
Undeveloped Lands: A Journey through a new world

The desire to earn money pushes Klim to become an adventurer and go to an unexplored continent. What he is trying for, and what will happen to him, you will find out in this story. However, despite all the interesting stories about the life of adventurers, the desire for easy money sometimes leads them to a real hell.

Hikkinin · ファンタジー
8 Chs

End of the investigation.

The room was instantly plunged into silence after Red's unexpected appearance in the ring. His last words were obviously superfluous, but the job is done, and there is no turning back anymore. Gritting his teeth, he glanced at the faces of the sailors who were still confused. Before they come to their senses, he needs to come up with a plan to get his comrades out of here unharmed.

- Red, you... - Sven said in a trembling voice, staring at his friend in surprise. Due to such a sudden change of circumstances, his breathing rhythm was knocked down, and his body quickly filled with heaviness. He didn't even notice how the Bull in front of him slowly got to his feet and swung.

- Gotcha, kid!

A powerful hook landed on the guy's jaw, causing him to fall to the floor like a sack of potatoes. The battle was over in a flash, and the cheers of the sailors were proof of that. Trying to catch his breath after receiving numerous blows, the man straightened his shoulders and looked at his unconscious opponent. For some reason, his expression was not joyful, but on the contrary, he was angry about something. Without waiting for Sven's defeat to affect them, the guys carried their friend out into the corridor and carried him back to the cabin.

- Please come out. Let me be alone.

When he came to himself, Sven unconditionally refused to leave the room, burying himself in a pillow. He continued to mumble something about shame and humiliation, but it was not easy to make out his muffled speech. While two of his friends were trying to convince the guy to continue the investigation, Klim went out somewhere and returned a couple of minutes later with a small jar in his hands. After handing Shelly the ointment for bruises, he straightened his shirt out of his pants, which caused the key to fall to the floor with a dull sound. After looking at him, the guys raised their heads, waiting for an explanation.

- Even though you lost, Sven, but we got the right key. More precisely, I would like to believe that it is him.

- How's that? Where did you get it? Red asked, picking up the key from the floor and turning it over in his hands. There were no indicative inscriptions on it, so it is impossible to say which door it is from. Handing it to Klim, the guy continued, "Did you steal it from the sailors?"

"It can't be called stealing. It fell out of the Bull's pocket when Sven dealt him the last blow. I just picked up the key that was lying on the floor. If you think about it, Sven took the main prize, so he can be considered the winner.

Hearing this phrase, Sven slowly got up and sat on the edge of the bed to join the conversation. Although you can't tell from the look of it, but it seems that these words helped him accept defeat and come back to normal. He will have many more battles in the future, so there is simply no time for whining now. Getting to his feet, he awkwardly scratched the back of his head, then said:

"All right, let's get this investigation over with.

"We'll go to the ammunition bay as soon as Shelly puts the bruise ointment on you," Red said this without any malicious intent, but his friend took it as an insult. If he lost the battle, then this bruise should remind him of it until the very end.

After a couple of dozen minutes of arguments, a group of young adventurers still left the cabin and went down the stairs to the level below. Trying to avoid suspicious glances, they passed several sailors chatting about something and approached the right door. On a wooden plank suspended from a rope, there were crookedly scratched words indicating that ammunition was stored here. Once again making sure that no one was watching them, Klim inserted the key into the keyhole and when something clicked, the guys sighed at the same time. Pushing the door forward, they took a step inside, but they were met only by disorder. Cannon balls scattered everywhere, scattered gunpowder and a broken box with empty bottles lying around. This is the reason for the whole investigation.

- What are we supposed to find here? It seems that Captain Grim really kept alcohol here and someone drank it anyway," Red asked, examining the green bottles on which the same label was glued. It's some old alcohol from another continent.

- Look for clues here somewhere. Some things, for example.

Following Klim's instructions, the guys began to carefully inspect the room. There was nothing unusual here, except the fact that all the ammunition was stored in one place, which could burst into flames at any moment. Realizing the gravity of the situation, Red swallowed and began to walk past the cores even more carefully than before. The search continued until Shelly suddenly shouted, unearthing a triangular black hat among the broken boxes. Standing next to her, the guys began to offer different options to whom she could belong, but suddenly Klim interrupted them.

- Captain Grim was wearing this hat when we first met at the port.

- So Kenny was right? Did Grim really drink all the alcohol stored here? - Red asked, but there was no answer, because everything was so obvious, - Okay, then let's go to him right away and tell him what and how.

Without further ado, a group of adventurers went up to the deck, from where you can get to the captain's cabin. Their last visit was not the most pleasant, so they were going to finish everything quickly so as not to be there for too long. After the third knock, the captain's sleepy voice finally sounded at their request to enter, after which the guys went inside, holding their noses. Over the past hours, nothing has changed around, Grim was still sitting on a chair, trying to get at least a drop of alcohol from an empty bottle for a long time. When he saw the people standing in front of him, he twisted his wrinkled face and spoke.

- What do you need again? Get out of here before I kick you out myself.

- Oh, so you remember that we came, Captain Grim. This simplifies everything," Klim said, hiding the captain's hat behind his back. Before he sees her, you need to get him to talk so as not to get hit in the face right away.

- Simplifies what? Kid, get out of here, I'm warning you. I've run out of booze, so I'm very angry right now.

- It won't take long. As for the missing alcohol in the ammunition compartment, we seem to know who is involved in its disappearance. However, before we dump all the charges on him, we need to know something. How did you discover the loss of alcohol?

- I... woke up early in the morning. After that, I decided to check the stocks of cores, in case we were attacked during the voyage. When I entered the compartment, there were empty bottles lying around.

A perfectly reasonable and real story, however, just not from the mouth of Captain Grim. No one on the ship will ever believe that this man woke up early in the morning, and even took care of the supplies on the ship. It is more likely that the water in the ocean will completely dry up than this will happen. His eyes darting around the room and long pauses were confirmation that he was lying.

- Captain, is this your thing? We found it in the compartment among the broken boxes, – As soon as Klim showed the hat, the captain's face changed dramatically. Like a small child, he realized that he had made a mistake and there was no point in lying further.

- This hat is not mine, I took it from Kenny. Talk to him, maybe he is the thief.

"Captain Grim, this is your hat. It was on you when we first met. That means all the alcohol is in the ammunition compartment…

- Stop bothering me, you brat! Get out of my cabin already!

Suddenly, the cornered man could not stand it and broke into a scream in order not to admit his guilt. When he was about to jump out of his chair and hit Klim, the ship began to shake violently, which caused the captain to stagger, grabbing the table. There was a loud crack of wood around and a cannonball flies into the room, leaving a hole in the floor. Looking at each other with shocked eyes, all four ran out onto the deck to find out the cause of the commotion, but what they saw surprised them even more. Two small frigates with black flags floated around the battleship, firing at it from two sides.

- Another volley! Get down!