There is litle spoiler about the futur chaps but nothing too impacting, just litle informations.
Name: Mark
Height: 5.9 foot(1.7 meter)
Faction: None
Age: 14
Sex: Male
-Dirty minded
- A bit sensitive about his voice (despite his height)
-Ramdom mood swings
-Reading his "Holy" bible
-Drinking (mostly milk)
-Strong bone(due to the milk)
-Great batle instinct
A litle more explanation about Mark personality
Despite being cocky, dirty minded and bold he is just a teenager who's emotional and merciful if you pass time whith him.And with the #### who increase his power unfortunately not without a cost, his sensitivity also increase.This mean that he can be affected affected by his emotion.Soo he's not a bad guy .Of course his ramdom mood swings made him a litle unpredictable.