

Unitie has lived a normal life until her life was turned upside down. By facing old fears along with recent occurrence's that take her on a wild ride. Will she be able to surpass everything thrown at her?

DaoistIRpdkx · ファンタジー
2 Chs


A young woman came outside with a notebook in hand. Her brown hair in a loose bun on her head, fallen pieces of her hair blew around her. As the wind slowly picked up. She held a pen in her other as she sat on the swing. "Honey here's your drink." Her husband tells her as he sets it on the table beside her and kissed her lips softly. She barely noticed that her husband follows behind her, he's quite like a mouse when he wants to be.

As she walked around the side table tipping on her toes softly as she carefully sat down on the swinging bench behind her. "Thank you, babe." She replies as she opened her book to begin writing inside. He gave her a warming smile before turning around to head back inside cursing under his breath. She turned her head towards him to ask what was wrong, but the screen door shut. Which she knew he was long gone with a small sigh she turned around to look to her book she brought. Her eyes stare at the words she had written from her past, everyone she knew was writing about their experiences. Once she stared at them for a little too long her mind always began to wander off into her memories. She shook her head as she looks up to her surroundings. She always enjoyed the outdoors listening to mother nature. She inhaled the air around her faint flowers with a hint of sea salt tickled her nose. She squinched her nose as she looked down to her book once more. "I need to finish this paragraph…" She trailed off as she held the pen loosely in her grip. As she could barely write one sentence, she felt a presence race towards her.

'Unitie' a young woman calls to her. She looks up to see a woman with flowers in her hair that reached her mid-back. Her green eyes stared at her wide with a tired expression. Her dark skin that reminded her of tree bark, she accessorized gold bracelet, gold necklace, and draped golden crown from her head. Her dress had Egyptian fabrics morphing into vines that flowed to the ground. She seemed bewildered that made the woman sit up straight resting the book on her lap.

"Sage?" Unitie replied as she took her in.

'The boys are asking questions…' Sage trails off as she looks over to the woods. 'They were hanging out with Zephirine. When a couple of young adults their age walks over to them. They began talking about their parents fight in the battle to save Paradise.' She explained to Unitie as she continued to look at the forest line. 'Your name was brought up' Sage lets out a heavy sigh. 'I was doing my rounds when I heard them speaking about your battle and how you won against Ezekiel.' Unitie's body froze as she stares at Sage. It sent shivers down her spine she never once told them about Ezekiel or his past. That was something she left up to him.

"Wait your telling me they will be here soon?" Unitie asked as she felt their foot vibrations storming through the forest heading towards her. Her head wipes over to the tree line as she felt their emotions exploding agnate firecrackers. She began to chew on her lip knowing how similar her boys are their parents.

'You need to act like you don't know.' Sage tells her as birds chirped around them. She shook her head as she rubbed her temples. 'If they knew I was spying they won't trust me anymore Unitie.' Her hair ruffles about her as her eyes squint close. Unitie falls back into the bench behind her, her fingers feathering through her hair. She stopped mid-way and clasped onto her hair.

Unitie huffs. "So, it's okay for me to look like the bad guy?" She asked in a whisper eyeing Sage discreetly only to see a smirk appear across her face. Before she could say anymore at the corner of her eyes, she sees one of her son's bursts through the tree line heading towards her.

'If you want me to keep an eye on them while you're busy?' Sage raised an eyebrow at Unitie before she disappeared. She knew she had been defeated Sage always brought up factors that work in her favor, even if it would bother Unitie. Unitie closed her eyes shaking her head before she facing her grown adult proceeding at her.

'Wonderful…' Unitie thought to herself 'if I already know then I make them look bad. Heaven o'mighty lend me strength.' Unitie held onto her book as she eyed her boy. He stared at her with compassion and determination.

"Mom!" A young man called out to his mother as he comes running up the stone path that led to the house. The house was three stories since there were five young adults, and two parents living in harmony. On the patio sat Unitie with long brownish blue hair, blue eyes as she met his gaze. She has pale skin with a little bit of a tan, and she wore a blue shirt with leggings. When her son wore a questioning expression, she put a marker in her leather book. Then closed the book before resting it on the table. She grabs one of her favorite mother's mugs. It had a picture of her kids when they were younger climbing all over her. As if she was a jungle gym. She crossed her legs shifting her position, tightly holding her mug. As she takes a sip from what was in her mug.

Unitie swallowed before replying. "Yes, Quintin?" Quintin has long dark brown hair that he keeps in dreadlocks. His left eye is blue while his right is brown, and he has dark skin like his father. He has a strong bone structure, and he had a medium body built. He wore a white short sleeved shirt with black shorts. With Quintin he normally kept simple during the day at night he'd change his clothes. He wore a tired yet concerned expression on his face as he looks to her.

"This needs to resolve now," Quintin tells his mother. She blinks at him at first not understanding what he was referring to.

"What are you talking about?" Unitie asked him as she sees Quintin's five brothers come running up behind him. They were determined to gather information from her. She did raise them to always stand up for what they believe in. 'I haven't seen them this determined since Marcel became a part of the family.' She tapped the mug she held staring at her boys. Her eyes squinted as she took them in. "Okay if you are all looking like you are about to do something then spill it. What's going on? What needs to be resolve?" She shakes her head as she stands up clenching onto the mug, she held staring at her kids. She felt her husband's feet come jogging towards the screen door.

"Unitie what's the commotion?" The screen swung open it made that squeaking noise that drove her up a wall. When she saw him at the corner of her eye, he was putting a mental note to fix that problem for either him to fix or one of the boys. As he steps onto the patio crossing his arms standing next to her. The screen slowing closing behind him the squeak nose made her close her eyes focusing on that one sound. 'I'll fix it later.' She heard his voice in her head it soothed the rage that stirred within. With a simple nod she reopens her eyes.

"Oh, hey Enrique; I have no idea they are about to tell me," Unitie replies as she looks to her husband. He has Hispanic skin tone that was covered in oil. He's been working on a project that he's been meaning to do. His brown eyes that looked at her flustered. He has brown hair that he had swapped to the side. Was now covered in sweat that stuck to the nap of his neck. His white shirt was now covered in oil that made her roll her eyes knowing that she would need to bleach it later. His blue jeans were torn from him kneeling and scrapping against nails he left around. He always seems to be working on something that revolves around the house. She looks to his hand noticing he carried a vacuum part. She gave him a questioning look, but he shook his head at her. Before they both glanced over to their children in hopes to solve any issues that may stir.

"It's about your past." Thorn chipped in he looks like his brother Quintin right eye is blue and the left eye is brown. He has pale skin like his mother with splashes of tan on parts of his body. His father's jawline, medium muscles like his brother, and he wore a blue tank top and blue shorts to match. "You told us that you couldn't reveal to us until we're older. We asked that question when we were thirteen and we are now nineteen. It's long overdue; in addition, we keep hearing all these rumors about the great leader Unitie Mendez. That took down our god father Ezekiel. What the hell?" She glares at him, and they backed away. She crossed her arms staring them down.

'Thorn got my jumping to conclusions.' She shook her head as she met his eyes. "First of all, watch your tone Thorn. I haven't said anything to you all about this for a reason." Unitie tells him with a stern in her voice his eyes drop to his feet. She sighed heavy her demur dropping her tone drifted away. "Second you're not wrong it has been a long wait." Unitie shakes her head as she ran her fingers through her knotted hair. When she yanks onto her hair, she flinched a little before saying anymore. "Babe we need to tell them." She looks to her husband, sighing heavy.

"Okay why don't you begin?" Enrique yawns as he leans against the door frame looking at her. She sets her mug down as she rubs her face attempting to see where she would begin.

"It will take a hot moment before we can even get to your story." Unitie tells him as she lets out a yawn and look over to the sun setting. "Okay why don't we head inside and prepare dinner?" She pushed past Enrique she began rubbing her shoulders only to feel him wrap his arm around her and pulled her close. As she leans against him her eyes closed, he informs her.

"We will be fine." Enrique whispers to her as their boys followed behind them. "You have always told them great stories of our adventures leaving out some parts." He chuckles as she hits his side before, jabbing her finger at him as they enter the living room.

"Oh hush" Unitie chuckles as she looks over to her boys "okay why don't we make everyone's favorite?" The boy's eyes lit up as they look to her, their childish expression appearing once more. It reminded her of when they were little. She smiled at them as she crossed her fingers, and she hits her head lightly. "Fudge I forgot my-" As she was about to head outside Jeremy hands her mug smiling at her.

"Your mug." Jeremy finished my sentence. He wore Marcel's blue shirt with Mario riding on Yoshi. When they were young those were the two characters they loved to play. Marcel would always choose Mario when playing a game. While Jeremy played Yoshi. She remembers them being competitive beating their candy or even chores it always made her day. When she played with them, they would lose their minds. She always got first place; Enrique would watch sit back with the other two players. Admiring how competitive they were. Unitie takes the mug and wraps her arm around his shoulder guiding him to the kitchen. As they heard his brother's shout.

"Thank you, Jeremy." Unitie replies as he kissed her cheek.

Jeremy looks at his mother. "For you? No questions asked."

"Grammy's pizza!!!" They cheered as they rushed into the kitchen starting to gather the ingredients. In Unitie's eyes it brought her joy to see her boys act little again like she remembered them. Enrique and she came into the kitchen to see Thorn grabbing the flower from the cabinet. With the huge bag of flower, Quintin grabbed the yeast that was in the fridge and walks over to Thorn. Desmond started preparing the ingredients for the pizza. By cutting and putting them into separate bowls. Jeremy leaves her side heading over to Marcel helping grab cups.

We stood in the entrance admiring our children. "We did marvlous job…" Enrique uttered quietly Desmond their oldest looks over to them. He offers a wave.

Desmond had shaved his brown hair to support his spouse in fighting cancer. His brown eyes that melted away any pain. He wore a hot pink shirt and loose pants. 'You're outstanding parents.' Desmond mouthed to us Unitie's heart fluttered before he looked away then proceeds to chopping the vegetables.

"Princeps?" A woman's voices call from the front door.

Desmond drops the knife before turning around his face lit up. "Mi princesa, how are you?" He asked Unitie's head turns to see a woman appear on the far side of the kitchen. She wore crop top with cherries, a long red skirt barely reaching the floor, and she was barefoot. She had a small face with a small nose with round lips with her signature dark red lipstick. Her eyes were pink as she stares back to him.

"I'm good" Her voice was soft and smoothly. Unitie shifts her footing to admire Desmond's soulmate. She was tiny roughly the same height.

Everyone stopped what they were doing to gloss over to Desmond. Unitie knew how jealous they were he has devotion towards her that it sprung from him. It radiated everywhere they went giving people or supernatural hope in that special person. "Ulla" Unitie calls out to her. Ulla looks from Desmond to her with a warming smile.

"I apologize for intruding Unitie" Ulla stepped back and bows towards her. "I was excited to see your son." Unitie admired Ulla she's a Viking that had been frozen in the artic ocean deep within. Mermaids had found her when guarding their border's Unitie was the one to awake her.

Unitie sighs as she waved at her. "Ulla no need to be formal in my home" she began as Ulla moved up to stare at her. "I understand that it's respectful however you are dating my son. You will become my daughter-in-law one day. Please make yourself at home, the boys are making food while I tell my story. Care to join?" She asked as Desmond squeezed her shoulder Ulla had been tense since she's only been in Paradise for one month.

"How can I turn down a feast?" Ulla nods with a tense laugh as Desmond guides her to the table settling her in. She watched as he walked over to his station before cutting once more.

After Ulla settled in Unitie felt all eyes on her. "Okay mom, dad sit down we will prepare food. Can you please tell us the story of how our family came to be?" Marcel said as we head over to the dining table and grabbed our seats. Marcel is my adopted son like Desmond he has black hair. That he styled in a medium length modern classic that he brushes daily. Light brown eyes with tan skin. Medium built that he had only finished, and he became a member of their family years ago. It has been a wild roller coaster for Unitie and Enrique ever since they found each other. Dealing with their battles together only to realize they bite off more than they could chew. Marcel was one of the many new challenges they had to face. It was a long adventure they endured to make sure he had a safe home.

"Oh, dear lord where do I even begin…" Unitie makes her way through her children with Enrique in toll. Ulla pats a chair beside her facing towards the living room entrance. With a single nod she crashes into the chair and rubs her head. "I can only think of one way to begin is when everything went downhill for me. Listen close boys and Ulla you are about to hear things that you thought you'd never hear." She leans against the table her hands folded everyone stopped to look over to her as she began the long tail of how everything began.


My name is Unitie Ink. I lived most of my life believing that I was normal only to find out later in life. That it was further away from having what I thought was a normal lifestyle. My family is loving and supportive of everything that I do. Encourages me to get out of my comfort zone, engage in what I enjoy, and plunge me into the correct direction. Not many kids my age could say the same as I, I will always be grateful. Where I stand now, I have never felt more love for myself and becoming strong. In my teenage years into my adult life, I had a very troubling life that only got worse day by day. It felt like a living nightmare right when I turned 16, allow me to tell you, my story.

When I was young my parents always told me that love has a true meaning. They told me that one day your prince will come sweep up off your feet, take care of you, and love you. At first, I had thought they were joking with me and getting me to believe fairy tales. One day I had found my prince in shining armor. He was dorky yet he was kind to others. He had white hair with blue eyes that sparkled like the ocean. His skin was light, and he had a smile that light up a whole room that made me melt. His name was Adrian Acute. We met in Junior High at my brother's hockey game, and he happen to be on the team. I never knew he existed till that one day.


I stand in a crowded arena feeling the sweaty aroma coming from the people I stood behind. I was trying to doodle in my sketch pad when I kept getting bumped by people all around me. The stench was horrid it smelled of rotting food and socks that have been on someone's feet for days. I clenched my nose to block the scent. My eyes began to water as if someone has begun cutting fresh onions that sting and pry into your eyes. I blinked which only seem to make it worse I covered my mouth feeling as if I would cough. I shook my head as I look to my right. There was a blockade in my way it was overwhelming, and I knew that I had to get out of here. "Excuse me." I said aloud to them as I made my way through the heated bodies of people and having their eyes glued to me. I could feel their creepy eyes follow me all the way to the isle. I shivered from discomfort as I head down the stairs. I wrap my arms around myself realizing that it was chilly from the ice risk bellow. Why didn't I bring a scarf? I asked myself as I continued down the steps. I look to my feet watching how I took every step on the concrete. Seeing steps that had crack's forming. Or have already spread through in a chain reaction formation. I giggled to myself a little before I knock into someone. I loosed my balance falling on my rear I groaned a little as I glance up. I faintly see a slender woman looking over to me. "I'm very sorry." I apologized right away.

There was a young woman before me. With long curly hair that reached her mid back the color was blue on the top half of her head. With green mixing towards the bottom. Brown eyes that looked at me with curiosity, she had a little bit of a tan to her. And her movements were enchanting like a ballerina dancing. She offered me her hand and I took it brushing off the dirt from my butt. "It's okay, watch where you're going next time. Never know who you will run into." I nod to her.

"Will do. Enjoy the game." I replied as she smiles at me she turned around vanishing into the crowd to my right. I continued down the stairs keeping my eyes ahead of me. When I got closer to the rink, it amazed me at how graceful they skated on the ice. It looked like they were flying on air faster and faster each time they looped around. I stare in awe for a few seconds then shook my head. Before looking down to see my parents in the front row waiting for my brother Demetrius to get a break. I smiled as I walk towards them only to block by two big men. They crossed their arms staring me down I was immediately intimidated by them. I backed away to get far from them as much as possible. Another man comes to join them. He had medium curly brown hair in a ponytail. Piercing green eyes that stared at me, I felt like a deer in headlights. He had Egyptian skin yet a little lighter to be one, and a well-built body that made me feel even smaller than I was.

"Are you Unitie Ink?" The man asked me.

I swallowed my fear and stood my ground against him. "Who wants to know?" I spit my question at him being as nice as I could manage.

He looks struck back but wore an intriguing smile. "I have a couple of questions for her" he turned his head to the side "you look a lot like her."

I rose an eyebrow. Creepy much? I thought to myself as I shook my head. "You must have me mistaken for someone else." I told as I gripped my sketch pad tight in my hand and attempted to walk past them. The man grabs my arm hard and yanks me back. I bite my lip as I force to stare back at the man. His eyes turned red that stared into my soul. Where his eyes red before?! I blinked a couple of times thinking I was seeing things but when I looked back, they were still red.

"I know you are Unitie" he spat his nostrils flaring "why do you try to deny it?"

I rip my arm from his grasp. "I don't have to answer to the likes of you." I hissed.

"Why you." He raised his hand above and was about to strike. I shield myself and close my eyes waiting for something. Yet, nothing hit me. I reopened my eyes to see his arm grip tight and I was being pulled away from him. I put behind a man with white hair who stands up to the three tall men.

"Is there a problem?" He asked as he stares the men down. He had his helmet tucked under his arm. He was even wearing his ice skates with the protected sleeves on the bottom.

The curly haired man looks away from me and to him. "We were having a chat." He attempted to smile at the man with the skates. His lip quivered due to the young man joining us. The look of hatred rang clear in his eyes. This man gave me the shivers just by his presence. He reeked of blood and sweat. When I looked closer, I could see dried blood at the corner of his mouth. Not noticeable to the naked eye however if you looked close enough there it was. My body tensed as I stayed at the young boy's side. I clung on his arm giving it a light squeeze before I stood my group.

"A chat?" I hiss. "First of all, you block my way. Next you pull me back and try to force me to talk. Third you tried to hit me." They all look to me. "You have your goons block my way. Who needs to have huge men when you are the way you are?" I bellowed about staring at the man. Just by the one glare he aimed my way sent shivers. Throughout my body it was an intense moment that seemed to last a lifetime.

The man with brown curly hair glares at me. "We don't want security getting involved." The man with the white hair says then gestured up the stairs. I look over to see five men watching us. Even though I would love to see these men get thrown out of here I knew it wouldn't end well. They all wore block shirts and pants with pointed shoes to match. Wearing sunglasses that I questioned. Since we were inside a skating rink. I shook that off to the side as I manage to speak once more.

"He's right" I glance back to them "if this isn't stopped it won't end pretty." The man glanced up to the five, looks at my savior, and saved me for last. I stare at the man who had wild eyes. They were blood red with anger he moved closer to us. I froze in the small distance he gave me. As he sniffed the air around me, he backed away. His eyes never wondering from my face. He seemed to be analyzing my appearance. Even studying my face making sure he got everything correct about me.

He points to me. "This isn't over" he mouthed "we will meet again." He told me before they all vanished into the crowd. The one man on guard as he scanned the area before him. I looked to my feet attempting to forget the face that could have been my nightmare. Or worse, he could have captured me. It was a horrible thought that crossed my mind. It sent shivers throughout my body. I looked to my hands to see that they were clutching my pad tight to where it wrinkled up. The pencil I once held long forgotten on the ground below my feet. I couldn't even bend down to grab it even if I wanted to. I was petrified of the actions that had accrued moments before. My body stood frozen, and my hands were shaking with fury. Or was it nerves?

"Are you okay?" The young boy asked his skates in my vision. I could feel the worry he felt for me. It radiated from him. He felt like a magnet pull reeling me in. The way he cared made my heart flutter just with the way he spoke to me. "Hey, please talk to me." He tells me.

I glance up to see his green eyes met mine. I blushed from how gorgeous he was. He was like a movie star that got off set. "I-I think s-s-so" I nod "Thank you." I was able to get myself together. I shook my hands from the sweat. I even let go of the nerves that swallowed me hole. He was the savior that I needed, and he came at the right time. Not a moment to sooner I could have been gone. No one else was stepping up for all I knew. I remembered the woman with green and blue hair. How elegant and flawless she looked. Her brown eyes smiling at me before she took off.

"You're welcome." He smiles at me as he studies me. "What's your name?" In all that commotion I never even mentioned my name. The older man had me all bunched up and unable to speak. Even when I attempted to remove the image from my head. His face was there eyeing me with the red eyes. The hunger that lingered in his smile the way it curled. Would always haunt me.

I smile back at him as I relaxed my muscles. "Unitie" his eyes grew wide "what?" I blinked at this deranged lunatic. His eyes bulging out of their socket. I was afraid they would fall out. I even had to take a step back from the pure shock on his face. Shock still lingered in the air around me.

"Your Unitie?" He asked as I nod confused. "We have heard so much about you from Demetrius" he's talking about my brother "I guess he's your boyfriend..." It took me a moment to process this information. The gears turning inside my head as I blinked in confusion at first. As it clicked inside my head, I couldn't control my next move.

I laughed at him. "You are funny" I put my hand to my stomach "Demetrius is my brother not my boyfriend." I covered my mouth, but it was difficult for how hard I was laughing. My hand was shaking that was covering my mouth. I felt people staring at us from the commotion I had made. 'Now they were paying attention. Where were they five minutes ago?' My body shook from his misconception.

"I didn't know!" He defended as his hands rose in surrender. I glanced at him seeing how his eyes lowered to the floor. His face was flushed from the embarrassment. I'm sure with everyone looking at us didn't help.

I took a deep breath. "Are you sure he wasn't complaining about me?" His shoulders lifted then gently down. He reminded me of a super model that has yet to be found. His hair simply smooth and perfect even with the helmet off. His blue piercing eyes eyeing me curiously. His skin white like a ghost however that shouldn't surprise anyone here. Living in Washington on the west side was normally cold and rainy for 8 months out of the year. Right now, it's pouring outside, and it was nice and warm. With surrounding sweat, it felt more along the lines of a sauna.

"I guess I didn't listen very well." The man ran his fingers through his white hair. He seemed to have forgotten the gloves he wore. The Velcro getting caught in his hair. I shook my head as I moved closer to him. I watched as his cheeks turned pink as I helped him remove his gloves.

"You should be careful" I informed him as I gently move the gloves from his hair. Each one carefree attempting to not rip out his hair. He flinched as I tugged on one harder than the previous one. "Sorry." I chewed my lip as I released the last one. With a smile I retreated staring at him.

"Thank you." He responds to me. He gave me a nod as he looks to his gloves. I see him sigh as he shows me the hair in the Velcro. "Your right. I need to be careful." We both chuckled at his remark. He shakes his head before looking at me again.

I shook my head. "There's no need to worry about it we get it all the time." His cheeks turned even brighter than before. He looks to the ground not meeting my gaze. "I never caught your name." I said moving myself to look him in the eye. He wasn't budging. "You know it's not polite not to return the answer."

He shook his head before meeting my eyes once more. "Adrian" he tells me as he offers me his hand "would you like to join us? We have drinks and some snacks." I crossed my arms over my chest eyeing him. I rose an eyebrow to him. "Why not think of it this way." Adrian began. "Please accept this offer for me being rude before." He tells me. I looked him up and down unsure of what I should do. Since he was putting it that way. How could I refuse?

I smiled at him as I take his hand. "I would love to. Besides I have to pick on my brother." He only laughs as we walk the rest of the way down. "If I catch you being unpolite I won't hesitate. To put you back in your place." I lightly jabbed my finger his way. We walked careful down the steps long forgetting my pencil. That no longer had my attention. Adrian gave me butterflies his hand hovering above my hand. At the ready if I were to fall.

"I will hold you to it." Adrian responds as I met his eyes once more. He smiled at me blushing. I wasn't sure at the time what it had meant. I have never felt this way towards anyone. Besides a little crush. I always wondered what it felt like to be wanted and needed. The way he had looked at me made me feel hole. Feeling the patch fill that I never knew was empty.