
No medicine for regret

She went home that day feeling happy,she gave her virginity to someone she feel deeply in love.She thought he is the one for her.

She arrive home almost 7 but her grandparent never felt something amiss from the way she walk,the way she jump right into the water with clothes on to wash the semen painted on her blouse.

That time,she didnt have mobile phone to chat Carl,so after finishing her homework,she went straight to her room and sleep.

The day after went by smoothly for her,but not until its time to go home.As usual,she have to walk home after the bus stopped at the main road.

She saw Carl chatting with some of his friend so she ignored them,she just continue walking when suddenly she heard one of Carl's friend mention how lucky Carl is to be the first one to "taste" her.

She felt her world crumbled when she heard that because they already promised to keep it to themselves.She heard Carl shout his friend name with a bit angry voice.

Its too late though,she already know that Carl broke their promise just maybe because he felt proud of himself,getting laid to someone who is still virgin.

Jenny start running with tears streaming down her face nonstop.Carl manage to stop her,he told her that it is not his intention to told his friend,its just that his friend ask him too many question because he got home late the day before.

He told them because he doesn't want them to ask him further and he said that they know the truth right away the moment Jenny got off the bus.I dont even know whether it is possible to know someone who just lose their virginity in one glance.

She just ask him to stay away,how can it be so easy for him to blurted everything out to his friend when he already made a promise before.She asked him to stop bothering her.There is no medicine for regret.

She already lose her virginity.Its not like the hymen will be formed again.She just let it go,but to be with the man who betrayed her trust for him,that is not even an option for her.

From that day onward,she asked her aunt whether she can work for her in her coffee house before and after school.Her aunt agree because the school is near to her aunt coffee house,so it will be easy for her to go to school.

She only visit her grandparent every weekend or when there is school break.

Working with her aunt,she feels happy because she can get salary at the end of the month and buy her own necessities.

She also can stopped Carl for bothering her and continue to take advantage for her.

Sometime they will bump to each other when she visit her grandparent,but she will ignored him.He heard him pleaded to her,asking her to forgive him and promise not to do it again.Not taking her virginity and telling other people..Is that what he meant?

Is it possible for her to be virgin again?so he can brag about it whenever he chat with his friend.No,,it will not be happening.She will not let him fooled her again.

Its not love,its a possesive he have for her.He did not respect her.Because of him,his friend call her cheap,a slut,a whore and every nasty word they can blurt out.They didn't know how their friend deceived her to follow his request.

She now know,the man she truly fall in love with is actually a deceiving man.He only want to be the first one,he never loved her.He broke her heart to pieces.

She really wish she can turn back time,but that didn't work out in this real world.