
Chapter 24 Hey Wait

"Why does it feel like a sudden fever after getting a kiss on my forehead. If he continues to be aggressive, I might not be able to contain my desire. Huh ... I hope he goes to his room," Hafiz muttered then winced in pain as he stood up.

He put on a towel and walked out of the bathroom, his watchful eyes sweeping every corner of the room.

"Thank God nothing," Hafiz grumbled as he walked to the closet. He walked over and looked in the mirror, a white cloth flashed.

"Oh my god!" Hafiz closed his eyes after seeing the white figure.

"Sir, it's me."

"Wu." Hafiz backed away in surprise. "Huh... my heart!" His breathing is irregular and fast. Hafiz is still stroking his chest.

"Sorry. I was waiting for Mas to pray Isha together. Have you prayed before?" asked Runia softly? Hafiz rubbed his face.

"Don't you know!" Hafiz looks very annoyed and still holding his breath. "Sorry. Huft ... my heart, huft ... I took ablution water," he added.

Hafiz immediately took a t-shirt and put it on. For a moment he glanced at his wife who did look very beautiful in her white 'mukena.'

After a few minutes, Hafiz looks more handsome because of the light of ablution. Runia did not raise her face at all. Until the two of them walked to the place of prayer. Hafiz is still trying to use his taqwa book.

They did not speak to each other, then entered the prayer room Hafiz stood up and was ready to become the imam. Runia was behind him by holding a prayer rug. They do the obligations of servants as a form of gratitude for favors.

After greeting, Runia immediately grabbed her husband's right hand and covered it with a cloth from the mukena, so it didn't touch the skin. And, put the back of the hand on the crown.

Hafiz closed his eyes. 'I hope she is the right woman. I hope he never disappoints me. Make him a companion who can quell my evil desires. Amen.'

After that Hafiz stood up. "Don't you pray?" asked Runia looking at her husband.

"You just pray for me. I believe in you, and I'm very sure that your prayers will not harm me." Hafiz came down from the floor of his prayer.

Seeing Runia who was still on the prayer rug. Hafiz stepped quickly.

"Huhuhu. Eh...." He acted like a hot worm. "Heh... why me?!" Hafiz looks annoyed with the feelings that keep burning in his heart. He tried to control himself and his desires.

Hafiz blew his palm and turned around. Seeing Runia come out of the prayer room. Hafiz immediately turned his back to Runia. Runia was about to walk to her room.

"Hey wait!" called Hafiz who turned to Runia. 'It's hard to just call his name,' he cried to himself.

"Runia. Don't you often listen to Ustadz's lectures?" asked Hafiz. Runia looked at Hafiz with a question mark then nodded slowly.

'I don't really know the personality of this woman I married. Should I ask him to sleep with me? It ... how prestige huh,' he said in his heart.

"Yeah, what's wrong? I'm just listening. If you can practice it, so that you will get better," explained Runia.

"Let's sleep together," said Hafiz quickly with fast steps. Of course, those words took Runia by surprise. Hafiz again stopped his steps and turned his body towards Runia.

"Isn't it a sin to refuse your husband's invitation?" asked Hafiz. Hafiz's question really made Runia freeze and her heart beat faster. Her cheeks were flushed.

"Why are you still standing there. Come closer, I won't mess around. Said we should get to know each other. So sleep beside me, and I'll...."

"What will it be?" Runia asked quickly and continued to look at her husband from where he was standing.

"Don't be a pervert. I'll tell myself. My bad habit," Hafiz explained. "Let's hurry. If you don't come in five seconds, the opportunity will be forfeited," Hafiz threatened. Runia ran in Hafiz's heart laughing in satisfaction.

"One two Three."


Runia bumped and held on to her husband's shoulder. With a burst of laughter and quick breaths.

"Heh ... heh ... ignorant," said Runia looking at her husband. Hafiz tried to avoid that eye contact.

'It takes a definite reason to look at you. However, I'm afraid, this alone is very difficult to control myself,' thought Hafiz who then stole a glance for his wife who was still laughing.

"Au... you pinched me?" asked Hafiz. Runia immediately entered her husband's room with a laugh and spoiled behavior.

Hafiz smiled and enjoyed the pinch. He closed the door slowly and tried to take off his clothes. Runia who had folded her mukena immediately approached her husband to help.

They were so close that their breaths complemented each other.

"Eh ... est. Huft ... sore," complained Hafiz and then gulped.

Runia slowly took off Hafiz's clothes. "This still needs to be treated, so that it dries quickly," said Runia and then blew on Hafiz's arm. Hafiz satisfactorily enjoyed Runia's attention.

"If I'm an addict would you still accept me?" asked Hafiz slowly. Immediately Runia raised her face.

"If you want to change, will not do bad again, improve, I will accept. I will faithfully accompany you during your rehabilitation."

"If I can't change, it really depends on the item how? Are you still willing to live beside me?" asked Hafiz with a serious face.

"Not afraid of sin? Not afraid of Allah's punishment? Remember, we have someone who monitors and records our every deed," said Runia who was very serious. It was clear that there was fear on his face.

"Hahaha. Your face. If it's an item that I need and I continue to depend on that item, but it's lawful how? What do you think I'm addicted to illegal items? I'm just afraid if... addicted by you." Hafiz immediately went to the bathroom after saying that.

Of course, Hafiz's words made Runia scared and excited at the same time. Runia went limp as she sat on the edge of the bed smiling to herself.

Meanwhile, Hafiz was just pacing in the bathroom.

'Crazy... why am I bragging like that. It's really bad. Huh... huh... est... huh....' He was confused.

Calm down for a moment and then take a deep breath.

"Huft...." Hafiz was already holding the doorknob.

"I did taste the illicit stuff, seven years ago. Even now, Mother still hates me because of my stupidity. You still don't believe it, if I only use it once. Mother... you are only Aunt, but I love you very much. Only once I won't repeat it. I'm sorry," Hafiz muttered after remembering his mistake.


Hafiz wiped his sweaty palms.

"You scared me so much," said Runia. Hafiz smiled.

"If it's true I'm an addict. Were you serious?" asked Hafiz. Runia throws the pillow instead.

"You make me weak. If you are addicted to illicit goods then remember me. I am something lawful for you. We will start all, and complement each other," said Runia, Hafiz approached, both of them looked at each other with a pounding from the heart.

'Should I do it now?' asked Hafiz in his heart.
