
Chapter Hundred and eighty two

"Madam, a letter for you" the servant handed her a letter that was sealed with a red stamp "From who? She turned the letter to check the address it came from but nothing was written at the back.

"Who gave you this? Rebecca asked the servant "I just saw on the mail with no address but it was dedicated for you"."Weird" she muttered as she turned and examined the white envelope on her palm.

Where was this from "Thanks, I'll check it out then" the servant nod and walked off, she stared at it for sometime before heading up to her study. "Who sent this? She sat down and tore the lid open, why would someone send something without writing the address it was coming from unless...

She pulled out the card, it was the same card... "That bastard! He sent the card again to her. And now their was a little scribble there. "You won't want to miss the dinner Becca" 

She held the card up to her face and felt her blood boiling in anger and an instant the card was torn to pieces and she tossed it into the waste bin, what did that monster thinks of himself.

No matter what he was thinking, she wasn't going to allow him come any closer to her daughter. 

He had harmed her and kept her away from her daughter for so long and she was going to use that against him because nothing would make her feel more better than seeing that son of a bitch rot in hell.

She light up her cigarettes with a determine expression, she wasn't going to give him the pressure he wants again.

Tara stirred from the bed then blink her eyelid to see the sun has already come up, her body ache so bad. Maybe she had slept in a unfavorable position, her neck too was hurting badly.

She made to raise her hand and rub her neck but she found out that her wrist was stuck, she made to move her hand again but it was really stuck. That was when she became fully awake and looked down the see that her hand has been tied firmly by the side of the bed.

"What the hell! She yanked her hand hard to free herself but instead the rope cut deep into her flesh, looming down at her leg also, she noticed that it had been tied together.

"No! She screamed "No! She made to turn, to get in the right position to gree herself but it was impossible. Who had done this to her and why! She yanked and moaned in pain, nobody would try this with her except for Sam!

But why would he do this except their was a break in, in the house "Sam! Sam!! Sam!! Where are you! Sam! She yelled loudly hurting her throat but she didn't care all she wanted was to get out of here and go look for her husband.

Did they hurt him, did they take him with them, why didn't she wake up when she was being tied like a piece of log on the bed. "Sam! She screamed again wondering where all the servants went to.  "Sam!!! This time their was tears in her eyes. 

"Where are you Sam!  "Hey, easy woman" she jerked her head up to see her husband standing in front of the door. "Sam, she called in surprise "Why, I thought something bad happened to you and...why are I being tied up in the bed?  

"Oh, you're such a sweet wife, thinking about me in this condition". "What do you mean and can you please unite me I'm hurting" but Sam ignored her. "You can see I'm perfectly fine, you're the only one that something had had happened to". 

"I don't know what you're talking about, I want you to untie me now!  Sam walked up towards her. "And why would I? He asked smiling at how helpless she looks. "Because you're my husband and I'm hurting, I need to get out of this things". 

"You still don't get it" Sam chuckled and traced his finger on her cheeks the scope her tears with his finger. "Just save your strength and don't exhaust them, you still have days to spend here". 

Tara just stared in shocked "Why would you to this, why!!! She screamed, yanking the rope really hard, Sam bent toward her "Because you're in the way Tara, I tried to talk some senses into you but it seems as if it not working out, so I have to do what's best". 

"By tying my up? "Of course because that's the only way to keep you from getting in the way, I have plans Tara, plans that would finally get Sunny back but of you're in the way...

I don't see it working out, so what you have to do now, it just to be a little patient with me, it going to time but you'll don't get to be free". 

"Just get me out of here, Sam!, I'm not going to allow you to do this!  "I'm already doing it". "Get me out of here! Let me out or this thing!! Tara screamed loudly. "I told you, that this is for a reason, don't force me to go hard on you"

"Go to hell Sam, I'm going to scream till I'm out of here" she glared angrily at him "So sorry but I don't think it possible, half of the servant that is supposed to hear you are gone and the few ones left wouldn't dare to disobey me and ...

He stood up and walked toward the drawer to get something and when he got back to her Tara saw the tap in his hand. e"This would stop you from annoying me" Sam scrape it out and tape her mouth firmly despite his wife struggle. 

"That would shut you up for now and if you finally want to eat, you should behave probably like a wife you are". He kissed the top of her hair before leaving her all one in the room, Tara felt hot tears in her eyes as she struggled to free herself.

She yanked her hand and feet and even tried to get the tape off but it was fruitless, she was stuck here with no one to help.

After struggling for sometime, age drifted into a painful and uncomfortable sleep, her stomach rumbles, her body ache like hell. She just helpless and stuck, she had thought he understood when he told her that she was free to do whatever she wanted.

The last thing she had expected was to see herself in this situation and why hasn't she woken up when she was being tied...

Rebecca went to the camera room after tearing up the cards, she knows that it was Sam but she wanted to know if he sent someone or he came by himself. She have to increase her security and watch that monster closely, she was going to be ready for him and won't allow him to take her by surprise.

She drove to John's mansion after watching the camera, she needs to let him know about this.

"The same card?  "Yeah, he's so bent that I come to the dinner to further our discussion". "And why are you just telling me now". 

"Because I thought I could handle whatever he throw my way but h sending someone to my home...is too much, he wouldn't like what I'll do if he tries anything on my daughter, I have enough to use against him, if he ever tries the court.

Even if he wanted it on a more personal ground I'll also make him to pay dearly". "I know Rebecca but this situation doesn't mean if you could handle the matter well or not". "You have to try to avoid him and keep your daughter safe, she's more like my daughter as much as she is to you". 

She felt speechless when she heard those words from his lips, she knows cares about Sunny but this...

"Thanks John but I won't spend my avoiding that son of a bitch, I had enough with him, it time he really knows who he's dealing with". 

"Listen Becca, I know you can handle him by yourself but take some time and think about your daughter, she's needs you and wouldn't want to lose or find you in the middle of a war!

All she wants you to be now is a mother, who would always be there for her and let me handle Sam from here". Rebecca stood up and walked to where he was sitting. "I'm going to be the mother my daughter always wanted and that's the mother that would always be there for her and would also be there to protect her from unnecessary hard and evil.

This is also my fight John, she reached for his hand and gently placed a kiss on the back of his palm. "If he tries anything with my daughter, that's going to be the end of him". "Rebecca" he called. "I know John, I'm going to be careful all I want us to protect my daughter from him"

John kissed her hair. "Just let me know if need any help in teaching that mother fucker a reason"  "Sure, I will....

Gina didn't know how to feel as she stood into the mansion, the servant led them in with a bright smile.

 She has tried to find some excuse not to go but Jade was the one person that you can never convince, she had to finally give in and allowed her to drag her along.

She had been avoiding Sunny, seeing her face made her more guilty. She felt angry and ashamed of herself, she quietly followed behind Jade and Gina as they followed the female servant and finally she stood by the side and waved them in.

"What the hell! Jade shouted as she stood by the door "What have you done? Josh asked as he examined the room. "Nothing much, just decorated it for my friends" Sunny answered. 

"Why would you go this far, it too much? Jade exclaimed as she made her way in "It nothing, just to make you guys to feel welcome" Sunny smiled at them, they spent an hour drinking and discussing about a lot if things and the next hours to tour around the house and the garden.

"It beautiful" Gina said, that was one of the few words she had said since they have arrived. "I need to check the western part of the house" Jade said to them before dragging Josh along with her leaving both her and Gina all alone.

"Let's take a walk outside the garden" Sunny said to her as they made their way out through a different door. "Your home is so beautiful, it feels like a paradise".

 "Mum is doing everything to make me feel happy and home again but what she didn't know was that I'm always at home and happy whenever she's with me, I don't need anything else". 

She picked up one of the red flowers and Gina picked up the white ones. "Do you still remember how we used to make the crowns we wear back then in school". "Yeah, I guess, I can still remember how to twist it and prevent it from breaking but you know I wasn't so good in making it"

Sunny watched her try to make the crown while holding it carefully in get hand to prevent it from breaking. "I want to apologize for what Tara made you pass through in her hands" Gina looked up and stare speechlessly at her.

"And I wasn't angry at you whet you told us about it, I was just confused on what to do, knowing that Tara has been up to all this while I have been so ignorant of it all, I had trusted her all this while realizing what she had done, hurts me so badly"

"You shouldn't apologize, I was the foolish one, I should had told you earlier what she had been up to but instead I just went along with her plan".

 "She forces you to do that, I know you would be do foolish to turn against you friend, it just that I was helpless that day and couldn't even find the strength to speak....

"Hey guys, I think it time you guys Stop your chit chat, I could use some drink! Sunny turned to Gina and they burst out in laughter. 

"Come let's go" she beckoned her and they made their way out of the garden, she was still going to make the crown for Gina, they walked into the sitting room and found that Jade had already poured out drink for herself.

"I can drink this all week, just try me, so are you guys good now? Jade asked looking from Gina to Sunny. "Sure we're good, theirs nothing to worry about" Sunny said as she sip her drink.

"Theirs one place, I haven't shown you guys". She said to them "What other places could be more beautiful than the view or the pool" Jade widened her eyes curiously. 

"Just follow me" She led them up to her room, she wanted to share with them, her place of sanctuary. It was her peaceful place, her place of art.

That was her best place in the house. When the finally came up to her room, Jade slumped on the bed and stretch out her arms "Can I leave with you? She asked with her eyes closed "Sure, anything you want" Sunny laughed.

"I'm going to show you guys something but you have to make a promise not to cause disaster". "Sure we won't, what's that, you know we're always coordinate". "I hope so" Gina chuckled.

"Just don't make any mess no matter what you guys do". "Alright, we won't, just show us" Josh spoke and they both stare at each other, she still couldn't forget his question the other day and she had totally ignored it like she haven't heard anything.

The truth was that, she had been trying to put him away from her mind but each second, she found herself thinking about him more. And now all she wanted was to reach out touch his face, bury her fingers in his hair and feel his lips against hers.

She wanted bro stop staring but it seems she was pulling more closer to him and everything around seems to disappear from site. 

"Are you going to show us or are you guys going through continue staring at each other like that" Jade spoke so loud and drawing her out of her thoughts. 

"Umm sorry, I didn't mean to". "If you guys stare at each other like that again, I'm serious I'm going to puke my whole drinks and snacks on the floor". 

Sunny almost wanted to smack her head, what was she even thinking. "I wasn't staring at him and quit making that face" Sunny glared at him amusingly.  

"Yeah we know that" Gina said and they both burst out laughing "Their such a pain in the ass" Sunny groaned but still pushed the door open "Welcome to my place of art guys"