

Chapter Twenty-Four


Thursday was a very, very long day. There was teaching, catching up on everything he'd missed yesterday—including eating enough; once he'd woken up he was starved—and yet, he found most of his time was taken up by thoughts of Friday. He'd been too tired to worry about it yesterday, but he had a date tomorrow. With Severus. Dinner, with Severus. Being taken out to dinner by Severus. How was he supposed to handle that? What was expected of him? Would he need to dress up? He wasn't even sure if he had dress robes that fit. He'd never been on a date at all, let alone one with Severus.

He had said dinner.

What did dinner mean? Obviously it meant a meal in the evening, but did it mean dancing? Did Severus dance? That seemed unlikely. Drinking? They drank together, sure, but not in public. He didn't want to spend their first date drunk. A glass of wine would be fine, but more than that wasn't appetizing. And afterwards? Harry thought Muggle dates usually ended with coffee and maybe a movie followed by sex. Or a goodnight kiss, if they didn't go well. Wizards didn't have movies, and Severus didn't need coffee as an excuse to get him into his rooms because they lived together. Did that mean sex? Harry's stomach fluttered with excitement and nerves.

Speaking of sex, were they now sleeping naked? He had a vague memory of Severus coming to bed in nothing but pants, but he had woken up before Harry, and he wasn't entirely positive if that was real or a dream. He himself had been naked, yes, though more because he'd been too tired to get dressed than anything else. Would Severus be expecting that trend to continue? Did Harry want it to continue? Yes, absolutely, but in an anxious sort of way. He owed Severus a favor as well. Not that either of them thought in terms of owing or counting to ensure equality, but still. Severus had been so incredibly wonderful to him and he wanted to pay him back.

Harry was just finishing up the last of his grading when Severus got back from the Great Hall.

"Skipping dinner two nights in a row?" he asked, arching an eyebrow in disapproval.

"The house elves sent up some raw—something, I don't know, I wasn't paying attention," Harry replied, scrawling an A at the bottom of the parchment and tossing it into the finished pile. "But I ate." He rolled his shoulders, working out any residual stiffness. "Are you done with your work?"

"I am," Severus said, sitting next to Harry, close enough that their legs brushed together. "You sound as though you have an agenda."

Harry smiled, pulling him down for a kiss. "Nothing specific," he replied. "What would you like?"

"Not that I am one to turn down the sort of activity you are suggesting, but I do have an alternate proposal, if you would be so inclined to hear it," Severus said cryptically.

"Sure," Harry replied, a little caught off guard. They hadn't talked so bluntly about their sexual relationship before, not that he had been terribly blunt, and he had expected Severus either to get angry and defensive at the prospect of talking, or take him up on it. It shouldn't come as a surprise that he already had his own plans, but still.

"Given the unseasonable warmth of the day, I thought it might be enjoyable to go out to the Forest," Severus suggested. "After yesterday, I believe you could use a reminder as to the benefits of your condition."

Harry blinked in surprise. "Oh! Um." The thought of changing was enough to make his back twinge in protest, but he thought that was the point, to not get scared away. "Yeah, all right. I need to get permission from Minerva, but—"

"Already granted," Severus interrupted. "I asked on your behalf at dinner."

"Thanks," Harry replied. "And, uh. You wouldn't mind coming with me? Even though I go fast?"

"I would mind if you went too quickly, of course," Severus said in his you're-an-idiot voice. "I assume we can work out a compromise."

"Okay," Harry said, pulling on his sweatshirt. While it would be much faster to change by the front steps and go to the Forest as snakes, it went unspoken that to do so would push at a line that shouldn't be pushed. "I get one long run, though. In the clearing to the east of the centaurs' territory, the really big one? If you don't mind hanging out at one end for a few laps."

"Acceptable," Severus replied, leading them outside. The night was truly beautiful; there was just the hint of sunlight setting to the west, casting long shadows across the grounds that quickly faded into the dark blue of twilight. A light breeze gave a sharp edge to the slight chill in the air, and the clear night made the stars shine like tiny explosions, while the sliver of moon stood out starkly against the black sky. Northern Scotland had no business being so pleasant in spring, but Severus was right to make the most of the night.

Make the most of the night.

Harry allowed himself a brief smile. Maybe he would. Then again, if the breeze remained so insistent, undressing would hardly be pleasant.

They had just reached the edge of the Forest and were about to change when a bobbing light appeared through the trees. Severus immediately stepped forward, putting himself between Harry and the Forest, and rested a hand on his wand. Harry realized with a sinking feeling he had left his wand in his room before remembering he had his own defenses, and quickly changed. As soon as he had his snake eyes he could easily see the figure, and he laughed before changing back.

"Hey, Hagrid!" he called, resting a hand on Severus' arm, making sure he didn't draw his wand.

"'Arry, that you?" Hagrid called back. "I was jus' getting back from—oh, Severus, nice to see yeh, too."

"Rubeus," Severus said stiffly. "What were you saying about being in the Forbidden Forest?"

"Yeh know, jus', ah, checkin' on things that need checkin'," Hagrid replied, stepping out of the tree line. "Nothin' important. Yeh two are goin' out as snakes, I imagine?"

"Yeah," Harry said, his cheerfulness sounding forced even to his own ears. There was virtually no way to make this encounter anything other than intensely awkward and uncomfortable, but he could try. "It's such a nice night and all. It was Severus' idea, actually, to take advantage."

"Take advantage, eh?" Hagrid echoed suspiciously. "O' nothin' more than the weather, I hope."

"Probably, it's kind of cold for another sort of advantage," Harry replied, hoping humor would work in his favor and not get him killed. "Besides, tomorrow night—"

"A cold front is coming in, making nightly trips unpleasant," Severus cut in sharply.

"Is it? I asked Pomona o'er dinner, because o' my vegetables, y'know, an' she said it should stay warm through the weekend," Hagrid replied. "Then again, Sybill was predictin' a late season blizzard. Could be she's onto somethin'."

"As long as your vegetables are okay," Harry said lamely. "Anyway, we were going to go out, so…"

"Yeh, o' course, didn' mean to get in yer way," Hagrid replied, quickly stepping to the side. "An' Harry, yeh won' let anythin'—" He glanced at Severus, who looked close to murder. "Well, I'm sure yeh know best. Maybe yeh could stop by sometime this weekend for a spot o' tea, an' I jus' made treacle, fresh from yesterday. If yeh've got any free time," he added with a pointed look at Severus.

"That'd be great," Harry said overly enthusiastically. "See you soon."

"Aye, soon," Hagrid replied. "An' Severus, I'll see yeh around, I'm sure."

"Undoubtedly," Severus said, teeth clenched. He watched with hawk eyes as Hagrid left, muttering "Bumbling oaf" under his breath at the retreating form.

Harry glared at him. "Hagrid's my friend. You might as well get used to it and be civil."

"That was civil," Severus replied, turning back to Harry. "Consider yourself lucky I curtailed myself so well. You can only ask so much of me."

"Be nicer next time," Harry said, then turned into a Basilisk and continued in Parseltongue. "Maybe come to tea sometime."

"And why would I do that?" Severus hissed in his python form, following Harry into the Forest.

"I'm going to have to, y'know, introduce you to my friends," Harry said feeling extraordinarily uncomfortable. "As my, uh. Whatever you are."

"I am well acquainted with your friends," Severus replied, keeping pace next to him. "There is no need for introductions."

"Yeah, but," Harry protested. "It's different now. I thought you said you didn't mind people knowing."

"Do not put words in my mouth," Severus replied irritably. "I said I would tolerate it, nothing more. I am not having tea with Hagrid."

"So you're just going to ignore my friends forever?" Harry asked angrily.

The Forest was nearly quiet at this time of year. No snow to crunch, no leaves to swish over. The few moments of silence were painfully noticeable, especially since Harry had no idea why they were necessary.

"Forever, Potter?" Harry froze, and Severus had nearly passed him completely before realizing he was alone, turning back, and saying. "A slip of the tongue, I assume."

"Yeah," Harry said vaguely. "I mean. We've, um. We're. I don't. Um. Not expecting. Or assuming. I just. Ron, Hermione, Neville, Hagrid, they're all going to be in my life for, er, my life, all of it. And well. After what we've been through, regardless of the type of relationship, I'd expect you would be as well, right?"

"I had not given the notion any thought," Severus replied, and Harry was nearly positive that was a lie. "You have?"

"No," Harry said firmly. "It was more of a figure of speech than anything else. I wasn't thinking. Are you, um, planning on leaving?"

"No," Severus replied crossly. "What on earth would give you that impression?"

"I don't know!" Harry exclaimed. "Look, forget it. I didn't mean anything by it, let's just go. The clearing's coming up soon."

The rest of the distance was covered in the same almost eerie silence as before. As soon as they entered the clearing—which was really more of a field—Harry took off, streaking through the grass, loving the whispering of the blades as he parted them, the feel of the soft soil beneath him, the almost palpable light from the stars and moon. The field was maybe half a kilometer, quite big for being in the middle of a dense forest, and it gave him time to think that he'd rather not have.

He hadn't meant anything, right? It just slipped out. His friends were forever, he was just thinking in terms of them. It had nothing to do with Severus. Once he'd brought it up, of course Harry thought he'd be in his life forever, but he hadn't been thinking romantically. He'd loved him before he realized he was in love with him, he'd needed him before he realized he needed him like that, he'd known their lives were twined together for a very long time, probably since they first met. At the very least, since the end of sixth year. He wasn't about going to let the person who killed Dumbledore leave, and when he found out why, that only sealed the connection.

Now? Their relationship might move at a sloth-like pace, but it didn't go backwards. Did that mean anything? Severus was known for being volatile, and he certainly would never talk about anything even remotely related to the subject, but he didn't go backwards, and he didn't back down. Harry didn't like to think about it for obvious reasons, but Severus had loved his mum for decades. Not necessarily related, but maybe not completely unconnected.

What would forever with Severus even mean, assuming they continued their relationship as it was? Eventually they'd officially come out, but Harry thought that would happen anyway, and most likely soon. The sex would escalate to actual sex, though again, it probably would as things were. They already lived together. There certainly wouldn't be a conversation. Things would just go on.

But forever?

Harry reached the edge of the clearing and turned around. He could pick out Severus at the other end back in his human form, sitting against a tree with his eyes closed. He was always more comfortable in his human form, especially when he was at rest like this. Harry was more than happy to coil around himself and curl up as a serpent, but he could understand why that would feel strange to somebody who didn't have it in their blood.

This wasn't the best time to notice, but Severus looked beautiful. The starlight was gentle on his strong features, smoothing out the sharp angles. He was relaxed, a sight so rare Harry could probably count the number of times he'd seen it on one hand. No frown lines, no tensed muscles, and while he wasn't smiling, he wasn't actively frowning, either. He wore the same clothes he always did but now that Harry knew what he looked like beneath them, it was different. Not so much imposing as tempting, like each button was a tease, each layer promising what lay beneath it. Graceful hands were folded in his lap, long fingers twined together.

Heart racing, Harry sped back, the joy of moving so quickly replaced with a need to be near Severus.

"Out of energy already?" Severus asked dryly, eyes still closed, as Harry came to rest in front of him.

"It's a big field," Harry replied before changing back to a human.

That caught Severus' attention, and he opened his eyes. "Since when do you choose to spend time as a human in the Forest?"

"Since you do," Harry replied honestly, sitting next to him and taking one of his hands.

Severus groaned. "Do not tell me you are feeling sentimental. There is no holiday to excuse such behavior, and I would not have suggested coming out if I had known I was to be subjected to an abundance of emotion."

Harry smiled, leaning against Severus. "No. Just sitting."

"And how long to you intend to hold us hostage with nothing other than rough tree bark to lean against?" Severus asked acerbically.

"Sev, shut up," Harry said lightly. "It's beautiful out. Enjoy it."

"Don't call me that," Severus grumbled. "The weather is supposed to remain warm and sunny throughout the weekend. Are we skipping classes tomorrow and returning to the castle only when the temperature drops Sunday evening?"

"What about that cold front?" Harry asked innocently.

"Impertinent brat," Severus replied. "Having people know we are—this is bad enough. Our dinner plans are nobody's business but ours, and if I choose to take advantage, that is most certainly between us."

Harry's stomach flipped excitedly. "If?" he asked, voice unnaturally high. "If you don't, I will. In fact, tonight might not be such a bad idea after all. The stars—"

Severus jerked his hand back, jaw tightening. "I knew it. Why must you be so overly saccharine when you know I despise such comments? The relative brightness of celestial balls of burning gas hundreds of thousands of kilometers away has no bearing on who may or may not be taking advantage of whom."

And to think Harry was marveling at his tranquility a few minutes ago. "I'm sorry for acting like I'm in a relationship," he replied huffily. "Heaven forbid I use words to express myself. I'll just treat you like I'm your student again and we hate each other, I'm sure that's what you'd rather."

"Harry—" Severus broke off, visibly gathering himself. "Just keep it to the temporal, would you?"

"Is there anything I need to know about tomorrow night?" Harry asked. It wasn't that talking about their date was any less awkward, but at least it was actually happening, and Severus started it by asking him. "Like what to wear or something?"

"A suit would be preferable but not required," Severus replied, sounding uncomfortable but at least not angry. "Be ready to leave at five-thirty. We will apparate from Hogsmeade."

Harry glanced at him, curious. "Muggle clothes?"

"Unless you wish to look entirely idiotic, I would say so," Severus replied.

"And, um, apparating?" Harry continued, officially confused.

Severus rolled his eyes. "The magical means of teleporting from one location to another. Surely you have heard of it."

Harry ignored the insult. "Where are we going?"

"Have we not spoken of patience?" Severus asked sarcastically. "You will find out tomorrow."

"Okay, okay, sorry," Harry replied with a smile, once again resting his head on Severus' shoulder. Wherever they were going, it was certainly going to be an adventure. Now that he thought about it, he wasn't surprised at all that Severus had chosen a Muggle restaurant far away. If he intended on keeping their date private it would be the only choice; the Prophet would jump at the chance for an exclusive on the suddenly gay Savior of the Wizarding World out on a date with a reformed Death Eater. Harry would like to come out, and he'd already owled Ron and Hermione about the date, but starting off with a few friends and colleagues was definitely better than the papers.

"Rough tree bark aside, I do not find this an advantageous place to spend our evening," Severus said, shifting slightly. "Not as humans, not when the Forest is populated so—unpredictably."

Harry grinned. "Yeah, I here there's a Basilisk somewhere around here."

Severus gave him what was obviously supposed to be an annoyed glare but was clearly ill-disguised humor. "And if one were to show up, we would be woefully unprepared to defend ourselves. If you wish to race around as a snake that is one thing, but if you just want to sit with me, there are far more comfortable places to do so, and without the threat of imminent death by Basilisk."

"You changed back first," Harry replied, heart starting to speed up. Was just sitting with Severus an option? Of course they had times when they weren't doing anything and relaxed together, but finding a specific place well suited to sitting together in a cuddling, holding hands sort of way, that was different. He decided to continue with teasing, because that way he could at least pretend he was joking. "I know I'm not allowed to mention the stars, but the lighting at this particular moment, when viewed from the very temporal earth, when combined with the physical temperature of the air that we're feeling with our very temporal bodies, that could be considered an advantageous time for two people who are romantically linked to enjoy themselves."

Severus raised an eyebrow, the corners of his lips twitching against a smile. "I assume that was meant for my benefit?"

"It was better than saying it's warm out and the stars are bright and you're my whatever you are, right?" Harry asked, thrumming with excitement and potential. "I know they were still words, but I promise I tried to make them as pragmatic as possible."

Severus kissed him, and the lights from the stars faded away to nothing. Sparks cascaded through Harry's body, his heartbeat picked up, and he tangled his fingers in Severus' hair, pulling him closer. Severus could think whatever he wanted; the stars and the moon in a clearing in the middle of the Forbidden Forest were romantic, and he got Severus to kiss him by talking about it. If he weren't so busy being kissed so thoroughly, he would have been incredibly proud of himself. Severus pulled away much too quickly. Harry whimpered, trying to hold them together, but he was given an amused smile and pushed away.

"Not in the forest," he said. "This is neither the time nor the place. You have not had much time to be out as a Basilisk for quite a while. I would expect you to take advantage."

"I am taking advantage," Harry replied, sliding onto his lap, kissing him gently as he firmly established his position. Severus let out a quiet sigh and his hands rested on Harry's hips. "I'll change back after," he said, kissing down Severus' neck. "You were so wonderful yesterday, I need to make it up to you."

"In the—mm, stop—middle of the woods?" Severus asked, tightening his grip and stilling Harry's hips.

"You suggested coming out," Harry replied, scooting backwards just enough so he could reach Severus' zip. "I was perfectly content to stay in."

"So it is—" A strangled breath as Harry slipped his hand beneath his pants. "—my fault I will have all manner of ungodly—uhh, yes—in unpleasant places?" Severus asked.

"Absolutely," Harry replied, and that was the end of the conversation.


Harry was waiting anxiously outside the greenhouses when Neville's last class of the day got out. Directly outside the second greenhouse, in fact, close enough to the door that the first two students out slammed into him, covering him in mud. They squeaked in surprise and quickly ran off, while Neville dragged Harry into the building and out of the way of the rest of his class.

"Can I help you with something, or are you just here to terrify the first years?" Neville asked. "Picking up some habits from Snape?"

"No," Harry replied irritably, wiping dirt off the front of his robes from the collision. "I need help. How do you go on dates?"

Neville stared at him. "What on earth makes you think I'd be the person to ask about that?" he asked, a little angrily. "I'm happy things are going so well for you and all, but the last girl I took out was Ginny to the Yule Ball, and the last boy I've been with was never."

Harry's expression fell. "Oh, right. Neville, I'm so sorry, I wasn't thinking at all. Never mind, I'll go Floo call Hermione, or—"

Neville let out an exasperated sigh. "Stop, it's fine, I know you didn't mean anything by it. And believe me, I'd rather be on my own than dating Snape."

Harry felt that was deserved. "Right, so, I, um, do have a date with Severus—tonight, in fact, in an hour and a half, so…"

Neville stared at him. "Tonight? Why didn't you tell me?"

"He only asked on Wednesday, after the Healers were here," Harry replied. "Then I was busy yesterday catching up on everything I missed on Wednesday, and now I'm here."

Neville sighed again. "Now I've got to ask you questions I really don't want to know the answer to. Is this your first date?"

"Yeah, of course, otherwise I wouldn't be freaking out," Harry said, wandering over to a nearby flowering plant so he didn't have to look at his friend.

"But you've been—what exactly are you again?" Neville asked.

"Haven't a clue," Harry replied, plucking a leaf and starting to shred it nervously.

Neville smacked his hand. "Stop it. Don't hurt my plants. I know you've, um—Merlin I hate you, I know you've kissed, but beyond that? In terms of what might happen after? I assume you're more concerned with that than an actual date. You two eat together all the time."

"We've, um—haven't, I mean, haven't done that, but, uh…" Harry trailed off. "Thanks, Neville, you've just given me something new to worry about. I was worried about the date, thank you very much. And if eating together in the Great Hall is considered a date, you and I both are involved in a giant polyamorous love fest with the entire staff, and I can absolutely promise you that's not the case."

Neville laughed. "Point taken, but I'm pretty sure you know how to hold a conversation with the man, including over a meal. What's so different about a date?"

"I have no idea, that's the problem," Harry replied. "Also we're going to a Muggle restaurant. A fancy Muggle restaurant. I've never been to a fancy restaurant at all, let alone existed in the Muggle world outside of a cupboard. How're you supposed to do that?"

Neville shrugged. "Gran and I pretty much stay in the wizarding community, but I don't imagine it's much different. Don't get into a shouting match over Quidditch, don't mention that you're both potioneers, the obvious. Dress well, I guess? Use the right forks?"

"I don't know anything about the right forks!" Harry exclaimed.

"Start on the outside and work your way in," Neville replied. "Just follow his lead, yeah? If you're absolutely lost, ask him. It'll stroke his ego, and he loves that."

"I suppose," Harry said dubiously. "I've already transfigured my best robes into a suit for the night, but—I don't know, isn't there something I should do?"

"Like what?" Neville asked, truly baffled. "You're being taken out on a date, you haven't got to do anything. He does it all, whatever 'it' is. Where did you say you're going again?"

Harry shrugged. "He wouldn't tell me. We're apparating out from Hogsmeade."

"Then you've definitely got nothing to worry about," Neville said. "He clearly wants to be in charge, so just let him. Personally, I've got no idea why you'd give him a position of power over you at all, but—oh, Merlin, don't answer that, it came out all wrong."

Harry burst into laughter, and after a moment Neville joined him. Eventually, as the giggling died down, Harry asked, "So I probably shouldn't ask you about having sex with a guy for the first time either, eh?"

Neville stared at him, then grabbed a handful of dirt and chucked it at him. "No! Especially not with—ugh! Just no!"

Harry reached behind himself to grab his own pile of dirt. In the process he inadvertently grabbed a root as well, of the very plant Neville had already told him not to abuse, and accidentally threw the whole plant at him, pot and all. Neville ducked just in time, causing the pot to shatter against the wall and fall in a heap of terracotta shards, dirt, and plant onto the ground. Neville stared at him, horrified, and Harry immediately started apologizing. Then he found himself spitting out the dirt that Neville had thrown into his face, and that started a full-on dirt fight throughout greenhouse two.

It stopped abruptly when Pomona came in and was greeted by a handful of dragon dung fertilizer flung at her. After that, a very quiet and contrite Harry and Neville spent the next great while cleaning up, leaving Harry with a half hour to sprint up to the castle, shower, and change. He also succeeded in tracking mud throughout his rooms, and pounding frantically on the closed bathroom door, leaving a dirty handprint in his wake.

"Severus, I need the shower now, please get out, if we're going to be on time I really need—" Harry cut himself off as the door opened and Severus gaped at him, his hand, the dirt on the door, and the trail of mud Harry had left behind himself. More calmly, Harry said, "I need to take a shower."

"So I see," Severus replied tightly, carefully stepping out of the way to avoid any dirt. He was still wearing his teaching robes, Harry was grateful to see. If there was even the possibility of getting dress clothes dirty, Harry no doubt would have been skinned alive. "Dare I ask what caused you to enter in such a state?"

"Dirt fight with Neville," Harry replied, quickly going into the bathroom and closing the door. He paused. "It wasn't as stupid as it sounds!"

"Highly improbable," Severus remarked. "Hurry up, I do not wish to be late."

"I'll clean up the mess later," Harry called out as he turned the shower on, mindful of the mess he was creating by leaving his clothes on the floor. "Tonight or tomorrow, I promise."

"It has already been taken care of," Severus replied. "Do not take that as a sign you are permitted to turn our quarters into a sty again, do you understand me?"

"Yes, I'm sorry, and thank you," Harry said, stepping into the shower. He washed himself as quickly as possible, cleaned the rest of the bathroom with a spell before stepping onto the dirty floor (he was proud of himself for remembering such a thing), spelled himself dry and his hair into some approximation of reasonable, wrapped himself in a towel, stepped out of the bathroom, and promptly tripped over his feet, nearly falling over completely.

Severus arched an eyebrow, adjusting his tie. "Can I help you?"

Harry had no idea; he'd lost all capacity of higher thought. Apparently he had never seen Severus in a suit before. He looked formidable and dangerous in his teaching robes, almost but not quite relaxed in the white button down and black slacks he wore in his quarters, sexy as hell in the black silk pajamas Harry had grown to love instead of hate, and sensual perfection out of them, but this? Dressed up in a suit?

Fucking ambrosia.

"Whatever you are thinking, stop," Severus said. His voice washed over Harry like the lower register of a Stradivari cello, weakening his knees and sending shivers up and down his spine. "You hardly have enough time to dress as it is, do not complicate the matter with ideas you do not have time to fulfill."

Harry forcibly pulled himself out of his thoughts and looked away so the temptation was no longer there. Merlin, he was supposed to make it through dinner when Severus looked like that? Was that even possible? And how was he going to compare in his poorly transfigured wreck? He wasn't, that was how. Severus was going to be embarrassed to be seen with him; never mind the Muggle restaurant, they still had to walk through Hogwarts and into Hogsmeade before they could apparate away from those who knew them. Harry was going to be the laughing stock of the school, and suddenly everyone else was going to see exactly what he saw in Severus, and no doubt when given the option for someone who was capable of performing simple tasks like wearing clothing, Severus would leave him and he'd be back rooming with Neville, who no doubt looked ridiculous in a suit.

"Harry," Severus said sharply. "Get dressed."

"Right, sorry," Harry muttered, slipping into the bedroom and closing the door. He dressed quickly then stood before the mirror, tugging and pulling and trying to get everything to sit right, which it clearly wasn't going to do. These had been his best robes, too, and now they couldn't be worn.

Harry closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

He looked at himself in the mirror. He looked fine. Not fantastic, not like Severus, but acceptable. Presentable, even. He needed to stop panicking and remember what Neville said: this was just another dinner with Severus, they ate together all the time, and the fact that they were doing it outside of Hogwarts didn't inherently change anything. Harry picked up his tie from the bed, draped it around his neck, and promptly resumed panicking.

"Severus?" he called nervously, fiddling with the tie, pulling it this way and that, trying to see if anything seemed even remotely familiar. He hadn't tied a tie since his days as a student, and apparently he'd lost the knowledge. "Sev?" Louder and more panicky. He used to do this every day, how had he forgotten?

The door opened. "What? And do not call me that, I've told you a thousand times."

Harry turned to him, feeling utterly hopeless. "I don't—er." He flapped the ends of the tie, blushing terribly, absolutely mortified, one hundred percent convinced he was going to be laughed at, humiliated, and possibly uninvited to dinner.

Instead, Severus—handsome, perfect, ambrosia Severus—smiled and walked over to him.

"First, you have it on backwards," he said, taking the tie off and turning it around so the long end was on the left and half the length as the other side. As soon as it was in the right starting position it all came flooding back, but Severus turned Harry and leaned around him, enfolding him into his embrace, and Harry decided not to say anything. His eyes closed as he took a deep, steadying breath, completely ignoring what Severus was doing in exchange for leaning against him, breathing in sandalwood, and listening to the deep rumble of his voice. He felt when Severus tightened the knot only because his fingers brushed his chin, and then his neck as he turned down his collar, and was vaguely aware of his jacket being buttoned before Severus' hands were on his upper arms and he pressed a light kiss to his temple.

"Ready to go?" Severus asked quietly.

Harry, who would have been quite content to stay exactly where he was for the rest of the night, nodded and turned. He linked his hands behind Severus' neck and pulled him down for a quick kiss that would have turned into something much less quick had Severus not gently pushed him away.

"You look…" But there weren't words, and even if there were, Severus hated words. He trailed his hands down Severus' chest before dropping them. "Yeah, let's go."

Severus took his arm, once again surprising Harry, and they left.