
Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Han Yue Ling, a peerless beauty with a great personality, but she carries a lot of secrets. She loved a man for 10 years, but on the day of her wedding, fate decided to play a cruel joke on her and take the man away. Three years later, she decides to move away. She stumbles upon Lu Tian, the ruthless and cold CEO of Lu Corps. Thinking it was just an accident, she stumbles upon him again and again. Before she knew it, the man is already living with her! Is this an unexpected second chance at love? Will she be able to love again? ------------------ [Note to readers: Please be courteous towards other readers. If you don't like this novel, feel free to move on to the next one. Thank you, author.]

Abeehiltz · 都市
959 Chs

The young and old

Outside in the back courtyard of Imperial Military Hospital, Lu Tian stood dumbfounded by what he heard. Across, Grandfather Ji held both his hands over his mouth as if to stop him from saying any more.

He (Grandfather Ji) had said he was Yue Ling's grandmother because he felt left out.

After the passing of his beloved wife, he took on the role of Yue Ling and Ji Jingxu's grandmother.

He wanted both children to know that even though his wife is no longer here they can still talk to him about anything. In the kind of way, they would have talked about to his wife.

So since that was the case, shouldn't he with his granddaughter when she looks for the perfect wedding dress?

If his wife and daughter were still here, they would have been included too. So why didn't they include him?

He thought sadly about not being there with Yue Ling but catching a glimpse of Lu Tian's dumbfounded expression, all thoughts flew out the window.