
Universe Collide

Vincent Fey is an ordinary person in a world of both magic and otherworldly forces. Or so he thought... he was not. As an Ordinary person he must through the uses of his hard work and ruthless methods he must one way or not survive in this world.

Vincent_Gamzing · ファンタジー
34 Chs

Blob's Life

I was so ecstatic that I was selected I almost screamed but I quickly stopped myself before I did, now with the power to make all those who bullied Vincent bow down, Vincent's orange eyes started to turn cold before he realized himself and asked the hivemind it answered for him.

[The hivemind takes people who were affected by great emotions and select them while also letting the emotions subtlety affect the route the user takes, as you are the Wrath emotion your minions, artifacts, techniques, and combat styles you use will unconsciously be more aggressive and higher intensity then a passive and low intensity]

Whether Vincent liked it or not he just accepted it as it could be a huge help in the nine circles of hell where many demons rely on their instincts and combat nature to fight.

[Age 0 Blob had been born as a demon and kills his first demon]

[Age 3 Blob was heavily injured and started to hide and recover]

[Age 5 Blob has amassed a large amount of BIQ and some IQ, BIQ has reached Lowest Human and IQ had reached Lowest Human]

[Age 8 Blob had amassed a large army to fight for him, Demon King passive has started to take effect]

[Age 10 Blob now had made a name for himself in his sector]

[Age 14 Blob's BIQ has made a huge leap after devouring a malicious spirit and has made it to BIQ Lower Human level, Blob has learnt 1st Circle Demon Barrage]

[Age 20 Blob is killed off after offending a huge expert in the 1st Circle sectors but not without fighting to his bitter end]

[Blob has now obtained 20yrs of BIQ and IQ, learn 1st Circle Demon Barrage, as well as earn the title 'Bitter Breath' common']

I did not expect that this Mannequin or Blob would offend someone higher... and it was he? It had sentience.

"Can you communicate?" I asked.

Nodding its head, it showed it could understand but not speak

[1st Circle Demon Barrage (Novice), punch twenty times in a few seconds]

[Bitter Breath, even on their last breath it will do anything it can to at least damage the opponent before dying]

[Blob (Owner: Vincent Fey)

Strength: Lower Human

Physique: Lower Human

Speed: Lower Human

BIQ: Lower Human

IQ: Lowest Human

Advantage: Demon General, Demons under you will have their strength doubled and their loyalty maxed

Disadvantage: The Light! Light and holy spells deal double damage

Comment: Ain't kidding when we say that offending that demon was the funniest thing, we've seen all decade]


[Anyways we've read your memories, and don't you have to go to Gateway Academy? If you want to sign up, then you have three hours]

Shoot! I forgot!

[If you ride Blob, you can get there]

"Blob let me ride," Vincent ordered.

In the corner Blob was sitting down and when he heard him, he soon came walking over and let Vincent on. After running as fast as a peak athlete in the Olympics they soon got to the place where you could sign up for the Academy.

Many people saw and recognized him and started to sweat bullets as should he become a gateway user then they were very dead. Behind him a large, taller 1.5-meter-tall mannequin was behind Vincent who was only 1.15 meters tall.

Compared to others Vincent was quite short for his age as other kids were around 1.30 meters tall so he was short compared to the mannequin.

After going through the paperwork and the many bullies watching him Vincent smirked as he soon finished it and gave it back. The counterwoman passed the papers back with an indifferent face as if she had seen this occur a lot of times before Vincent came here and it would not be the last either.

"Wait how do we know it's your magic artifact?" A woman from the crowd of people accused desperately.

"Oh? Then how should I prove it?" Vincent asked.

Before the woman could say something, a large middle-aged man came out to diffuse the situation, before saying.

"The artifact is the kid's," The man said.

"How do you know?" The woman asked.

"All gateway users have a magic aura that is completely unique and will never have a second aura that is like it, if it wasn't that kid's then I would've noticed when I checked his magic aura and the artifacts," The man concluded his little 'lecture' as all the people there started to tremble.

Vincent saw this and his eyes started to gloat at their misery before he was pulled into the room behind the counter.

"Anyways if you would like to join the school then you will have to pass a test that will start in a week," The man said.

"Wait who are you? Also, why a week?" Vincent went in with double questions.

"As you can know all gateways can only be used once a day but that will change as he progresses thus, we give the participants seven days or seven chances on the gateway to prepare."

"My name is not important for now, but you may know me as Sargent should you reach the school," said Sargent as he left the room leaving behind a paper about many tips Vincent had not known.

Leaving the office Vincent was soon ambushed by the many bullies in the neighborhood as a large man about almost two meters walked Infront of him and asked.

"Do you know who I am?"

"Don't care old man," Vincent snapped back unassumingly the wrath from being bullied started to take over.

"Tch, young people should know their places," The large man started to lift his hand up into a fist.

Meanwhile we see a teenager the size of about 1.4 meters tall watching Vincent's ambush from a building roof.

"What a cliché, if he survives, he might be a good seed to take in for now anyways," the mysterious teenager left.

Warning this is a very fast pace novel

Vincent_Gamzingcreators' thoughts