
Wedding (I)

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Nathan sighed. He never told Adriana anything about Gavin because he didn't want her to take any kind of unnecessary stress and with the baby coming, he couldbt tell her anything eevn if he wanted to. Adriana's preganacy had many complications and the stress would make it worse.

Though he always made sure that Gavin maintained a distance from his wife, he was still always worried. This is also one of the reasons why he never mentioned it and told her anything about him because he thought that the lesser she knew, the safer she was.

Removing his hand from her shoulder, she sobbed harder, "See, you don't want to answer me even though I am asking you a question, you always do this." Pausing for a while, she added, "Just go from here, leave us alone for sometime. I need some time to get back to pretending that I don't care about my husband lying to me." 

"Adriana why—"