
Undeveloped Lands: A Journey through a new world

The desire to earn money pushes Klim to become an adventurer and go to an unexplored continent. What he is trying for, and what will happen to him, you will find out in this story. However, despite all the interesting stories about the life of adventurers, the desire for easy money sometimes leads them to a real hell.

Hikkinin · ファンタジー
8 Chs

The end of the old life.

Almost the whole city was in darkness, but the night streets were beautiful in their own way. Spending time like this with the person you love, talking about various stupid and serious topics - for many it was an unattainable dream. Sometimes Klim wonders why Colleen fell in love with him. He was in many ways worse than his peers, and his immediate future was already in doubt due to the closure of the tavern. After his death, his father left him some money, which he received from his salary as a guard, but there was practically no money left. If you look at him more closely, it becomes clear that he is an ordinary loser, but even such a person was lucky.

When the wind on the street intensified, Klim reached for the girl's hand, but she suddenly suddenly stepped aside. Following her gaze, he saw her approach the shop window, behind which there were mannequins in women's outfits. Her eyes slowly scanned each of them until they settled on a burgundy dress with a yellow neckline and puffy sleeves. Watching his beloved inspect the shop windows with such a sad look, the guy became sick of his own weakness, however, on the other hand, he was inspired so that one day he could afford to buy her everything she wanted.

- Colleen, I…

- Listen, Klim. This afternoon my father forbade me to see you. He cannot allow his daughter, even if for love, to marry a failed man. I'm sorry, but I came here to tell you that this was our last meeting.

- what? This is a joke, right? Why does he even care about our relationship with you? Tomorrow I'll get a job at the post office, and in the future I'll try to open some kind of bakery store, just like you wanted! If we stick together, then everything will work out! – The girl's statement was too unexpected, which is why Klim got excited and said everything that comes to mind. Reaching out to hug her, he stopped abruptly because of her reaction.

- I'm sorry, but I don't want to upset my father. Colleen said, then turned around and ran back towards the church, leaving the guy in disbelief. In one moment, all his happiness was shattered.

Returning home, Klim listlessly fell on the bed, not even paying attention to his dirty clothes. His room was in one of the residential buildings on the outskirts of the city, where only the poor lived. He got it after his father's death, because the old house in which he used to live was state property and was taken away a couple of days after the funeral. This place would be perfect for some bachelor, but there is too little space for a full-fledged family here, which is why Colleen's words came to mind in the guy's head. After analyzing the whole situation, he finally realized that there was nothing cruel in her words, everything she said was true.

- Money, right? Okay, I'll think about it when I get a job at the post office. If they take me there, there will still be a chance to return everything. – With these thoughts, Klim fell asleep.

Waking up early in the morning, he had a quick snack on a dry loaf bought at the bakery last week, and changed into a clean brown shirt with a sewn belt, as well as simple black pants. Although his wardrobe was quite small, however, this outfit was considered more than official by commoners. After washing himself with water from a barrel, the guy went outside and headed towards the central post office, which was located not far from his house. Going inside a large building, Klima was met by a girl dressed in a tight skirt and a white shirt tucked into it. Smiling sweetly at the guest, she addressed him affectionately.

- Did you come to place an order or for an interview?

- I heard that you need couriers now, that's why I came to find out the details.

"Okay, then follow me."

After these words, the girl turned around and headed towards the door in the corner of the room with three cash registers, behind which all orders took place. Along the way, the guy examined people in queues and realized that it would be really hard to work here. Each of them has its own character, which is why it is often difficult for working staff if they cannot find a common language with customers. Distracted from his original goal, he stopped abruptly because he almost crashed into the girl in front of him. After knocking on the door, she went into the office with him after a short answer. A strong smell of tobacco hit my nose, and my eyes squinted because of the large amount of smoke in the room.

- Director, this young man came to the announcement of the recruitment of couriers. – The girl said, bowing slightly, - I'm sorry, but I have a lot of work in the hall right now, so I ask you to consult him personally.

- Okay, go ahead.

When she came out, there was silence in the office. The black-haired man sitting at the table in the center continued to fill out some documents, pretending not to notice Klim. When the man cleared his throat slightly to get his attention, he sighed irritably and raised his head. Because of the large bruises under his tired eyes, the man looked more like a dead man than the director of such a large organization.

- I don't want to upset you, boy, but we have already recruited the necessary number of couriers, so you can just leave. – After these words, he lowered his head and continued to deal with paperwork, but suddenly spoke again, - Although, if you came here precisely because of money, then I can advise you something else.

- And what is it? – Said Klim, who was about to leave, but suddenly stopped at the door.

- About a month ago, a ship expedition discovered a new continent. Local people are not particularly eager to explore it, so the king instructed all state organizations to spread this news. If it interests you, then everyone who goes there will get a bag of gold in addition.

Without saying anything, the guy left the office and headed for the exit, considering further actions. Suddenly, he stopped and looked at the queue, which had shrunk several times while he was talking to the director. If not now, then there may not be another chance later. Swimming there and coming back in a few months didn't seem like such a bad idea. If you save as much as possible from the gold awarded by the king, and in addition earn more on exploring the island, then on his return Klim will even be able to open some kind of shop or buy a house. Having decided, he gets in line at the checkout, which had the least people.

- I'm listening to you. – the nasal voice of a woman sounded when it was finally Klim's turn.

- Hello. I want to write a letter.

- Okay, here's ink with a pen and a piece of paper. After the content of the letter, write the address where it needs to be delivered. – Having passed all of the above, the woman leans on the back of a chair while her client is busy writing a letter.

"Dear Colleen. It was only when I heard your words that I realized how little I had done to earn your love. Soon I will go to another continent to earn money there and return home. I don't know what the future holds for me, but I will always remember you, thereby inspiring myself to feats. I hope that after my return, your father will still allow us to love each other, and we will be able to create a strong family. With love, your Klim."

Putting down the pen, the guy still looked at the contents of the letter. It turned out to be not so dramatic, but it fully expressed his thoughts, so he decided to leave it unchanged. After giving the folded piece of paper to the woman, Klim paid the money he earned yesterday in the tavern and went outside. Now there is no turning back anymore. Even if for some reason he wants to come back earlier, he will not be able to do it, because his promise will be broken. With his hands in his pockets, he headed home to pack at least some things for the trip.

Several months have passed since the construction of the city port, and it was already the busiest place after the market. Many sailors were busy with their work, loading or unloading cargo from ships. All the moored vessels were of different sizes: from small merchant schooners to large military frigates with a bunch of fluff on board. However, surely not only Klim, but everyone else was fascinated by the huge battleship, flaunting its tall masts.

"I hope I will sail on it."

Having descended to the port along a trampled path from the hill, so as not to get in the way on the main road, Klim turns towards the management building, but runs into someone right at the entrance. Abruptly retreating a couple of steps back, he looked at the man in front of him, who looked quite beaten. His thick black beard was stained with some kind of sauce, and there were signs of a recent fight on his face. After examining the reason for his stop, the man with an angry cry raised his hand holding a bottle of rum towards the guy.

- What the hell are you bothering me for, brat!? It seems you should be taught a lesson!

- No, it happened by accident…

Without any explanation, he suddenly rushed at Klim, waving his arms in different directions, but in reality it looked quite ridiculous. His drunken movements were slow and predictable, so the guy was able to dodge the blow without any problems. Surprised by his speed, the man straightened up and brought the bottle to his mouth. A warm orange liquid dripped down his cheek and soaked into his long beard. When there was no more alcohol left, he abruptly threw the bottle into the water and pointed his finger at Klim.

- You're good. Don't you want to join my team, huh?

- What are you talking about? A team of alcoholics?

- How rude! To the crew of my ship! "Drunken Minotaur"! The man shouted, pointing at the ships standing in the port. Following his finger with his eyes, the guy caught his breath. The same battleship, as if at a signal, raised a black flag that was fluttering in the wind – This handsome man is already sailing to the Lacrote today!