

"Well, I mean that she is with us now so she is in safe hands." Ming quickly covered up her words.

Singtan sighed and nodded his head, "That is true but I am not talking about that."

Snuggling closer, Ming nodded her head, "But I guess she will be fine." 

Kissing the top of her head, he nodded his head, "Hmm but you don't worry about anything okay? I'll take care of it."

"Yeah and then you will bully my sons." 

"I never bully them, it's not my fault that they are so dumb." 


Kathy's apartment.

Looking at the ingredients that he bought from the supermarket to prepare a soup for her, Liang frowned. He did know how to cook but he always chose to stay far away from it.

Thinking for quite sometime, he took out his phone and called his saviour, his mother.

"Hey honey is everything alright?" Yixi asked.

"Yes mom I just—I hope I did not disturb you." Liang asked.