finn also respected him genuinely. As for the werewolf brat, he was the most rude one. But he nodded his head and turned his attention back to Loki. Then asked,

"I remember telling you that your Familia and my Familia will not have anything to do with each other in the future?"

Loki wasn't upset but she nodded and said,

"That's correct. But as I said, i wanted to apologize. With your esteemed self that even Uranus respect, you know that I'm being honest, right?"

The others were shocked. Though the old god didn't really acted on everything, there was only a few who didn't know about him. To earn his respect was something everyone found shocking. He nodded to her question making her smile. Then she said,

"Then how about it? Did you forgive us?"

"I didn't really cared much about it, but if you still think you want to Ais or anyone else, you know my answer..."

She nodded with an awkward smile.

"By the way, how about we have a simple spar with everyone here? I want to atleast see their strength."

To that he nodded. Because this is a chance to make her think twice before trying anything against his familia.

"I'm fine with it. How about you guys?"

He turned towards Tatsuya, Miyuki, Raven, Ais, and Haruhime. Orna, Flare and Lina was out shopping, so there weren't here.

"I also like to do it. I want to see the strength of strongest familia of this Orario."

"Me too. But it seems there's no one among you who use a sword. So, I'm not going to do it. Later, I'll request your help, Ash-sama."

Ash nodded to Tatsuya and Raven. He turned towards Miyuki and Ais. They both nodded their head.

"So, three of my familia is ready. You can select three among yourself. Let's go to the ground."

Without waiting for them to reply, he snapped his fingers and teleported them altogether to the training ground inside the mansion. Evryone from the Loki familia including their goddess was startled and shocked by the sudden Teleportation. Especially when not many could do it. Not to mention with multiple people without any effort.

None of them were disoriented because of the sudden Teleportation, so he said,

"Then, who's going first?"

"Me! Me! Meeeee!!!"

It was Tiona! She seemed to be excited to fight someone.

'Like i thought. She is a battle maniac. Well, she is an Amazoness. So, she must be excited to fight Tatsuya and if she is defeated by them, oh boy, I'm sure Miyuki will froze this entire manor hahahaha...'

"Okay. So who do you want to fight or who want to fight her?"


Suddenly, Tiona pointed at him. Ash and everyone else was silent.