
Unexpected change

the life of Elaina turns from being a nobody to fame overnight, what she always wanted but the question remains the same will she be able to cope with the terrors that come with being famous, read as she makes an unexpected change that will determine her fate

Jemimah_14 · 若者
4 Chs

CHAPTER 3; meeting the 3rd hidalgo

The next morning, I was super excited and nervous at the same time, after I freshened up, I decided to go with a tom boy style, so I wore a purple cropped hoody, black baggy jeans, purple Jordans, a black tote bag and a black bucket hat and I looked fantastic, almost like mermaid scales on YouTube. Then I went down stairs for breakfast.

Mum; awwn see my petite princess on her first day in a new school.

Noah; (laughs) who died

Elaina; my eyes when they saw your outfit(I was lying but too egotistic to say that he looked awesome, looks like I aint the only one who got a makeover)

Noah; just shut up and eat your breakfast or else were gonna be late.

Elaina; done.

Noah; cow…..lets go then….im driving

Elaine; mum…Noah's hallucinating again…he think he has a car

Mum; but honey he does have a car

Elaine; (then I looked outside) holy mother of fish sticks....who got him a Dutch challenger and more importantly why don't I have one.

Mum; that's cause your 16 and he's 20

Noah; let's go already

Elaine; dude chill we have like 30 minutes

Mum; no, high schools start in 30 minutes but his classes have started 30 minutes ago, and he has to drop you so...

Noah; (pushing me into the car) so...the less we talk, the more we move.

Mum; okay bye kids

Elaine; bye mum.

It was a ten minutes' drive to brim wood high and boy when we got there all eyes were on us

Elaine; (getting out of the car as I breathed out nervously) okay, see you later.

Noah; uhh Ely.

Elaine; yeah?

Noah; you look good and I know they're gonna love you here.

Elaine; awwn thanks, I really needed that.

Noah; you're welcome…now get outta here you're making me nauseous (then he drove off)

Elaine; asshole.

As I entered the halls of brim wood high, my heart started pounding, I was literally the focal point for everybody in the hallways, I bravely put on a cool face and walk as I made my way to the principal's office. Minutes later, 2 girls were called into the office and I had to choose which one was to give me a tour during lunch break, the first girl seemed weird and rude while the other had a hospitality look so I chose her. I was given my locker info and timetable then I was dismissed. While I was putting my things in my locker, Jada walked up to me.

Jada; hey girl

Elaina; oh my god, hi Jada, finally someone I know.

Jada; (she laughed) the guy that was in the car with you, that was Noah right?

Elaina; uhh...yeah?

Jada; jeez girl…you didn't tell me your brother was hot.

Elaina; eww…no way, Noah is way too irritating, don't worry you'll get to know him yourself (then the bell rang)

Jada; that's us…you're offering advanced history right?

Elaine; yeah

Jada; that makes two of us…lets walk to class together.

Elaina; you're a life saver

We went to class together and thankfully the teacher hadn't arrived yet…so I sat at the back seat as some set of eyes followed me like a hawk. Then the teacher entered.

Mr. Dean; (in his British accent) settled down guys…I hope you enjoyed your holiday, cause we have a lot ahead of us( walking towards me as I buried my head in my arms)you must be Elaine, you know you can't hide from introducing yourself to the whole class right?

Elaine; uhh…who said I was hiding?

Mr. Dean; good…why don't you introduce yourself to the class then

Elaine; uhh…sure but i really don't know what to say…

Mr. Dean; then let the class ask you questions that they obviously wanna know about you?

Elaine; okay? (Then they all started asking questions.)

1st person; what's your full name

Elaine; Elaine Hughes.

2nd person; are you new in town?

Elaine; yes…I recently moved here from paisley in UK

3RD person; so you're British?

Elaine; yes I am

3rd person; hmm…I like me some English girl, do you have a boyfriend (everyone laughed)

Mr. Dean; okay, that's enough questions, thank you Elaine, you can take your seat (he went back to the board) so today we'll be talking about-(the door opened and Jayden came in followed by another guy covering his face with his hood) late once again boys.

Jayden; Mr. Dean, honestly it wasn't my fault; Jason had to make sure his bike was taken to the mechanic.

Elaine; Jason? (I whispered)

He didn't say anything instead he walked up to my seat and sat down next to me, putting his head on the desk, while Jayden sat in front of me.

Mr. Dean; Jason, I haven't even started class yet and you're already sleeping, please sit up and remove your hood.

Reluctantly he did as Mr. Dean had asked and then turned to me and I literally died on the spot, he was drop dead gorgeous, I mean if Jayden had the beauty of a hot jock, Jason had the physique of a freaking demi god, his eyes were so beautiful that I could stare at them all day, but instead I looked away like I wasn't attracted to him. Then Mr. Dean started his lecture.

During lunchtime, my head was sweaty so I decided to take my hat off in the cafeteria cause of the A.C there. I was looking for a table that was closest to the A.C, instead, I got called by Jada, to sit at the cool guys table, and I mean I was looking for a cool table. It was time to work on my social skills; I mean I talked to Jada easily so her friends would be a piece of cake right? Wrong, not all of them were her friends. You see, the people at the cool table were like an organization, no more of like a cult group (just kidding), only rich and cool people were allowed to sit at the cool table, they had the biggest table in the whole cafeteria and you could only be in the group when majority of the members vote you in, Jada and Jayden had put in a good word so most of them voted me in since they were like the big deal. It was obvious, when I got to the table that Jada wasn't friends with some of them at the table especially a girl called Brittany, there was obvious tension between her and Jada and me sitting at that table just made it worse.

After school, Jada came over and invited me to a party a friend of hers was throwing, it was like a resumption party and that it was a casual themed party cause it was majorly a pool party. She went to get dressed and so did i. since it was the first ever party I was attending, I decided to go all the way but not too obvious, I chose to wear an all red and black outfit, it was a red open back swimsuit with black baggy jeans and a long black leather jacket, I used reed lipsticks and earrings to match the swimsuit, packed a black jean bumper short in my bag and then packed my hair in a half up do bun and then I went to meet Jada, she was a fashion guru, that's why we got along so easily. Her personal driver was going to take us but then he bailed cause of her dad so I had to ask Noah to take us.

Elaine; hey dork, we need your help

Noah; and you expect me to help you by calling me a dork? No.

Elaine; dude, don't flatter yourself okay? I don't need your help; I'm doing it for a friend, unless you want me to drive (smiling at him)

Noah; not in a lifetime, you and your (air quotes) friend, should go hail a cab, cause-(Jada came in and Noah froze)

Jada; Elaine we're running late already, ohh…uh Noah right? Hi

Elaine; hey dork, she's talking to you and eww, stop drooling (he threw a pillow at me) dude my hair

Noah; uhh…hey, don't mind Elaine, she's mentally deranged

Elaine; you sure you're not talking about your girlfriend

Noah; you little-(Jada butted in)

Jada; its nice meeting you, Noah, but we really have to go else we'll be late.

Noah; ohh don't worry about it, I'll take you guys.

Jada; really? Thanks.

Jada and Noah talked throughout the ride and then when we got there, she told me to go in first that she'll see me in a while, so once more, I was alone in the new world. It wasn't 3 minutes into the party that I was already bored, I knew no one around here, I went to get a drink and then when I turned someone bumped right into me and poured the cold soda all over me.

The guy; (as he was dancing away) hey watch it

Elaine; no you watch it, you little prick I was standing when you bumped into me, you're obviously blind-ahh he's not even listening and I'm all wet. I went upstairs to look for a bathroom that maybe had towels to dry off the soda and that was a bad idea. I walked into a bathroom and I saw a guy puking his guts out, I immediately left and entered another one and I was traumatized, there were 2 people making out badly.

Elaine; eww…I mean sorry, carry on (I left) isn't there any decent place I can dry myself, I mean come on

Then I spotted a room that looked vacant, so I went in, everywhere was dark so I turned the lights on and went to use the bathroom to clean up and when I got out, the lights were off and I could see someone shadow.

Elaine; what the heck, you scared the shit outta me, hey I'm talking to you (the person came closer and I moved back, they kept coming until i couldn't move back and then when I tried moving to the side they placed their hands on the wall blocking me from moving.),dude I have pepper spray and I am not afraid to use it.(I suddenly felt a light switch and I turned on the bathroom light with it, it distracted the person and I punched them in the guts and they let go, I quickly switched on the light and then I saw who it was.

Elaine; you? What the heck is wrong with you dude? (It was Jason).

Jason; you fucking punched me, you-(he stopped and looked at me in a way)

Elaine; what? (He smiled and then his eyes returned to the ice cold ones I had seen before) what??

He didn't say anything, instead, he went out through the window, and I went out of the room, more curious than ever about this Jason dude. Then Jada called me.

Jada; there you are, I've been looking around for you.

Elaine; I had to clean myself, some dude spilled drink on me.

Jada; everyone's in the pool so let's get the party on (dragging me outside).

Elaine; wait, don't we have to change first.

Jada; yeah yeah, there's a pool shower around the corner, you can change there, mind if I go first.

Elaine; no its fine, go. (I went to look for the shower and then changed, all I had to do was remove the jeans and wear the bumpers so in no time, I was already done, I gathered up the courage and went towards the pool)

Jada; you guys meet Elaine; I couldn't introduce her earlier at the cafeteria cause of brit the beast.

Elaine; hey guys.

Jada; this is troy, Lisa, Jake, Andrew, Mellissa, Avery, Chris and Tess. (Then Jayden came)

Jayden; hey, don't forget me.

Jada; unfortunately for her, she already met you (everybody laughed)

Jayden; hahaha funny.

Elaine; you guys are hmm….okay I guess (everyone laughed) just kidding, delighted to meet you all

Jake; say delighted again…it puts me in the mood (everyone laughed)

Jada; eww…dude…cringe.

I tried getting in the pool when Jayden suddenly stopped me.

Jayden; nope….newbies have to show a particular talent before they can get in the pool…..its tradition.

Jada; no its not….Elaine, don't mind him.

Troy; no no…..i like where this is going….as the host of the party, I now declare it a tradition, so show us what ya got.

Elaine; touché….uhh…my head's empty…why not let the host give me a challenge.

Troy; nice…entertain us tonight by dancing for us.

Elaine; what song?

Avery; a tiktok challenge.

Elaine; a what now? No I don't do-

Troy; are you backing out on a challenge.

Elaine; no I just….really don't know any tiktok challenges.

Troy; playing hard to get now, are we? Why don't we make it interesting, Mellissa?

Mellissa; waddup

Troy; show Elaine a k pop challenge, she has to study it 3 times then dance it.

Elaine; is that supposed to make it hard….im a k pop guru

Troy; you hear that melly….so don't go easy on her

She gave me the new song, jisoo had just released "flower" and I knew the choreography off head but why should they know, they picked the wrong person to challenge. I watched it the first time and acted like I tried to learn some of the steps then at the 2nd time, I told her I was good.

Troy; you sure? You still have one more viewing left.

Elaine; I'm sure

Troy; okay then…wow us.

The chorus started and as expected, I nailed it, once I finished they started clapping.

Elaine; (to troy) can I get in now (removing my jacket)

Troy; marry me.

Elaine; sorry?

Troy; I mean yeah, you can.

I got in and we all talked for a while then got bored.

Jada; let's play a game.

Jake; what kind of game

Jada; I kinda wanna play truth or dare. (Then everyone agreed) are you in Ely?

Elaine; *that name* uhh…yeah sure.

Jada; nice…okay, troy…truth or dare.

Troy; truth baby.

Jada; how many girls have you made out with today

Troy; Jada, really?

Jada; and remember, you have to say the truth.

Troy; 3 girls max…you happy Jada…hmm? (Everyone laughed)

Jake; my turn, hey newbie, truth or dare.

Elaine; uhh…truth?

Jake; what's your type (everyone oohed)

Elaine; my type? My blood type or? - (everyone laughed

Jada; (laughing) not that…what kind of guys are you into.

Elaine; ohh….well, I haven't really thought about it

Jake; what about exes

Elaine; what makes you think I had any

Jake; ohh well I don't know maybe your gorgeous face…you are straight right? (Everyone laughed)

Elaine; yes (laughing)

Jada; well, is there any guy that has uhh…caught your attention in any way?

Elaine; yeah there is actually, but there's only a 60 percent chance that he's my type

Jada; who?

Elaine; Jason actually. (Everybody fell silent) see…there's something about him…y'all kept quiet as soon as I mentioned his name.

Mellissa; darling…we kept quiet cause we aint surprised…

Elaine; surprised?

Mellissa; yeah…a new student falling for the fatal charms of Jason hidalgo, babe, friend to friend, you better change those chances from a 60 to a zero like the way he pays zero attention to girls

Troy; never seen a man resist the beauty of a woman the way he does, he might as well be gay. (Jayden suddenly looked at troy in a scary mean but hot way.)

Jada; he's not gay and I'd appreciate it if you stopped talking about him behind his back.

Troy; we all know I can't say it to him face to face, I mean come on, but you're right and I'm sorry.

Mellissa; yeah, he'd wreck you in minutes. (Everyone except me laughed, and then we continued the game)

As the game continued, people were passing alcohol in cups around.

Jada; here (she handed a drink to me).

Elaine; oh no thanks but I don't drink.

Jake; what? Are you on sabbatical or what?

Elaine; no….I've just never drank before.

Troy; drink now or forever hold the regret of never tasting the beauty of alcohol.

Jayden; no one ever takes advice from an alcoholic (everyone laughed)…. And besides, if she can't handle it, you gotta leave her alone, you know baby steps (everyone oohed as I grabbed the cup and gulped everything down).

Troy; poor baby…I don't think you should be doing what I wouldn't do, that drink is supposed to be taken bit by bit.

Elaine; what?

Troy; you just took 75 percent alcohol at once; you'd be drunk in a minute.

Elaine; and you're telling me this now?

Troy; I didn't know you were gonna prove my boy over here wrong.

Elaine; shit.

Jada; do you feel funny?

Elaina; wait…I don't actually, maybe because it's my first time?

Troy; that's not how it works honey.

Elaine; well…that's how I work, I'm gonna go get some more if you don't mind, it's surprisingly tastes nice. ( I went to get the bottles cause why not, At first, I was fine but then I started feeling a burning sensation in my throat, then I cleared my throat and it went away) that's better.

Minutes later, I was sure the alcohol was kicking in, cause then I started seeing Xavier and I swam towards him.

Elaine; oh my God, you're here too? When did you get here?

Jayden; are you just seeing me (chuckling) I came here same time you did.

Elaine; not the party silly, when did you come to New York (I came so close to him that I could feel his heart beat) your heart beats funny (rubbing his chest)

Jayden; (he whispered to the others as they laughed) she's drunk.

Elaine; hey! (Bringing his face to mine) I am not drunk, so stop talking trash Xavier.

Jada; ooh, who's Xavier.

Elaine; silly you, that's Xavier (pointing at Jayden) but he looks different.

Jayden; different good or different bad.

Elaine; totally different bad (they laughed) what's so funny i-(hiccups).

Troy; maybe we should get her out of the water; I don't want any pukes in my pool.

Elaine; (laughing) P.I.M.P….pukes in my pool-(hiccupped as Jayden carried me out of the pool and into a room)

Elaine; I don't feel so good...

Jayden; you wanna barf, don't you (I nodded my head) come on lets go to the bathroom.

He held my hair up as I puked in a sink then afterwards took me to a bed to lie down and soon enough everything went dark.