

Love is not mere romantic gestures. It demands sacrifices. Just having candle light dinner isn't love. Love is when you stick together even in pain. Love is not momentary joy. Love is commitment to spend lifetime together. Love is not just a relief but a passion too. If it is darkness then light too is love. It is pain and remedy too. LOVE IS LIFE THEN DEATH TOO IS LOVE. ******* BLOSSOM, A normal girl from a small village. She is beautiful, kind hearted, cheerful girl who bring happiness in everybody's life. She respect elders and love children. She hate mafias with her life because of her past. She just want a normal happy life but WILL LIFE GRANT HER THIS WISH? BLOSSOM - EVERYBODY DESERVE SECOND CHANCE. NO MATTER WHAT HE/SHE DID. ADRICK JEON, Mafia king. He is cold ,rude , arrogant. He doesn't show mercy to anyone. He is completely heartless and merciless.He doesn't think twice before killing anyone who betrayed him. He is a man of words and absolutely hate liers and betrayals. ADRICK- THERE IS NO SECOND CHANCE IN MY WORLD. ******* Both of them are totally opposite to each other. One is Sun and another is Moon. What will happen when both of them crosses eachother's path? What will happen when both of them fall in love ? What will happen when Blossom will know Adrick's real identity?

rupali_Singh · 都市
8 Chs


After a heartly talk with William, Blossom went to living room. Where she found Liam and George. They were sitting on the sofa and were busy with their phones.She got a mischievous idea to startled them. They were so focused on their work that they didn't realise that Blossom was standing just behind them. " Hello Guys." she said suddenly. Upon hearing her voice they got startled. They shout in unison. She giggled.

" You scared us, Blossom." Liam said while pouting and George gave him a disgusted look. " You are so cute." Blossom said while pinching his cheeks. She laughed and he blushed on her response. George also laughed seeing Liam's face. " Eww dude I didn't know you were capable of those stuffs."

George teased Liam with a smirk on his face while Liam face heated up because of embarrassment. Blossom started to laugh on their reaction and went away while waving at them.

After a little chit- chat with Liam and George, She went to her room and decided to rest for sometime and that's how her evening went.

Next morning,Blossom sit up and stretched her both arms after having a good sleep. She stood up and went toward balcony to have fresh air. " So pretty." She mumbled after seeing the outside view. " Definitely." She looked behind her and found Adrick staring at her with a small smile on his face. " Oh! Hey Adrick, You need something." She said with a smile. He didn't answered to her question as he was busy staring at her with some mixed emotions. Blossom waved her hand infront of Adrick which snapped him out of his thoughts. He cleared his throat and said " Oh yeah! Actually I'm here to introduce to someone. I have some business to take care that's why I came this early." She nodded her head. " Being a CEO must be so tiring." She asked him worriedly. On her question he just nodded his head and mumbled a Yes.

" Anyways, Come in ." He said with his usual cold tone. A pretty girl came inside and bowed her head at her and Adrick. Blossom gave her a kind smile which she returned genuinely. Adrick again started talking " She is Aera. She will be your personal maid from now on. She will accompany you. You can ask anything you need from her." He said while pointing toward that young girl. " Hello Miss Blossom, Its very nice to meet you." Aera said with a smile. "Hello Aera , nice to meet you too. Just call me Blossom. Its very awkward." Blossom giggled while Adrick sighed and said " don't be too friendly Blossom. She is not on the same level as yours. She is poor and you deserve to be called...." Adrick words were cutted off by Blossom " Adrick I think you also forgot that I'm not a rich or five star person like you? I also belong to same level as her. She deserves to call me by my name." Adrick sighed frustradely and massaged his temple " You ae so stubborn." "I'm just stating fact and no one can order me around." Blossom said while Adrick glared at her. While the entire conversation Aera was standing there like a statue with her wide eyes. She was shocked because Blossom was scolding Adrick while Adrick was listening to her without saying or doing anything.

Adrick was a short tempered man. While Blossom pushed his last button " Please don't let me hit you.." He stopped inbetween. While Blossom said sarcastically " Huh! Now you will hit me. This is your new side which I'm discovering right now." Adrick didn't said anything and left because he knew if he continued arguing with her he'll end up hurting her.

Adrick is a person with serious anger issues since childhood. So, Everybody follow his words without saying anything. Nobody denied him for anything not even his parents. Blossom is the first person who dared to deny him and even talked to him in this way.

After Adrick left Aera quickly said " Mam are you Mr. Adrick's girlfriend. He seems to care alot about you." She said with a smile on her face. Upon hearing her Blossom immediately said " No, We are just good friends and this is not caring. He is disgracing us average people just because he is millionaire." Blossom said with a scowl. "Billionaire" Jennie corrected her while Blossom eyes widened and she looked toward her with great shock.

Apparently Aera have worked for so long for Adrick. So, She knows him very well. But she doesn't know that Blossom have no idea that he is actually a Mafia Boss.

After few minutes of silence Blossom said " You can go now. I wanna be alone." Aera bowed before leaving the room. After sometime she came out of her room as she was feeling hungry. She was passing by a corridor when suddenly someone blocked her path. " So you are that girl who is snatching my Adrick from me." Sarah said with pure hatred lacing from her voice. She was glaring at Blossom while Blossom was dumbfounded as she didn't saw this girl earlier. Blossom said with confusion clearly written on her face " Sorry, But Who are you?". She scoffed and said " Look Who is being innocent here." Blossom was still confused as she didn't know what she was saying. So She again asked " See I don't know Who are you and What are you talking about?" Sarah clenched her fist and said through her gritted teeth " I'm Sarah, SARAH ALFONSO. I'm Adrick's Fiance and you are trying to snatch him from me." Blossom was confused as she never heard about her from anyone or Adrick but he decided to clear her confusion by the way. So she said "I'm Blossom and I'm Adrick's friend and I'm not snatching him from you" She introduced herself with a smile. Sarah smirked and said "Atleast you know your limits. Listen you seems to be a good little girl so be understanding and leave me and Adrick alone." Even before Blossom could say anything she went away. Blossom was dumbfounded but deep down she felt bad that Adrick was engaged.

Suddenly George came out of his hiding spot while clapping his hands while Blossom got startled. " OMG You scared me for a second." Blossom said. He gave her a playful smile. "That was tough back there." He started laughing. Blossom smiled but asked him " I didn't knew that Adrick was engaged?" George stopped laughing and said "She is not his fiance. Its just that Adrick's parents arranged his marriage with her when he wasn't here. But he hate her so much." Now everything is clear. George continued "Be careful around her. She is a little psycho." Blossom smiled and said "I might not be his friend for so long but I know he doesn't like being forced and being claimed by someone. If she changed her attitude. Adrick must have liked her. I mean She is beautiful." George gave her a small smile as he knew very well that Adrick will never accept her as he already fallen in love with her. Both of them talked about random stuffs for sometime. " But seriously what's with Adrick earlier. He seems so angry. He got out of the mansion slamming the door almost breaking it." George asked being confused. Blossom sighed and said " We had a fight earlier and maybe work stress." George nodded. "Yeah, He fired some people yesterday." He said but by fired he meant Adrick actually put bullets in some people head but for Blossom she thought that he terminated some of his staff members. So she said " Being a CEO must be really exhausting for him. Doesn't it?" Now George was confused. He frowned at her statement. As he thought that she knew about Adrick being mafia boss. He was about to ask her but someone called her. Both of them turned toward their side and saw Aera running over you bowing at both of you and said "Miss, Mr. Adrick told me to dressed you up. We will be going out." Before Blossom could talk she grabbed her hand and dragged her.

She went while George was confused " What the heck she meant by CEO?Adrick is a killer. Doesn't she know?" He thought to himself but let it go eventually and went to do his work.

On the other hand, Aera was dragging Blossom to her room. She gently pulled her hand and asked her " Aera, Where are you taking me?" Aera was panting like she ran a marathon. After calming herself she answered " Mr. Adrick told me to get you dressed up." " But where are we going?" Blossom asked being confused. Aera said "You will see." Aera answered to her question.


What is he upto. He called Aera and told her to get me dressed up. Now we are here standing infront of a luxurious mall. I looked around only to see people wearing luxurious clothes and jewelleries. I wonder why they liked all these jewelleries and stuffs. I realised we have five bodygaurds with us. I was feeling uncomfortable with the gaze of people so I started talking to Aera. I said " Aera, Are you gonna buy something?" She chuckled and shook her head. " No miss, I was ordered to get you all things you wanted." My eyes widened. Now I'm getting irritated. " My clothes are fine nothing I needed Why would he tell you to buy these unnecessary things." I said being irritated.

" Blossom?" I heard my name being called so I turned around and saw Liam,George and Thomas. I think they were already here for shopping as both George and Liam has some shopping bags in their hands. " Now what?" I said with a frown on my face. Aera immediately approached both of them bowing before telling them that how stubborn I was. Aera said "Sir please help me. I don't want to loose my job. Miss doesn't want to follow to Mr. Adrick's order." She practically begged this made my eyes soften. But there are some questions lingering iny mind. Why is she that scared? Is this stupid command would really bother her job? When I was thinking I saw Liam approaching toward me.

" Let's go and see what Adrick prepared for you." He smiled before putting his arms around me and bringing me to one of the store. Everyone followed us.

Aera sighed in relief and was about to enter when Thomas approached her and said with extremely cold tone " Do your work properly." His harsh tone made her shiver and she quickly nod looked down. With this Thomas entered inside the store while Aera was still standing their. George saw this and chuckled before saying " Don't embarrass yourself Aera. Your family is in our hands." Aera bowed apologetically went away.

" What are we doing here, Liam?" I said while Liam's eyes lit up seeing the store. He absolutely love this store. "Gonna buy this store?" George said making my eyes widened. " That is what he will be doing after entering this store." Thomas said boringly as if it doesn't matter to him. I might never had been inside the store but from the look I was damn sure this store is very very very expensive. I was looking at the store with my wide eyes when Liam suddenly dragged me inside while other followed us.

" Dang It, Is this even a price." Three of them chuckled at my reaction to the tag price. Liam was overly excited. So He once again dragged me inside. He keeps throwing me stuffs that costs my life but still don't need it. I was about to go to the counter and get the heck out of here when suddenly George came and pulled me once again. " You, Come here?" He pointed toward one of staff that approached him immediately. "Give her the best dress here and You! Help her with shoes." He said with a stern voice. Everyone quickly moved. He looked toward me with a smile and said "I want you to wear something good before we leave."

Okey now I'm confused. Why people fear them? Something is wrong here. I eyed George and when I looked away I found Thomas who was sitting in the couch. I was into my thoughts when I felt a grip on my arm.I looked at my side and found Liam. "What is it?" He said while being confused. George answered " Nothing, I just want her to wear something good." He sat down on the couch with a smirk waiting for me. Some workers took me inside.

After few minutes, I came back and said " Hey guys, Don't you think it's little too much?" Liam immediately said " No it's not too much." He gave me his signature smile. " Yes kid, You are looking pretty." Thomas said which made me blush. I just laughed it off. Bodygaurd picked up all the stuffs that Liam bought.

" Let's go to the car." George said as he held my hand and we walked out. I asked George "Where are we going?" He just gave me a smile and said " It is a surprise."