
Chapter Hundred and Thirty six

Yeah! I know you'll win this because you're the best! Guns wrapped her arms around her "if you keep hugging me like this, I think I'm going to collapse" Gina laughed and released her "So how are we going to celebrate.... Jade stopped and focused behind her "What? She turned and saw the boy from the dinning hall. "Seems you have proved me wrong" he smiled and stretched forward his arm. "Congratulations"

Sunny smiled and shook his hand. "You're in the second position, so you did well" "But not as good as yours". "How about you treat us out for dinner to apologize" Sunny grinned at him. He smiled "Okay, that's cool". "See you then" she smiled and watched him turn away. "Wow, girl you are amazing! Jade screamed in excitement. "What! She stare at both of them. "You just asked him out for dinner". "Yes, dinner and so...his going to pay the bill". "That's exactly asking him out on a date". 

"That's not true" Sunny dragged her hand through hair. "What's the matter with both of you, it isn't a date, you guys are coming with" "That's just a cover up of your plan" Sunny grown up a@ hard and walk away. "They never seems to understand"  she muttered on her way but at least she'll be able to know how name, she have been curious about that.

"Wow!!! Gina screamed in excitement as she spread open her napkins to get started with the food. "How did you manage to pay for this, do you steal or is your dad among the top richest people like Sunny's dad" Gina said already scooping some food into her mouth. "Gina! Sunny called but she winked at her and continued stuffing food into get mouth. He laughed "My dad is a doctor". "That cool,I just come visit when I'm ill". "Um mm, my dad is an Obstetrician" he smiled. "Ohhh, she smiled awkwardly and focus back on her food.

"Thanks for the dinner by the way" Sunny said when they walk out from the restaurant  "That's my punishment and you don't have to apologize"  "Okay, I'm happy you remember" I smiled and we started walking home suddenly I saw Gina and Jade walking far ahead. "Tell me that this two are not living me behind".  "Oh, I think they are already gone" I stare at the road with a big frown on my face. "Do they always do this?  "I just they wouldn't keep doing it in the future" 

He laughed. "Let's pray so Sunny" I stare at him in surprise. "I heard you friend call you that"  "Yeah, they did. "And what's yours? He asked. "Hmm, what about this, if we meet again, I promise to tell u out my name". "Why?  "Do that you'll have me in mind" I smiled and looked to find that we have finally arrived. "See then... I waved and walked in toward the girls hotel room, I would then deal with both of them. How could they? I rubbed my head and walked in the elevator.

"Seriously guys! I glared at both of them when I walked into the room "You can't just leave me with a random stranger". "His not a random stranger, he's a student" "yeah, I know that but he still strangers you me and you guys did wrong by leaving me alone in the street with him". "We're sorry but why did tiu call him a stranger, a person you know is no more a stranger for you". "Well, he still because I don't know anything about him". 

"At least you know his name" Gina said Sunny sigh and sat down on the bed. "No, I don't". "You're not serious, you went out on dinner with him". "No, you're wrong, we went out on dinner with him". "That doesn't mean I have to know his name". "Who those that! Jane asked looking at him weirdly. "Stop looking at me, Okay, I asked him his name but he said that he'll tell me when we meet again.

"Okay, the name of your crush is Justin and he's studying in British school, He's studying to be a doctor too, his hobbies are drawing, swimming and basket ball.... "Stop! Stop! Stop! I screamed. And the other girls in the room turned to stare at me. "First husband not my crush, second how did you know about all these" "I told you that's what I do" Jade shrugged, "geez! Sunny muttered and moved close to where Jade as standing, I'm telling you this, I'm not interested in all this and now can I go to bed you girls are driving me crazy". 

Sunny walked passed them and stared undressing, they were totally driving me insane and her feel that any moment with them again would made me run mad.

 She couldn't sleep that night maybe it was the excitement that she won the game or was she even thinking of what Jade told her, the last thing he she wanted now was to be interested in any damn boys, he was going to show all of their dumb ass that he was far more better than them and don't need her around her. "You're not sleeping? He heard Gina asked, she looked up and saw her staring down at her "And you too? Why are you not sleeping? 

"I'm feeling very sleepy but I can't sleep if your eyes are open like this" Sunny laughed as looked up at Gina. "Do you want to tell me anything? She sat beside her gently. "I'm really sorry if we hurt you, we just want you to have fun and since Marcus decided to be a shit if a person.

"It okay, I'm having the best fun with you guys and I'm not angry". "So are going to come now?  "If course I am" I smiled and shut my eyes, I just think I should stop worrying about unnecessary things that would make you ugly". The third day was super fun since were given opportunity to explore round the rest of the set museum, it was amazing and she love it.

"You're doing so much preparation" Sam said as he watched her wife setting the table. "Oh, my daughter is coming back and I have impress her" "Impress her, she have only gone out for three days and you're making this much preparation". "Of course, I should maybe she haven't eaten well since then , I have to treat her to the best". "What hall I'd she's away for a week, months or even year". "Stop saying like this Same, I'll always try to make her happy if she's coming back home" she looked up at him and made for walk to the kitchen.

"You know she isn't your daughter? Tara stopped in shock as she slowly turned to meet Sam's glare. "You don't have to remind me of that". "Of course, I do and its seems as if you have forgotten completely that she isn't your daughter". Tara exhale hard and fold her arm under her bosom. "I know clearly well that she isn't But I had trained her up to me now...I don't think that something would come between us". "You seem so sure". 

"Of course, I am". "What made you think so darling" Sam made a move toward her and took her lips in his. "Tell me what made you say so? He asked kissing her hard on the lips. "She isn't my daughter but I'm the one she recognized as her mother and not even Becca can change that". "That's better" Sam grinned. And if you can excuse me, I have a table to set, Sunny would be here at any moment" she smiled and Sam released her her to go finish her chores.

He hopes that his wife was right and he knows that sooner that Becomes would come to take her daughter that would be a huge slap across the face. "Daddy! He turned knowing that his daughter was back. "How are you darling, he stood and opened his arm to let her in. "Guess what! She smiled and he had already knew his talented daughter has made him proud. "You won... as always" he smiled kissing her forehead. "Yes dad, She twirled around excitedly. 

"Tell me Sunny, what you what me to give you?  "Hmm mm she smiled "How about you give me anything you want to, its a gift so surprise me... Sunny turned and met Tara standing on the door. "Mum! She ran toward her and embrace her. "Oh, my baby, I missed you, it three days but it seems like ages". "I know and I missed you too". "How and freshen up I have prepared nice dinner for us, you'll love it. She nodded babe ran upstairs. Her mum really dramatic of her leaving the house, she laughed, it was so cute to have a mother who cares for you.

She smiled and ate the sane time felt pain, she moved to her window and draw the binds open. "Just take a deep breath, it going to be fine but her heart was already beating faster. She walked over and grab her inhaler, taking a deep breath, it was going to be fine, she just have to stop thinking about her, that was the best thing to do but how can she when couldn't seems to forget the past memories.  She to freshen up before Tara comes up and her worried, she walked into the bathroom and slipped off her clothes why looking stupid herself in the mirror "it going to be alright Sunny" she whispered to herself then climbed into the tub to take a refreshing bath.

The next day at school everyone congrats her, saying how happy SVD proud he has made them. She was the school celebrity now. "Everyone is talking about you even the teachers"..Gina smiled and embrace her. "It so amazing that we have a talented friend like you". "Hey, She heard a voice behind her and turned back to see Marcus standing behind her. "Who ? Me?  "It nothing, just that I came to congratulate you by winning". "Oh, I see, is that the reason you came to talk to me seems you haven't learned your lesson". .

"I told you I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it" Gina came stand in front of him and did what I never expected by giving him a hot slap "she said she doesn't want to talk to you or see your face so get out of here you numb" Gina yelled. "I just wanted to apologize and make TT bums right. "You theirs something that whatever you try to do you wouldn't be able to fix it up so it better you live me alone" hr nodded and walked away again.

I rubbed my forehead and turn to see that Gina was staring at me. "It fine, you don't have to worry about me, im okay" I went to the bathroom to splash water on my face, I could believe he brought his dumb face, what was he even thinking? That I'll forgive him after what he tried to do to me....

I heard that Becca would be coming back soon, maybe dinner than we all expected. "I think I'm ready for her and what did you thin she'll do the most?  "Ummm, I think would try to make you life a living tell now she is rich, she would definitely plan to do something really big on you". Sam dragged her hand through her hair, hr was in for this and no matter what, he'll try to make her down.  "Make me a cup of coffee" he waved off his assistant, for all the reason in this world yet hated her do much, they was a time he thought he loved her but he realized that his wealth is more important.

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