I trained with Mr. Edwards for several months, and we always started our training early in the morning, so I'm used to getting up early. But waking up at four in the morning to begin our training while everyone else is still asleep makes me feel exhausted already!
I assumed it would be around five or six a.m. but perhaps they really take their mission seriously. We ate breakfast and ran five laps around the school field after waking up to Drax's loud knocking on our doors.
I haven't attended our self-defense class yet, but that's fine since I'm already trained for four months; the only thing I'm concerned about is using my gift as I've not attended my gift class either. But, ever since that shocking day in the Grootslang forest, I've been experimenting with my gift.
Despite the fact that I have other elemental powers, I can only manipulate ice for now. Perhaps I need to take my time in order to manipulate the other elements.