
Universe:- Our Dream!!

" Little Star " is how she is known by everyone! The one whose identity is unknown yet known by all. She, is a famous singer, yet confidential. Popularly known as "The one who sings in mask" ! Ajay, owner of " Star ", a music company, well the company with no well name! It still stayed at the position of a start-up company even after 3 years experience! The company with no much recognition, with three years of experiences and a lot of failures! Nearer to the edge of loosing everything, yet never did he lost hope! Story takes a twist, when fate brings this two ending poles from two different worlds with the only connection "music", in the name of a contract! And that's when everything starts to change! A childhood lovestory it is indeed, some secrets, some rudeness, togetherness at the circumstances and the heartfelt love that's hidden and forgotten. Join me, to experience this rollercoaster of love, emotions, and music a language of love, to feel and explore the further story!! Note:- Cover page doesn't belong to me, credit goes to it's owner! And this is not a translation but an original work!

misslonely_soul · 都市
26 Chs

19. Universe Still Stays!!

Dhruv listened her voice, and throughout the time the playlist was going on, his face was lit with a smile, she had a talent! And the capability to change her voice according to the characters and dialogues! She would become a famous voice actress, he thought himself as he smiled, before shutting down the laptop and going to sleep, as he lay in the bed, he thought about tomorrow, what would happen in the tomorrow's meeting?!

As now his thoughts shifted to Dhvani, he recalled what Alia had said! 'just think she took the role!' he smiled, the woman had put it in a very positive way that even he had got convinced! He chuckled, and when the woman again got completely into his head, something wondered him! What about her family? What he shared with her was what he forgot to ask her about? He with a shrug, mentally noted that next time he will be going to ask her about it, and just with that, he closed his eyes letting himself get some sleep!

Next morning, he got up early, getting himself ready and willingly ignoring the breakfast just to avoid his mother's this and that, so and so sayings, and made his way straight ahead to Universe. When he did, everyone as usual welcomed him, and as soon as he entered the meeting room, everyone greeted him with a bow, but all he could notice was the discomfort, in their eyes and looks! He with a sigh took his seat and patiently waited for Dhvani to arrive, like everyone did!

Minutes later Dhvani finally opened the door, welcomed every gaze that fell on her with a single bow before getting seated! As she sat, every glance that was present in the room was fixed on her! Silence followed until one old man cleared his voice leaning forward, taking the initiative to speak.

"May we know the reason for the sudden meeting?" he asked no one in particular!

Dhvani leaned forward as well, resting her entwined palms on the table that seemed to have no end! "Lately there have been many things happening in Universe! I just thought to provide a chance for each individual to express their concerns.....if any present!" she said wantedly adding the last part!

Few exchanged glances while Dhruv kept silent as if unbothered, and a young man, Arya, the very young one among the all investors, spoke up! Dhvani and Dhruv had always looked ahead at this man's frankness, genuineness, and effortless statements, which was the main reason why Dhvani and even Ajith, had always considered his points!

"HMC has always been our best assistance, and Little Star is an exception! Universe is mostly referred by meteor's, Little Star's fandom! And now, at once having both of them leave Universe....it is indeed something to be concerned!" said Arya.

Dhvani gave a nod, "Any other concerns?"

As Arya still kept the same straight face while few again exchanged glances as if she ignored what they wanted to say though it was only Arya who had raised the voice.

"I will take it as a NO then!" she sighed then looked up after looking down for a brief moment! "At first I need to correct you Mr.Arya! HMC and Little Star, both, aren't leaving Universe!!"

Everyone paid attention, "I accept, HMC has always been our best assistance, and it will remain so!! And...Meteor!" she took a deep breath which only Ajith could study why! "Fandom of Little Star! I accept, Little Star has always been the best lead singer of Universe that till now no one could take her position though after having so many talented singers!" she said although she wanted to chuckle for praising herself, which seemed to have went too far!

"I accept everything, but as I said, they both aren't leaving anywhere! I had a meet with the president of HMC, who said that the 'No deal' was only because the man wanted to give the chance to some other company this time! And this is not going to be a permanent issue! And about Little Star, she have all rights to pause the contract, which was signed with both the parties consent! We can't change the already signed contract rules and also can't we force a reputed company like HMC to not to have a deal with others and with only us, which won't gonna be a benifit for us in anyway!!"

"Soon we will be having them back!" she added just to encourage the men who almost sighed in disappointment at her statement.

"Though it is understandable, we still can't ignore the fact that we will be facing the loss!" one among the men spoke finally and each gaze fell on him, wavered, before they shifted back to her!

"Loss?" she raised a brow!

She sighed in disappointment now, "Since when had Universe started working for profits?"

Ajith who still now kept silent, looked at everyone, and again his gaze fixed on her.


It was the only response she could receive. "I understand, being shareholders and investors, you guys focus mainly on profits and loss concerns you! But remember what we are discussing about!!"


"Nothing according to me can lessen it, it will only expand!!"

"Little Star is just a star and HMC is just a galaxy! Universe still stays!!"

Everyone looked at her in agreement, yes they agreed! No matter how much the issue concerned them, she was right! Universe has many singers and companies working with it, it can't be just affected my two temporary withdrawal's.

While Dhruv had nodded satisfied, "I agree with her!"

For a moment both of their gaze got locked and he could see something flicker in her eyes which made him frown, before they looked away, ahead!

"Agreeable!" said Arya with a nod, while many other gave a nod in agreement too!

"But Miss Dhvani, don't you think the thing should be reconsidered? HMC and Little Star! Sudden pause of assistance and the reason....it is the same! Star!!" one among all men spoke making everyone look at him with interest while Dhvani looked at him with something unknown that swirled inside her!