

Love is not mere romantic gestures. It demands sacrifices. Just having candle light dinner isn't love. Love is when you stick together even in pain. Love is not momentary joy. Love is commitment to spend lifetime together. Love is not just a relief but a passion too. If it is darkness then light too is love. It is pain and remedy too. LOVE IS LIFE THEN DEATH TOO IS LOVE. ******* BLOSSOM, A normal girl from a small village. She is beautiful, kind hearted, cheerful girl who bring happiness in everybody's life. She respect elders and love children. She hate mafias with her life because of her past. She just want a normal happy life but WILL LIFE GRANT HER THIS WISH? BLOSSOM - EVERYBODY DESERVE SECOND CHANCE. NO MATTER WHAT HE/SHE DID. ADRICK JEON, Mafia king. He is cold ,rude , arrogant. He doesn't show mercy to anyone. He is completely heartless and merciless.He doesn't think twice before killing anyone who betrayed him. He is a man of words and absolutely hate liers and betrayals. ADRICK- THERE IS NO SECOND CHANCE IN MY WORLD. ******* Both of them are totally opposite to each other. One is Sun and another is Moon. What will happen when both of them crosses eachother's path? What will happen when both of them fall in love ? What will happen when Blossom will know Adrick's real identity?

rupali_Singh · 都市
8 Chs


Adrick came inside the mansion with Blossom in his arms. With a loud voice Adrick halt his steps. He turned around with an annoyed expression.

"Adrick Honey!!!!!!!! You came back?" A girl in her 20s came toward her with a broad smile but as soon as she saw Blossom in Adrick's arms her face turned into an angry expression. She looked at Adrick with disappointed eyes.

"Sarah, What are you doing here? I'm not in a mood to listen to your bullshit. So get out before I losse my patience." Adrick said being annoyed. Her voice is very annoying.

"SARAH ALFONSO" is the only daughter of Mr. Adam Alfonso. He was one of the richest person in whole country and best friend of Adrick's father. Sarah is famous among all high class families because of her elegant lady looks. She is the most beautiful, elegant girl who is perfect in almost everything. Sarah was in love with Adrick since childhood. Both families knows about her love for Adrick. So they decided to change their friendship into relationship. They fixed their marriage.

When this marriage got fix, that time Adrick wasn't their. He was in the village with Blossom. So he didn't know anything about this marriage. While Sarah was on cloud nine.

Sarah- First, tell me what are you doing with this girl in your arms?

Her voice was cold as ice because of extreme anger but she was trying to calm herself. Adrick gave her a glance and then again started to climb the stairs. This made Sarah furious.

Sarah- ADRICK JEON !!!!!!! Don't you dare turn your back on me while I'm talking to you. I'm your soon to be wife.

Now Adrick turned around with furious eyes. He was so angry that how dare she called herself his fiance but when he saw Blossom's face he instantly calm down. He shoot a glare toward Sarah and again started walking. But Sarah was not one to back down.

Sarah- Is this how it work after marriage. You will bring a slut everyday. AM I NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU!!!!

Adrick noticed that Blossom was waking up. Now , He was so angry. First she dared to call herself his fiance and now she was fucking behaving like his wife. Second ,She called Blossom a slut. He was trying to control himself as he don't want to wake her up but now Sarah is crossing her limits.

Adrick- Shut up!!! First of all fit this in your damn head that I'm not going to marry you and Second, If she woke up right now, I'm gonna kill you with my own hands. Now get lost and never show me your ugly face.

Sarah was now afraid as Adrick was looking like he will surely kill her if that girl woke up. His eyes were red. She stepped back and didn't said anything further. She saw Adrick going with that girl in his arms until he completely disappeared from her sight. She stomped her feet and headed back to her home while gritting her teeth.

Adrick's brothers were enjoying the drama.

"That was insane" Liam said while smirking. He absolutely love thes type of dramas. He was so satisfied with Adrick's behaviour.

" I wonder how would Blossom handle that Sarah. I mean Blossom is a very sweet girl while that Sarah is a total devil." George said while looking toward others.

" As we can see that Blossom wouldn't have to fight. Adrick himself will slit her throat as soon as she laid her fingers on Blossom." Thomas said calmly. They all nodded .They all are like brothers and spent their whole lives with eachother. That's why they knew Adrick's feeling toward Blossom. Eventhough Adrick was denying that he loves her.

" Okey, Everyone let's go to our rooms. Tomorrow is going to be a big day." William said while leaving to his room. Others also followed him and went to their respective rooms.

On the other hand, Adrick was sitting beside Blossom.

" So Pretty" He stared down at Blossom 's sleeping figure while smiling at himself. He was staring at her when suddenly his phone start Buzzing.

" Oh , So it's working." He picked up the call and with that his gaze went dark.

" Sir, we found out, who attacked you. It's a member of Silent killer Mafia group." his man inform him.

" Keep an eye on that man as well as that Mafia group. I will personally Handel this." Adrick said while gritting his teeth. He hinged up the call and look back at Blossom with soft eyes.

" I'll be back in a moment, sweetheart." With this Adrick went somewhere with a devilish smirk tucked on his lips.


Blossom woke up by the sound of door closing. She sat up quietly while rubbing her eyes which suddenly went wide.

"OMG!!!!! ADRICK" Blossom shouted while covering her eyes. Her face was totally red due to embarrassment.

Meanwhile, Adrick was startled by her voice and looked toward her whose both eyes were covered. He smirked and walked toward her.He want to tease her.

" What happened, Blossom?" He asked her innocently.

" I know that you had a shower, but Adrick you had a girl inside your room." Blossom said while hiding her face. He leaned closure to her and said " I always had a women on my bedroom." With that Blossom removed her hands from face and stared at him with disbelief and disappointment.

" Oh! I didn't know, you were like that?" Adrick removed his smirk when he saw that she was serious.

" Hey, I was just kidding. No need to take it seriously." He said while regretting his decision of teasing her. She gave him a forced smile which he noticed and regretted even more. He became sad but still maintained his facial expressions. There was an awkward silence between both of them. Both of them were staring at each other.

Blossom broke the eye contact and said while looking downward with a pout " I'm Hungry." Adrick found her way to much cute.

" Just go to the kitchen. My brothers must be having breakfast. I'll be following you after I put my clothes on." Adrick said with a soft smile to which Blossom just hummed and started going toward the door but stop in middle and looked at Adrick. " I hope you really don't mean what you said. I absolutely hate guys playing with girls. " she said with a serious tone.Adrick gave you a reasuring smile and said " Ofcourse not , Don't worry." She gave him a. body and left the room.

She admired the beauty of interior of hallway. It's just perfect, giving both modern and traditional vibes. She looked lost in the beauty.

" Adrick must be billionaire." She looked around trying not to get lost. The. she directly went to kitchen. As soon as she stepped inside the kitchen everyone become silent and started looking toward her. William was cooking, Liam was leaning on the counter while Thomas and George were sitting on the chairs.

Blossom bowed and said a Good morning to everyone with a sweet smile. They greeted her back and Liam mentioned her to sit beside him. She went their and sat on one of the chair.

" Well I think we haven't introduce ourselves properly. I'm Liam. That is Thomas and George and that is William, the eldest." He pointed toward each of them while giving her introduction of each member. While all of them waved toward her.

" Well I hope we will get along well." She said while smiling toward them.

" You seems so sweet. How come Adrick got along with you." Eldest said while smiling toward her. " Uh!! What do you mean?" Blossom asked him with a frown on her face.

" We mean that Adrick got girls attention but not to the point he will friendly toward them. So yeah we are just surprised that Adrick got a girl ' friend ' " George said while explaining her to which she just hummed. William passed her a plate full of food. She thanked him and started eating her breakfast.

After few minutes, they all were getting along really well. They were laughing while eating their breakfast.

" What's happening here?" Everybody turns toward the voice and found Adrick standing there. His eyes were fixed on Liam's hand which was resting on Blossom's hand.

" Oh! Adrick come here and have your breakfast." William said while placing some freshly made pancakes on plate. " No need, I'm here to get Blossom." Adrick said with his usual cold tone. Blossom stood up and went toward Adrick. " Don't be rude, Adrick. They are your elder brothers." Blossom said with somewhat disappointed and strict voice.

Everyones eyes got widened as nobody is allowed to talk to Adrick in this tone not even his mother. Adrick sighed and gave a sarcastic smile to them and said " No thankyou Brother, But I'm not hungry." Adrick took Blossom's hand and went away.

Everyone was dumbfounded. George choked on his water while William dropped the plate he was holding. Thomas also looked toward them with wide eyes. " Brother, did that really happened or am I dreaming?" George said. " He called me Brother." William said while being dramatic.

On the other hand , Blossom was following Adrick without saying anything. Both of them entered inside a room. Blossom eyes got widened as she saw the room. Adrick was smiling proudly as he knew what he did. He looked toward her for her reaction.

" Did you like this?" Adrick asked. While Blossom entered inside the room and start admiring the interior. She didn't replied to him so he thought that she didn't like it. His smile dropped and he said " If you don't like this room, then I'll prepare another room." He said with a little sad tone. Blossom snapped out of her trance and said " N-no , I love it. I mean it's perfect. It's just I was mesmerized with the beauty." She smiled. This made Adrick super happy. Blossom turned towards him and said with a soft smile " Thankyou so much Adrick." and with that she pulled him into a hug. Adrick was somewhat hesitant first but hugged her eventually. They pulled away after sometime.

" So this is the place where you will stay untill we find your family. So I hope you will like it." He said with a very very small smile. Blossom just hummed and again started admiring the interior of the room. Adrick was looking toward her with full adoration. " Now I have some work. So I have to go. Bye." He bid his goodbye to Blossom and left her there.

After sometime, Blossom went to the rooftop and started watching the city. She wasn't believing that she was actually seeing the city with her own eyes. It's a whole new experience and she was loving it. She was admiring the view and didn't notice that someone was behind her.

" You love it here?" This sudden voice startled her. She turned around and found William leaning over a wall having a coffee cup in his hand. She nodded with a smile and again started seeing the view. He approached her with a smile on his face. " It's been a while I'm out of the village and it feels good here." Blossom said with a smile. William looked toward her and said " When was the last time?" " About yen years ago." Blossom laughed at his shook face. " Wait how come you never visited city in these ten years? Your parents never let you out of village or something?" He asked her. He was shocked. Blossom smiled softly and said " They were my foster family. They died few years ago. Now I'm here to find my real family." William returned a smile and said " Well I hope you will find them and ofcourse we will help you." She smiled and thanked him for their support.

" Now I should go. I have alot of matters to fix." He said as he felt his phone vibration in his pocket. He left from their and Blossom also decided to go back to her room.