
United Family of Whitmore.

Story of a woman who runs a multi-billion dollar company. At the tender age of 10 she took up the difficult task of raising 8 younger siblings and 9 cousins and ran the family business with the help of her sick grandmother and a manic depressed great aunt. Now the kids have grown up and gone on to do their own thing. Her estranged grandfather a powerful politician suddenly arrives to control her life. The Whitmore siblings must unit to defend her from him and others who seek to exploit her. She will overcome her insecurities to understand how deeply she is appreciated.

Ghaadha · 都市
81 Chs

When did that happen?

I got out of my Lamborghini and Weird asked me when I got my driver's license. I told him it is none of his business. I got it sometime during my trip to Norway. This seemed to infuriate him. He was hoping to drive me to and from work. He followed me inside the skyscraper till I reached the private elevator. He waited until I finished work to ask me about my interests.

"What's your favorite football team? What's your favorite food? What's your favorite color? Do you like cars or bikes? Do you like to read a book or watch TV? How do you like your coffee? What bores you? What annoys you? What would you do on your day off? What do you hate most? How would you describe your perfect date? What makes you happy? What makes you cry? What makes you laugh? Do you like fishing?" I waved my hand, "Hey! Stop, stop, full stop breaks. What's with the rapid-fire questions? You are not my boyfriend." He stood in my way, "I want to be your husband. I want to prove I am not a controlling man. I just want to make you happy. I won't get in the way of your work." I raised my eyebrows, "So if I am trying to do something and your recommendation is bad and I follow a different opinion you won't hold it against me? Like my previous boyfriends?" He pulled his lips to one side, "You have always made the right decisions. I won't get in your way. I promise. Now answer my questions, please." He looked like an eager listening schoolboy. I shook my head and pushed him aside and walked to my car, "I hate football and coffee. Beef stew and flaky biscuits and strawberry cheesecake are my favorites. My favorite color is white. It is so pure it is not considered a color. I like trains, boats, and motorcycles. I don't watch TV unless it is to watch National Geographic. I mostly like to read books. People who has hidden agendas bore me. Lengthy conversation to goes nowhere annoys me. My day off is my business. I already told you what I hate. The perfect date does exist like the unicorn. My family makes me happy. People who hurt my family make me cry. Sembi, Sasha, Edge and Ems makes me laugh. I go Salmon fishing once every few years. Happy? Excuse me, but I am late for an appointment."

He gave me a face of disapproval but said nothing at all. I drove to the courthouse where Giselle and Carlos were getting married. Chris was there as the second witness. We filled the form and left the courthouse because Chris's mother was hospitalized for suffering a stroke. My family came for moral support as well. We were finally allowed to see and we broke the two visitors-only rule.

Giselle barged in angrily, "You guys filled the form all wrong. Instead of being the witnesses, you guy filled the part of husband and wife. Carlos and I filled the part for the witnesses." We blushed red as both our families roared with laughter. We searched and finally found someone to marry them and send the couple away. It was an honest mistake so we didn't have to do anything. Chris's mom woke up to hear her son married and she was so happy to hear that she cried tears of joy. Her husband explained that it was a mistake but she believes that everything happens for a reason. The doctor came and checked her up, "Whatever you doing keep it up. It is doing wonders for her." Chris blushed and gave me his hand, "Will you marry me again?" I smiled accepting his hand, "Yes!" His mom cheered, "See! I told you they were seeing each other but none of you believed me" His mom was annoyed that we married in court so we had to married in an official way. I made a polite request, "Nothing flamboyant, please. I like only friends and family to be present. I don't want ill wishes to be present." This was not the tradition of their family but they accepted my request and made the wedding reception flamboyant instead.