
Unheard Wishes: A Tale of Desires

Short Version: An overpowered man helps anime and comic characters in exchange for sex. Long version: In an unexpected turn of events, an average man meets his demise and finds himself transported to a mysterious new world. Driven by his deepest desires, he yearns to create a group of women who adore him—a Harem. However, he soon discovers a surprising truth: there are no women in this world. Determined to escape this peculiar realm and protect his virtue, our hero sets out on a challenging journey of self-improvement. Through hard work and unwavering commitment, he attains godlike powers. But even with his newfound abilities, he finds himself confined to a shop within the vast multiverse. Within the walls of this enigmatic shop, our protagonist faces his true test. As a divine duty, he must assist distressed women from different parts of the multiverse, offering them his strength and guidance. However, the cosmic balance demands a price, and the reward he gets is.... Sex Throughout his adventure, our hero encounters women from various backgrounds, each with their own unique struggles and stories. As he ventures forth, he becomes deeply involved in their challenges, providing comfort, advice, and protection. Yet, amid his selfless acts, the man secretly hopes that someday, somehow, his unwavering dedication and kindness will be reciprocated. Will his cherished dream of a Harem come to fruition, or will the universe have different plans for him? Embark on this captivating journey, where desire, determination, and duty intertwine, showcasing a man's quest for personal fulfillment and the salvation of others. ..... Worlds: Oshi no ko Chainsaw man Marvel DC One piece Naruto Attack on titan Bleach Jujutsu Kaisen One punch man And more.... ...... Patreon link: https://www.patr.eon.com/Over_The_Moon69 Discord Link: https://discord.gg/4YMFGVwtbc (new link) Ko-fi Link: https://ko-fi.com/overthemoon69 ... I will be posting this story on Royal Road https://www.royalroad.com/author-dashboard

Over_The_Moon69 · アニメ·コミックス
281 Chs

And Now We Wait

"Although I would love to hear it, but you need to wait, you need to do something before that right?" Akeno said seriously as Adam looked at her and smiled.

"Yeah," Akeno smiled hearing his answer as the two walked out of the shop and arrived at her house.

"So, you live in a shrine?" Adam asked looking out of the room from where he could see a neat and beautiful garden.

"Yes, isn't it peaceful?" Akeno asked and Adam nodded this place surely had a calming feel to it.

'This might be the perfect place to relax, should I build something like this?' Adam thought looking at the clear pond that had fishes, all while hearing the sounds of the insects and birds that were in the surrounding area.

"Hmm, I quite like it," Adam said and Akeno smiled, she was happy that liked this place since…

"You can come over anytime, my doors are always open for you~," Akeno said with a wink as Adam coughed.

'Does she have to make everything sound so… lewd?' Adam didn't know why but the way Akeno said those words really made his mind go in a really perverted direction, But leaving that aside…

"Then I'll get to it," Adam said and Akeno nodded following him as he walked out of the side door and stood in the middle of the garden.

"Akeno are you sure you want to watch?" Adam turned to look at Akeno just to make sure of it once more.

"Yes I'll be fine," Akeno said as there wasn't much that would faze her at this point, not to mention that she wanted to be there when it happened but…

"Thank you for worrying about me though," Akeno smiled since she was really happy about the way Adam acted with her.

"Well, isn't that natural?" Adam said as he crouched on the ground, Akeno's eyes softened a little after hearing that.

'Since there is no body nor any part of her aside from the ashes, I'll need to use that,' Adam sighed a little as he placed his palms on the ground and took a deep breath, if possible he didn't want to use this because…

"In the shadows of twilight, a spell takes flight." Akeno's eyes widened as soon as the words left Adam's mouth, It wasn't because of what he said but…

'How much Magic Power is that?' Akeno could feel her body trembling as an enormous amount of Magic Power started to gather around them, there was in fact so much of it that she could see it take a visible form.

'It turned into thick fog,' Akeno thought looking around her

"Whispers weave through the cosmic veil, beyond mortal sight." On the other hand, Adam continued as more Magic power gathered around, the fog kept on getting thicker and thicker which made it difficult for Akeno to even see her hand even if she pressed it in front of her eyes.

"From realms unknown, where ancient powers reside. Life's essence is reformed, as mysteries confide." And as soon as Adam said that thunderous lightning started to crackle in the fog without end, it was like millions of bolts landed on the ground every second.

'These winds are so strong,' Akeno was sure that if she was on his own at this point she would've been blown away by the strong winds, but she didn't need to fear that for now.

'Even if I can't see him, I can still feel him there, I know he will protect me,' Akeno thought as she had felt Adam's magic power wrap around her in order to protect her before.

And as if to prove her right…

"Glimmering stars above, guide this arcane rite," As soon as Adam said that all of the fog was blown away, there was no wind or thunder anymore and the blue sky along with the sun from before was nowhere to be seen.

It was almost like they had been transported to a different place or the world was overwritten because…

'Beautiful….' That was all Akeno could think as her breath was caught in wonder, The sky was now filled with countless bright stars, like shimmering diamonds in the darkness.

She had never seen anything so beautiful in her life. Akeno was unable to move her eyes as the stars twinkled brightly, forming shapes like they were telling stories in the sky along the big, milky ribbon that was far longer than she could ever measure, it was like a magical river of stars.

And then…

"By powers divine, through which space and time entwine." At this moment Akeno saw a star separating itself from the starry river and began to fall.

It looked like a falling star and this made her remember….

'Akeno-chan, if you make a wish on the falling stars they'll always come true,' That was what her mother always told her when they were gazing at the starry night sky.


'Yes, let's make a wish together when we see one next time,'

'Yay, Mama!' At that moment, Akeno was the happiest she had ever been, just living a simple life with her mother, she didn't have much to wish for aside from the safety of her mother.

But even after wishing on the falling stars her wish wasn't granted, and she lost her mother after which….

'I've wished on them countless times, even then you never returned to me mother, but…' Akeno looked between Adam and the shooting star before her eyes stopped on Adam, she looked at the way she had looked at the shooting stars every time, but there was no uncertainty in her eyes today, the reason for that was, 'I know you will today.'

And at the moment the world came to a stop as a beam of otherworldly light landed on the ground in front of Adam, it was like it had arrived from the heavens above making all of the magical power in the surrounding gather within its glow.

"Weaving the threads of fate, I order thee to restore this life's flame [%#&$*&^%$#@!]" At that moment the ground quaked and an intense flash of light covered Akeno's vision as she was forced to close her eyes.

'I need to look,' It was only after a few seconds that Akeno was able to force her eyes open after sensing that the intense light had subsided.

As soon as she opened her eyes she was able to see Adam standing there in front of her carrying her mother in his arms as she seemed asleep fully covered in a white cloth.

"Mother…." Akeno walked towards Adam with steady steps as she had trouble speaking at this moment.

Her mother, who had missed every day of her life for the past 8 years without having any hope of meeting her again was now in front of her sleeping peacefully like nothing ever happened.

"You can talk to her when she wakes up after a while, it will take some time for her soul to get used to her new body," Akeno nodded hearing Adam's words as she wiped her tears and then guided him inside the room and laid down the futon for her mother.

She was so caught up with her mother that she didn't even notice that Adam's eyes were closed this whole time.

He only opened his eyes after Akeno had covered her mother with the blanket and was now sitting next to her waiting.

"You don't need to worry Akeno," Adam said as Akeno took her eyes from her mother for the first time since she was revived.

"I know, I trust you… but I can't contain myself right now…." Akeno said as some tears started to gather in her eyes again, she was really unable to control her emotions at this moment.

"It is only natural that you feel that way," Adam said with a nod as Akeno slowly reached out and grabbed his hand.

"Sit down next to me," She said while looking at him, her intentions were clear, "Won't you greet my mother with me?"

"I would love to," Adam smiled and sat down beside Akeno as she smiled and leaned her body on him hugging his arm.

"Hmm, I can't wait to introduce you to her," Akeno rested her head on his shoulder gently, and the two waited for Himejima Shuri to wake up, but Adam had another thought.

'Hopefully, she forgives me, it wasn't intentional,' Adam sighed in his head as he thought that he will cross that bridge when the time comes.
