
United Family of Whitmore.

Story of a woman who runs a multi-billion dollar company. At the tender age of 10 she took up the difficult task of raising 8 younger siblings and 9 cousins and ran the family business with the help of her sick grandmother and a manic depressed great aunt. Now the kids have grown up and gone on to do their own thing. Her estranged grandfather a powerful politician suddenly arrives to control her life. The Whitmore siblings must unit to defend her from him and others who seek to exploit her. She will overcome her insecurities to understand how deeply she is appreciated.

Ghaadha · 都市
79 Chs

Let's go for a picnic

I got out of work feeling keyed up and run down at the same time. I decided to go for a drive. Adam was kind enough to drive me to the airstrip where the private jet was waiting for me and Chris to go on our trip to Turkey. Our first stop was a Hammam (Turkish baths). We then traveled to the market and enjoyed Turkey Ice Cream. I was enjoying how hard it was when I got a call. It was Weird, "I just clocked out from work to find out you are elsewhere. Where are you? I will come and get you we will go somewhere special." I swallowed what was in my mouth, "I am in another country." He chuckled, "Where? Tunisia?" I answered dryly, "I am in Turkey with Chris." He threw a volley of profanities. His mouth was a machine gun. I decided to hang up. He called again but I ignored it. We stopped at a tailor where Chris looked at the designed and picked an outfit for me. They promised to have it completed by lunch on the very next day.

We stopped at the Dawood Pasha Hotel. We got the top floor for ourselves. The view was awesome! We ate exotic dishes and watched Turkish dramas. Some were hilarious and others were decent. We planned to go to Bern after we stayed for our friend Zynab's betrothal. It was like a fairy tale come to life.

The next morning we left for Bern and I called Hattie to make sure she was ok. Weird answered the phone. I thought I dialed the wrong set of digits. Chris laughed at my silly expression. "Put Hattie on right now or I will call Adam and he will show you the door." Hattie answered the phone, "Sweetie. Did you go to Hawaii. If you are please bring me a dress with a Hawaiian print." I told her I was on my way to Bern. But will stop on my way back. She was excited, "Bern was where I met my husband. May you meet yours there too." Weird screamed, "Are you my friend? or my enemy?" GG grumbled, "Grow up. She is not interested in you so find someone else. Sabrina dear! Are you staying with Carl? He is an old friend of mine. His home is the safest." I asked her to call him and collect us from the airport. I was about to ask AJ the pilot to take us there.

We were received by Carl Hanson, his wife Alice, and son Fischer. We drove for a few hours the view was nice but not as nice as Aspen. When we got there I had a snowball fight with the neighbor's kids before we got inside. I made my recipe for hot chocolate with a pinch of cayenne pepper. We sat down to chat about he met my family and how he came to know about me. Apparently, I was famous even in Switzerland. I had helped the locals a few years ago on one of my vacations. Carl asked me to dress up for a special ball his family hosts every few months along with his friends. We reclined near the veranda and listen to the radio. It had a different language for every radio station. This was a surprise for Chris but I was used to it so I just sat casually and listened to the pirate station that hosts conspiracy theories and laughed merrily. I tried to find my phone to call Bats and convince him to find Fin and Di and asked them to arrange legal documents to transfer the last of  GG's property to Edge. I was reaching for the phone when I got a call from Indigo that Dash got kidnapped by MIA. I ran to find AJ and we quickly left for LA.