

Kelly POV

"What dah what!!!" Who the fuck is the bastard who just ruined my white dress, holy mother of white, now how am I going to get to work. As if to add salt to the injury, the goddamn bastard came down gracefully from the car and positioned his face as if nothing had happened, has he gone nuts or what cause I don't understand. "Young lady, next time make sure to watch where you are going cause you might just get yourself killed someday," He said while glaring hard at me "Say what now!!! Are you for real, am I not supposed to be the one being annoyed right now, you must be nuts for saying that, how dare you? After ruining my lovely white and making it all dirty, you still have the mouth to spit out gibberish!!!" I yelled while trying extremely hard to control my temper because am not so sure of what am going to do to him if I just lose it now.

"Young lady, please watch your mouth, because one more word from you, trust me you won't like what am going to do to you," He said "You must be crazy for saying that to me, in fact!!!!!" I said and stepped back a little then forward and kicked the rear mirror of his car. "You this little witch, what the hell do you think you are doing, do you know how much that cost" He lashed out at me "I don't bloody care, in fact," I smirked and jumped on him, thereby making him land on the floor really hard on his butt, am sure he wasn't expecting such an outburst from me, I quickly stood up from his body and ran while screaming "SUCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!".

Immediately I got to the restaurant, I sat on the floor and started laughing out my guts, who the hell does he think he is, because of what, he's wearing some sort of fake designers junk, he has a driver, and so fucking what does that make him a god above everybody or what, he must be insane or better still, definitely out of his mind, I so much hate rude brats like him, I will make sure to kill him when I see him next time and that is if there is ever going to be the next time. "Hey, Barbie, what the heck are you doing sitting on the floor," Tony asked me immediately after he entered the restaurant "Well, I was just sitting here while trying to catch my breath" I replied while grinning sheepishly at him "Really? Trying to catch your breath on the floor, you are not only insane, but you are also foolish" He scolded me "Tonyyyy!!!!!! Why are you calling me names? What have I done to deserve this treatment from you? Huh, Tony my love? I said as |I whined uncontrollably "Are you for real now!! I your love, I can never be your love, why did you sit on the floor, is there no chair around here, in fact, stand up now before I throw you outside" He threatened, "You wouldn't dare" I glared back at him while laying properly on the floor "Ohh! You are testing my patience now, oh!!! And why is your dress so dirty, and it is white of all colors, I never knew that you could be such a pig, am so ashamed of you Kel" Tony ranted on and on and on as I stood up and walked into the ladies room and changed into my work outfit, I came out from the ladies room and met him still ranting "Shut up man, are you a parrot or what? You have been talking for the past 20 minutes, aren't you tired" I said as I shook my head and walked away, to begin with, the day's work.

"Come back here young lady, am not done talking to you, how dare you just walk out on me" He continued ranting on. Oh, brother!!!!!


Damn!! The customers are so much today, am so tired and at the same time angry, not because of how much the orders were but because of that rude and arrogant jerk, aiishh!!! How I wish I could squeeze out his guts and rip his heart straight out of his chest, but one thing am confused about is how he is affecting me so much, so many rude guys have offended me and I have met a whole lot of them but why is his own case different, why can't I get him out of my mind, I must be going crazy "Hey Barbie, a penny for your thought" Tony said as soon as he got to me which temporarily stopped me from thinking about that arrogant jerk "Well, it's nothing" I said to him "Kel, you can't say it's nothing cause the Kel I know don't just sit around and brooding like a chicken who's laying eggs" He said "And one more thing, why was your dress dirty cause the Barbie I know dislikes dirt" He added almost immediately.

"Well, it was one idiot," I said grumpily "Hmm, continue," He said, "As I was rushing to come to work cause I was late already and I also forgot to take my car, that was how one rude bastard just came out from nowhere and splashed muddy water on my dress, my damn white dress, he came down and I was thinking that he wanted to apologize, instead he insulted me, telling me to watch where I was going next time or else I might just die, do you wanna know what I did?" I asked "No need 'cause I know," He said, "Okay what?" "You broke his rear mirror, pushed him to the ground, and ran off" He replied, "Yes, but how did you guess so correct?" "Because that is what you always do to rude brats," He said excitedly "I love you, Tony," I said "And I love you more for treating his fuck up" We laughed and continued with our work.


Guys am so sorry for not posting on a regular basis, I was so busy with schoolwork also my place of work, I didn't know how to combine work, school and writing together. Please forgive me.