
Uninvited, A Vampire Becomes Part of My Youth

Hikigaya Hachiman always considers himself to be different from others because of how he views the world. He professes to be a genuine person as he doesn't hide behind a mask. Deep down, of course, he knows he is just afraid to form a meaningful relationship; traumatized by what happened to him and unable to move on. What will happen if Hikigaya Hachiman truly turns into something else that makes him different from others? How will he view the world now that he is not something he used to be? Can he accept himself? How will his change affect the people around him? "So... I am a Vampire now?" --- Disclaimer: Yahari Ore no Seishun Rabukome wa Machigatteiru belongs to Wataru Watari. I am just a mere fan who can't help exploring the possible scenarios that each character could face and how they will react.

Frona_Gorgophone · アニメ·コミックス
73 Chs

As Expected, He and She Should Never Participate

Up to 20 advanced chapters on Patreon: Fiction Haven


[Hiratsuka Shizuka's POV]

The sports festival had come. The school got crowded once again as parents, friends, and anyone who was somehow related to the participants, our students, came to watch them. Among the attending parents were Hachiman's mother, Yuigahama's mother, and surprisingly, Yukinoshita's mother. All of them were surrounding Hachiman, eager to talk to him. It was fortunate that the bastard was not the best at understanding women's hearts.

Yukinoshita seemed flustered that her mother came—and so was Haruno judging by her look—but Hachiman looked like he had expected it. That kid was already part of the society of the world's top one percent, so I was not that surprised. His family didn't even fully understand how he got into the business world. What they could tell was that he was very rich and doing his best to not appear so.

After some more talk with all of the mothers that took his attention, he bid his farewell. The event would start soon, so his team was calling him. Regardless of their age, many female eyes followed him. I could understand them, so I didn't judge. Hachiman had always been a looker even before Shinobu reformed him. Now that the way he saw the world had changed and puberty hit him, he looked all the more desirable.

Damn, those muscles are going to rip his shirt off soon.

Hachiman was not muscular like a bodybuilder but was way more muscular than a swimmer. He always wore fitting clothes, so his muscles were quite prominent. Even when he tried to hide his muscles by wearing a cardigan or a baggy V-neck sweater, he still couldn't do it. He had a habit of leaving the top two buttons of his uniform unbuttoned, so everyone could see his chiseled chest even if he wore his baggy sweaters. When he wore a cardigan, he often rolled the sleeves, revealing his toned forearms.

Whatever he did to hide his muscles, only made his body more distracting. Therefore, now in his sports uniform, he caught the eye of many females. Shit, I shouldn't be looking at my student like that. Sometimes, I forgot that Hachiman was still just a high school student. His developed physique aside, the way he thought and behaved was beyond mature. He could even fiddle me like a toy when he was in the mood.

Wait…that sounds lewd. Fuck! I am not a pedophile. Oh, you can legally have sex with a 17-year-old male in Japan anyway. Still, he is your student, Shizuka!

Kicking the ground, I found some water to drink. When my head cooled down enough, I watched the ongoing event. The first event was Tama-ire (Birds' Nest Ball Toss). The red team which was led by Shinobu on the girl's side was winning. Shinobu and Yukino were good at aiming. On the other hand, the boy's red team was not doing so well. That was until the bored Hachiman decided to meddle. At the end of the event, they outclassed the white team by more than twenty balls.

The next event was volleyball. I happened to be one of the referees, so I could notice the interesting phenomenon unfolding before my eyes. The courts for the girl's match and the boy's match were across from each other. For the boy's match, the audience was heavily dominated by females and the opposite was true for the girl's match. There was more audience watching the boy's match, though.

When the match began, I immediately understood what was happening. The males were focused on watching different rounded objects at the girl's match. Thankfully, all of the older males were watching the boy's match. These older males were the only people who were truly enjoying the match for what it was. The females were too busy peeking at Hachiman's abs whenever his shirt was lifted.


"That boy can kill someone with his smash!"

I had to agree with that one parent. Hachiman was an intimidating opponent. Hayama was the only player in the red team who dared to take on Hachiman's serve or block his ball. I felt slightly bad for him as his hands already looked red. That must hurt. Unfortunately, Hachiman didn't care about it in the slightest. He would give the other team some slack by letting his teammates attempt to score, but he would immediately step in when he deemed fit.

The first set was easily won by the red team. On the second set, Hachiman replaced himself with another student. Hayama also did the same. The two headed to the other court and watched the girl's match. Quickly enough, the audience of the boy's match decreased. The females were following the two to watch the girl's match.

"Miura, don't play too close to the net; you can't jump high enough to get the ball. Shinobu, stop playing around and hit the ball properly. Yui…just don't be a burden."

"What's with that insult!? I have been doing good!"

Hachiman's words made some of the audience chuckle. The boy was not making a joke, of course. He meant his words and it made it even funnier. As if gaining a newfound power, the girl's red team quickly dominated the game. Hachiman had a smirk on his face as he was talking with Hayama whereas Hayama had a wry smile. He must be trash-talking Hayama.

When the girl's match ended, the boy's match also ended. The girl's red team won the match, but the boy's red team lost this time. Hachiman didn't show any reaction but was quite pissed judging by how he looked at his teammates. When the third set began for the boys, the audience was excited. Hachiman and Hayama were playing again. Unfortunately, they couldn't watch much action as Hachiman won the game by twenty-five consecutive scoring serves. No one could believe what they had just seen.

Everyone was brought out of their gaze when Hachiman took his shirt off and wiped the sweat off his body with it. The women cheered and the girls gawked at the scene with bright red faces. I wouldn't judge them as I was also enjoying the show too. I wasn't as obvious as they were, of course. The joy quickly ended after Shinobu sprayed some sunscreen on him. She handed him a new shirt and he immediately wore it. The scene reminded me that he was already taken.

Back to the field, the next event was held. It was a relay race. I couldn't watch the event as I had to tend to an injured student. Even more students came after I tended to one and it made me wonder if they intentionally got themselves injured. When all of them were tended to, the students were already preparing for the tug of war. Hachiman and Shinobu were both at the end of the rope. My eyes might be fooling me because their tugging seemed to be the reason their team won.

After the tug of war, Hachiman went to the first-aid tent which was where I was. He seemed bothered by the sun.

"Yo, Shizuka-chan!" he greeted neutrally.

"Don't call me that at school," I said in exasperation. "People will get the wrong idea."

"Sure, darling. Like anyone can believe I am dating such a pretty teacher."

I blushed at his words. He didn't even care about what he said as he sat down and sprayed some sunscreen on his face and arms. My heart calmed down at the wondrous scene. I had noticed that his skin had gotten paler but didn't know that he took care of it too much.

"I got skin cancer."

"What!?" I blanched at his words.

"Relax, I was joking." He chuckled and looked at me with mirth. "You looked so curious, so I couldn't help teasing you."

"That's not funny, idiot!" I exclaimed and emphasized it with my love language—a light punch to the stomach.

Hachiman casually chuckled and removed my hand effortlessly. I tried to resist but couldn't. It was then that I realized how big his hands were. Unconsciously, I opened my hands and interlaced my fingers with his. I looked up at him and found him quirking an eyebrow. He wasn't weirded out, but I was still embarrassed.

"Sorry. I just realized how big you have become," I mumbled as I pulled my hand away, only to find I couldn't.

"Damn, you sound like my mother," Hachiman said bitterly, pulling me closer by my hand. "Have you noticed how tall I am?"

"I- I have."

I was nervous. Being in such proximity, I could smell his scent. He was sweating but smelled like perfume. Probably, it was because of his sunscreen. He smelled unique. I couldn't describe it well, but it wasn't repulsive. I had a strong urge to just bury my face in his chest and breathe in his scent. I hated myself for even thinking about it but couldn't hold myself.

"My, are you going for Shizuka-chan now, Hachiman?"

My body froze as I heard Shinobu's voice from behind my back. I felt like a deer caught in the headlights. I felt guilty—like I had done something wrong. It was a weird feeling.

"First, your words are insinuating that I have been going for a lot of people. Second, what makes you think that this position is in any way romantic?" Hachiman retorted. "I am stopping a She-Hulk from pummeling me here!" His words ticked me, so I kneed him. Unsurprisingly, he could easily block it with his free hand. "See?"

I scoffed and pulled my hand away. He immediately scurried away and hid behind Shinobu as if he was afraid of me. I crossed my hands and smirked. I knew that he didn't have any hidden intentions earlier, but I couldn't help feeling special. It was not a feeling that I should have, so I immediately stomped it down. I couldn't let it show on my face that I might fancy my student more than a student.

Unlike Hachiman, unfortunately, Shinobu was aware of what I was feeling. A bitter smile immediately crept up my face.


Honorary Mention:

Venerable Immortal Bowzr

Venerable Immortal JayJonnaJamison

Venerable Immortal Keksimus Rex