
Universe:- Our Dream!!

" Little Star " is how she is known by everyone! The one whose identity is unknown yet known by all. She, is a famous singer, yet confidential. Popularly known as "The one who sings in mask" ! Ajay, owner of " Star ", a music company, well the company with no well name! It still stayed at the position of a start-up company even after 3 years experience! The company with no much recognition, with three years of experiences and a lot of failures! Nearer to the edge of loosing everything, yet never did he lost hope! Story takes a twist, when fate brings this two ending poles from two different worlds with the only connection "music", in the name of a contract! And that's when everything starts to change! A childhood lovestory it is indeed, some secrets, some rudeness, togetherness at the circumstances and the heartfelt love that's hidden and forgotten. Join me, to experience this rollercoaster of love, emotions, and music a language of love, to feel and explore the further story!! Note:- Cover page doesn't belong to me, credit goes to it's owner! And this is not a translation but an original work!

misslonely_soul · 都市
26 Chs

20. Lovey-Dovey!

"HMC and Little Star! Sudden pause of assistance and the reason....it is the same! Star!!" said Mr.Fenn!

"A small company!" he muttered under his breath!

"Seems like Mr.Fenn is utterly hurt by a small company! But I fear others may perceive it as fear!" she said.

"Well if it really bothers you, I would suggest you all something! Rather thinking about the issue, think on how to get over with it!" she then added with a smile, standing!

"If there's nothing to be discussed anymore, I will be taking a leave!" she said and waited for a brief moment, she left the room when silence embraced her! Soon Ajith stood and followed her out too!

"Don't you think she is right, rather thinking about the issue, shouldn't we be focusing on our own improvement?" one among all questioned no one in particular but to Fenn!


Dhvani kept ignoring the following Ajith, but when he had got into her car along with her, she had to glare him, "Why are you following me?"

She wore the mask and started driving, "It's been officially out that Little Star is now assisting Star! You will be needing me!" he explained, and she saw him wearing the mask as well from the corners of her eyes! She said nothing and they travelled in silence until she cleared her voice herself, "I know, I shouldn't have gone that far yesterday! And I am sorry for it!"

Ajith was taken aback, she was apologizing him? This was the first time, "For what? I thought only siblings would go that far just to annoy the other sibling!"

She stiffened a bit but kept looking ahead the road, why was he all so suddenly behaving mature? She wasn't used to this brother of her! She said nothing more and he maintained the silence too until they reached, and as they expected, there was crowd out there, these people were the reason why sometimes she felt like she didn't have any freedom! As she got out of the car and was about to enter in, they all surrounded her, Ajith just helped her clearing the way, and after a minute they both were in, and Ajith unknowingly bumped up into Ajay, they both stared at each other for a moment before Ajay's eyes were fixed on hers! And then his gaze shifted towards outside, still he can hear the wishpers, his gaze shifted back to her again, "Get in!" he said before staring to lead the way! Ajith gave a look at her before they both followed him! When she reached and took a seat in his room along with Ajith, she spoke with him!

"Is there anything to be discussed, I am getting late!"

"Nothing! I just wanted you to be careful!" he said.

"Don't give me a chance to be!!" she said while removing the mask, and Ajith was quick enough to glare draggers at her, for which she probably didn't respond but stared back at him, he hesitatingly removed his mask too and then she stood, looking back at Ajay! "It would be no good for me to break my own rules!" she said effortlessly before turning to Ajith, "You don't have to follow me!"

"And what do you expect me to do?"

She thought for a brief movement, "Perhaps try getting along with eachother!" she gave him a jerk towards Ajay before making her way out leaving the confused men behind and soon they exchanged glances!

Ajith cleared his voice, "Hello! I am Dhruv Saron!"

And as soon as he heard him, something in him triggered, throwing him deep into thoughts, and when the man gave no response, Ajith snapped letting the man come out of his haze! "Is everything alright?"

Ajay gave him a shook, "Yes!" he lied, though he was triggered to remember something, he ended up empty again, "Ajay Joyanth!" he introduced himself too!

"Who are you to her?"

Ajith was taken aback, "How will knowing it help you?"

"We had a deal and I accepted to help her keep up with her privacy and confidentiality until she works with Star! I am just doing what I need to!!"

Ajith nodded thoughtfully, "I am her brother!"

Ajay nodded as well, "Pleased to meet you!"

Before even Ajith could say anything in return, a knock interrupted and with a nod from Ajay, Choi came in!

"Is everything clear now?"

Ajith don't have to guess what the man was asking about, it was obviously about the crew out there!

Choi nodded, "It is! Well you were right in saying that it just was the beginning!"

Ajay chuckled looking back at the man seated, "He is Choi, my trusted person!"

Ajith nodded, giving a bow of greeting to the old man which he received in return!


Dhvani as she made her way to the practicing room, took a breath in relief in a thought that she wasn't late yet despite the early morning meeting! And as she entered, she saw almost most of them present, 'Good!' she thought, and the only one who was missing was Ron! She said nothing and took a seat, they all greeted her, yet still not used to see her face! She greeted them too and as she was about to say something, soon Ron knocked the door, and everyone's gaze shifted to him including hers! The man was panting as if he ran forever and suffering for breath, she gave him a nod and he entered in, reached until he stood few inches away from her! He was still panting, but was waiting for her to say something!

Dhvani just stared him for a second, "Take deep breaths!!" she said with a jerk and he did the same, after minutes, adjusting his breath, calming down his racing heart, he looked up at her! "Now have some water!" she then added, the man hadn't had any and Maira was quick enough to stand and offer him the water bottle! They both exchanged a glance before he took it hesitatingly and had some water for himself, before handing it back to her with a nod of thankyou! She said nothing and went back to her seat! Ron gazed back at Dhvani!

"I..." before he could even explain himself, she had cut him off, "I know you might have had your own reason for getting late, I won't bother asking! But still you were a minute late!"

Ron sighed apologetically, "I am ready for any punishment!" he said! Everyone looked at her, some curious and some tensed!

"Alright then, I want you to create a tune by tomorrow!" she said surprising both him and the others! Ron looked up at her in disbelief! "If that is okay with you, get seated, we are getting late!!"

Ron just gave an uncertain nod now knowing what 'Weird punishments' meant! As soon as he got seated, she started teaching them, providing them with some basic information before getting deeper into the topic, and everyone paid attention! After two hours, when they were finished with the class she gave them a break to rest and went to the room where she left Ajith! When she did, she was a little surprised to see both the men having a talk, smiling and all, just like a lovey-dovey couple! She almost was about to grimace, as she entered in, "You follow my advice weirdly blindly!" she said startling him!

"He is of a good heart!" said Ajith.

"And who are you to justify it?!" she muttered under her breath, "Whatever! If you are done with your conversation, then I would suggest you to leave. It will take time for me!"

Ajith thought for a moment before giving a nod, "Alright then!" he stood eyeing Ajay, "I think you are caring enough to drop her home!" Ajay gave an assuring nod with a smile and Dhvani frowned at what she saw, them being this nice, she almost rolled her eyes, perhaps she did wrong suggesting her brother on getting along with the man!

"See you!" Ajith smiled at her before leaving them alone! Her gaze now shifted to him who was still seated! They both stared each in silence which seemed awkward, as he was about to question if she was here for something, she spoke first, "I came here to just check up on him!"

Ajay nodded uncertainly, she spoke again, "It will take time for me! You can proceed with your works if you have any!" she said!

"I am going to attend a meeting, I will come back to pick you up!" he said with a smile!

She freezed, something that made her feel weird yet familiar, she said nothing more and left the room as well just by a nod, making her way back to the team!