
Unholy Brothers

A girl who is known for being good at anything transmigate as the sister of the FL in a r19 novel where the FL becomes the bloodbag of the vampire brothers. 'W-why.....Am i the one sent here instead of my sister?!' 'Don't tell me she's the sacrifice' i couldn't hold my anger and said 'could you please shut up, it's not like i wanted to be here you motherf*cher' the whole room turnes silent.

Kira_Yael · 都市
4 Chs

Chapter 1-Betrayal

My name is Kia, I graduated today and is now free from school.

"So, what are you gonna do this weekend now that school is over"

asked by my best friend

"Probably gonna play some games."

"Especially 'That' one-"

my voice stopped as i heard a truck screeching towards me

I was ran over by the truck

my eyes slowly closed as i saw my friend running towards me calling my name

my friend was trying to wake me up

but my body nor my eyes didn't move

I was somehow very happy that i died

but when i opened my eyes

I saw an unfamiliar ceiling.

i am not good at writing

i'm only doing this because i want to leave my damn fake scenarios i make in my head


Kira_Yaelcreators' thoughts