
Unfair Rebirth

"Unfair Rebirth" follows the extraordinary journey of two brothers, Georgie and Arthur, whose destinies are forever entwined by a mystical contract with the enigmatic deity, Yinuros. Georgie, a gifted track and field athlete, receives new found powers he will then use to protect his newborn brother, Arthur. They them embark on an epic adventure filled with wonder, peril, and brotherly love. This fantasy tale explores the mysteries of fate, the power of family bonds, and the resilience to protect what truly matters. As they navigate a world of ancient secrets and cosmic forces, Georgie and Arthur's journey is a testament to the unyielding spirit that shapes their extraordinary destiny.

Juscenti · ファンタジー
5 Chs

CHAPTER 3: Harsh Ending

A strong, fortified tower—those were the only suitable descriptions that fit the presence standing tall over Georgie.

"I said, WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING HERE?" the man shouted, his voice seething with anger.

His silhouette loomed like a guardian angel turned avenger, casting a long shadow over the alley's chaos.

Without a response, the attacker tightened his grip on the knife, choosing instead to break the haunting silence with a sudden dash towards the man who shielded Georgie. His eyes gleamed with murderous intent, a singular goal in mind—the decimation of the Wheeler family. The knife glinted menacingly in the dim light, an extension of his malevolence. With a feral growl, he swung his blade at the man blocking his path. But hidden within this aggressive motion was a secret intention. Using his body weight to his advantage, the attacker aimed to push the man over and eliminate him as an obstacle.

The man, now vulnerable, was propelled past Georgie, tumbling to the ground under the force of the attack. As Georgie's eyes locked with the fallen figure, recognition dawned on him—it was his track and field coach, Mr. Simmons. In that moment, a mixture of relief and fear coursed through Georgie's veins.

Before he could react, tragedy struck once again. "Do you have any idea how hard it was to keep up with your running earlier, kid? You're a freak!" the attacker shouted, his voice dripping with malice.

Another sudden realization washed over Georgie's face as he realized that he was the reason the attacker found their home. He looked down at the motionless infant in his arms, his heart breaking. Baby Arthur, once full of life and potential, now lay still and unresponsive. Tears welled up in Georgie's eyes, his anguish echoing through the air as he began to cry, his sobs a mournful symphony of despair.

Distracted by the horror one would only see in movies, Georgie failed to notice that the attacker seized the opportunity to launch a vicious assault. The knife sliced through the air with deadly precision, finding its mark and inflicting a fatal injury upon Georgie. Pain surged through his body like a bolt of lightning, and he staggered, his grip on baby Arthur never faltering. He crumpled to the ground, slowly bleeding out, his vision dimming as life slipped away.

Witnessing this heartbreaking scene, Coach Simmons fought through his own pain and summoned every ounce of his strength. With a primal roar, he lunged at the attacker, tackling him to the ground in a desperate attempt to protect Georgie and avenge his fallen student. The alley became a battleground, the sounds of grunts and collisions filling the air.

The attacker fought back ferociously, his movements fueled by a sinister rage. He overpowered the coach, pinning him to the ground with a vicious snarl. His face contorted with wrath as he raised the knife, ready to strike the final blow.

But just as despair threatened to consume them, the piercing wails of sirens cut through the night. The flashing lights of approaching police cars illuminated the scene, casting an eerie glow on the unfolding tragedy. The air thrummed with the urgency of law enforcement closing in.

Startled by the imminent arrival of the police, the attacker hesitated for a split second, providing the coach with a small window of opportunity. Summoning a reserve of strength, Coach Simmons mustered one final surge of energy. He managed to redirect the assailant's momentum, sending him sprawling to the ground.

As the attacker grappled with the coach, the police officers arrived, swiftly surrounding the scene. With weapons drawn and voices commanding compliance, they closed in on the attacker, their authoritative presence a beacon of hope in the darkness.

The attacker glanced at Georgie, realizing that his mission had been completed. A twisted smile spread across his face as he dropped the knife, surrendering without resistance. The coach, his heart heavy with grief, crawled towards Georgie and the lifeless baby Arthur. His hands trembled as he checked for signs of life, but his worst fears were confirmed—they were both gone.

Overwhelmed by sorrow, the coach found himself caught in a whirlwind of memories. He recalled training Georgie in track and field, the young athlete's determination and unwavering spirit. Another memory surfaced, one filled with laughter and camaraderie, as a younger version of the coach, James, and Candice spent carefree days together. The weight of loss pressed down on him, a crushing force that threatened to consume his very soul.

But in the depths of his grief, a tempest of rage engulfed the coach. Gripped by an uncontrollable fury, he snatched the discarded knife and approached the attacker, who lay handcuffed on the ground. Each stab punctuated his anger, a visceral release of pent-up emotions. The blade plunged again and again, a frenzied dance of vengeance.

The arresting officers rushed to the scene, swiftly apprehending the coach instead. Handcuffed and defeated, he whispered to himself, his voice choked with remorse, "James, Candice, this is all I could do. Forgive this weak friend of yours."

As the police car doors closed, imprisoning him within its confines, the coach was left to grapple with the weight of his actions. Tears streamed down his face as he reflected on the tragic loss of the Wheeler family. Forever haunted by the decisions he had made in that fateful moment, the coach was brought down to the police station. As he entered, he was surprised to be greeted with a round of applause from the officers. Streams of tears mixed with smiles adorned their faces. After losing their chief of police, the officers were crying, but they found solace in the fact that at least the attacker had been dealt with.

Escorted to the interrogation room, the coach took a seat, awaiting the arrival of the detective. Moments later, the door swung open, and the detective stepped inside, a somber expression on their face. The air in the room was thick with tension, a palpable reminder of the night's horrific events.

The detective began the questioning, their voice steady but tinged with empathy. "What is your name, age, and occupation?" they asked, gathering the necessary information for their records.

The coach answered, his voice hollow. "John Simmons, 45, track and field coach."

They then delved deeper, asking about the coach's relationship with the Wheelers. "What was your relation with the Wheelers?" the detective inquired, their gaze fixed on the coach. The coach took a moment to compose himself before responding, "I have been a long-time family friend of the Wheelers. I also had the privilege of training young Georgie in track and field." The detective nodded, making notes on their notepad. They followed up with another question, curiosity evident in their voice. "How did you know the Wheelers were in trouble, and why weren't you the one to call us earlier?"

The coach leaned back in his chair, gathering his thoughts. "After practice had ended, and Georgie had run off, I told the other boys to go wash up while I went to my office. That's when I discovered a voicemail on the telephone from an unknown number and voice. The caller informed me that a strange man was lurking outside the school compound and that he disappeared after Georgie ran off. As for why I didn't call immediately, well, I wasn't sure of the severity of the situation."

Upon hearing this response, the detective furrowed their brow. "An unknown voice, you said? The station also received a call reporting an attack on the chief's home, though we don't know who the caller was. We're still investigating the connection."

With the questioning complete, the coach was taken to court to face the consequences of his actions. The jury deliberated, taking into account the circumstances surrounding the Wheeler family's tragedy. They deemed the coach's actions to be somewhat noble, protecting Georgie and sacrificing himself in the process. As a result, his sentence was reduced from 10 years to 2 years in prison.

As the judge pronounced the sentence, the coach maintained a stoic composure, accepting the verdict with a heavy heart. The weight of guilt and remorse remained with him, knowing that he couldn't bring back the lives that were lost, and that his friends and student were long gone.

The school, police station, and the community were all left to grieve, thus marking the end of the Wheelers.