
Chapter 7


I know you will ask what if I am the one that offends him… Nah, you don't have the luxury of asking me such , but because I am generous, I will give you an answer, which is, wives that their husbands left in Nigeria with the kids, are never wrong. It is not easy to be a married woman that acts as the man and woman of the house, because the husband is living abroad. We are never wrong.

In his 4th trip back home, which is 6 years in the U.K, my younger sister got a U.K visa with her daughter, she's a single mother, but the father of her baby has been supporting her financially, in taking care of the child, according to her. She's 2 months older than my first son. I was so happy for her, I figured it would be a good thing for her to go and live close to my husband, so as to help me keep an eye on him and help him make Nigerian dishes, sometimes. He complains of how much he misses it.

When I spoke to my husband about it, he didn't let me finish talking, he rejected the idea, and said he doesn't want my sister to know where he lives, that it's not a wise decision.