"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you," Luka greeted the woman with vibrant, dyed blue hair and numerous piercings. Strangely, for a moment, Luka entertained the thought of getting a tattoo. Are there even tattoo artists here? He was taken aback by the sudden direction of his thoughts.
William remained silent, his face wearing an odd expression. "Yeah, nice to meet you too," he quickly responded, preventing his silence from becoming suspicious.
"It's wonderful to encounter the soulmates of Lord Lucifer and Asmodeus," Kaydence remarked with a smile, glancing between Luka and William. "I'm delighted to make your acquaintance."
Leviathan placed an arm around Kaydence, looking at her affectionately. Luka found the display both natural and unnatural—natural because they were soulmates, but unnatural because this was Leviathan. People are capable of change, though. There's nothing to say she can't be a better person.
Change overnight. Okay, maybe. It's possible, Luka reassured himself. Don't judge! He scolded himself for his internal thoughts.
"I came here to offer my apologies and introduce you to my soulmate," Leviathan explained, giving a slight bow to Luka but avoiding eye contact with William. "We'll be leaving now."
"Actually," Kaydence interjected, her smile innocent. "Could I stay here for a little while? I'd like to get to know everyone better."
"If you wish, I can stay," Leviathan offered.
"No, it's not necessary. Go attend to your duties. I'll be fine on my own, you know? I'm not new here." Kaydence bid farewell to her soulmate and then took a seat across from Luka.
William had been observing the entire interaction between the two soulmates, sensing that something was amiss. There was something that didn't add up, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.
Being his usual self, Luka welcomed Kaydence to their table with a smile, although his hands unconsciously found their way to rest protectively on his stomach.
When he realized it, he couldn't determine whether there was truly something dangerous about the situation or if it was just his instincts playing tricks on him.
"I wonder," Kaydence pondered aloud, "if Lord Lucifer is as cold as everyone says he is." She chuckled and continued, "May I inquire about his true nature?"
In his mind, William pleaded with Luka to decline, but they couldn't read each other's thoughts. Therefore, Luka replied, "He has never been cold to me, not once."
"That's none of your concern," William suddenly snapped at Kaydence. "I know who you are, and whatever magic you're attempting here, it won't work on me."
Luka stared at his friend, then at Kaydence. Suddenly, something incredibly obvious that he had overlooked clicked into place. "I want everyone to leave."
Luka felt a pang of fear about what others might say or do. What if they were to harm them? But then again, he was Xavier's soulmate. It wasn't like him to make demands, but if his suspicions were correct, Luka needed to set aside his usual self.
The demons exchanged glances, some appearing annoyed, but they left the room nonetheless. The majority of the demons gave Luka approving looks. They had followed Lucifer, and now they would follow Luka because he displayed authority. They appreciated this aspect of him.
Kaydence observed Luka with keen interest, while William praised Luka silently in his mind. Luka only focused on Kaydence, his gaze unwavering.
After a minute or two of silence, the tension in the room remained palpable. Each person exchanged glances, attempting to communicate without words.
Finally, Luka mustered the courage to break the silence. Though uncertain, he voiced his thoughts. "Kaiden."
In an instant, the woman's appearance began to shift. She grew taller, her skin darkened, her nose became more prominent, and her eyes transformed into a rich chocolate hue. Her jawline sharpened, and her hair shortened.
Kaydence was no more. Instead, a young man of the same age as the other two sat before them.
All these changes occurred within a matter of seconds.
"Luka," Kaiden nodded, showing a sign of respect. "William," he repeated the gesture.
William had been aware of Kaiden's true identity as the woman, but witnessing the transformation with his own eyes still took him aback. However, it didn't render him speechless.
"I sensed your presence the other day," Luka disclosed. "And I don't want to know if you witnessed anything or not."
"I merely overheard the conversation," Kaiden responded. "I didn't want to intrude, but it was necessary. You were the one who summoned me here."
William had anticipated this moment ever since Xavier had informed him and Jonathan about the message, "Tell Kaiden he's coming." So, he blurted out the first thing that came to mind. "He's coming."
Both Luka and William exhaled deeply. It felt liberating to discuss something that had weighed heavily on their minds. The curse did not apply to Kaiden, as he was the one who had initially cast it.
The mission had always been a forbidden topic. All angels born within Heaven's Mansion or those with Archangel parents were bound by an oath to never speak of it.
"I apologize for the difficulties you had to endure to reach me," Kaiden said with a smile directed at the two boys. "I imagine both of you are well aware of the rules: either summon me through power or never make contact."
"I didn't have a choice in the matter," Luka explained. "I received a mission—the mission. And my soul reached out to you because of it. I had to warn you. I couldn't simply refuse."
"And They are awakening," William added. "I sensed their presence the moment Luka's body entered a trance state. He awakened them, didn't he?"
"I'm flattered that The Black Angel's soul reached out to me, but I don't believe I can assist you," Kaiden expressed. "I may have created The Prophecy, but-"
"There are no 'buts'," William interjected firmly. He and Luka understood the immense significance of finally reaching Kaiden, and there was no way William would allow him to escape. "You didn't create The Prophecy. You are The Prophecy."
Kaiden let out a sigh, and Luka furrowed his brow. If Kaiden refused to assist them with the mission Luka had received, it would undoubtedly fail. Kaiden's involvement was crucial; without him, The Prophecy would crumble, and Kaiden himself would fall.
Luka believed that Kaiden needed to understand the importance of their cause, not only for themselves but for their entire universe. If Kaiden cared about nothing else, he should at least care about his own fate.
"You are bound to me," Luka asserted forcefully, a touch of desperation in his voice. "You can't escape this. You can abandon me and this mission, but you cannot abandon yourself."
Kaiden pinched the bridge of his nose, visibly contemplating. When the creation had begun, he had never entertained the thought of volunteering.
The promise of power surpassing that of Archangels and freedom from Heaven's rules had been alluring enough. The Prophecy had seemed distant and inconsequential to him as a young Angel. However, now he was plagued by doubts—second, third, and fourth thoughts.
"I will come and assist," Kaiden finally conceded. "But don't expect too much from me. I will help to the best of my ability, but if it endangers me or anyone I know, I'm sorry."
William wanted to protest. There were numerous issues with Kaiden's statement, but Luka beat him to it, speaking first.
"That's understandable." Luka received a glare from William but responded with a reassuring smile. "How about you answer a few of our questions first? By doing so, you'll break William's and my vows, and we can discuss matters with our soulmates."
Kaiden weighed his options. "Alright," he finally relented. "But, as I mentioned, I will only answer as long as it doesn't harm me or anyone I care about."
"Breaking the vow is the least you can do," William snapped before Luka could intervene. "Answering questions is barely a fraction of your duty. Consider yourself fortunate that I'm not reporting you to The Court!"
"The Bullet Court?" Kaiden scoffed. "I have no fear of those insignificant Angels who believe they possess supreme wisdom."
"Yes, enough of this discussion," Luka interjected, his patience wearing thin. He was exhausted and longed to be reunited with his soulmate, but these two were squabbling like children when they could be utilizing their time more wisely.
"I will begin by breaking your vows," Kaiden declared. "Just to be safe."
"What do we need to do?" Luka asked, remembering to maintain politeness. After all, they were still in the presence of one of the ancient Angels.
"Just offer me your hands," Kaiden instructed. "It's the cliché 'muttering under your breath and clasping hands' routine."
Luka and William complied, extending their hands to Kaiden. Kaiden took Luka's right hand and William's left, closing his eyes. When he opened them again, they glowed with an intense, pure white light.
Kaiden chanted repeatedly until his eyes returned to their normal state.
Seven times, Luka counted. The sacred number.
As Luka withdrew his hand, he sensed a profound shift within himself. And he knew exactly what it was. William glanced at Luka, checking if he was alright, then turned back to the ancient Angel. Kaiden appeared weary and drained. Breaking the vows had consumed a great deal of energy.
"Answer one question for us, and that will suffice," William said, sighing. He had many inquiries, but he needed to consider Kaiden's conditions as well. "For now."
"Ask," Kaiden replied, also sighing.
"I know you can feel the depth and strength of bonds," William began, and Luka turned to him with a puzzled expression. He couldn't fathom why William wanted to discuss bonds, but Kaiden, who observed them with knowing eyes, understood.
"I can," Kaiden confirmed.
"What type of bond exists between Luka and me?"
Luka hadn't anticipated this question. He had never given much thought to the unique connection he felt whenever he was with William. It wasn't romantic, but he knew there was something different. Yet, he had never considered the possibility of sharing a bond with him.
"Can't you see it?" Kaiden smiled as Luka gave him an inquisitive look, and William leaned in, eager to hear the answer. "It's a Blood bond."
Kaiden leaned closer for added effect. "It's the bond shared by close siblings," he paused, "and you two share it."