
Chapter 32

Undyne was the next one to wake up. She sat up and crawled to the other side of the couch, so she could stretch her limbs. Once she had, Undyne noticed the smell, Sans' absence, and the sound of movement in the kitchen. It could only lead to one conclusion. Sans was cooking!

Undyne got up and ran over to the kitchen to see it for herself.

There Sans was chopping up spinach while meat was cooking on the stove. He looked up from his work when he felt that he was being watched.

Undyne stood there with her mouth open.

"What?" Sans asked in amusement.

"You're…cooking…" Undyne said clearly in shock.

"Yeah. I can do that."

"I have never seen you cook."

"Undyne, I cooked this morning."

"You did?"

"God, how hungover were you?"


"Clearly. I normally don't cook, but I need to feed Frisk. I'm making tacos with spinach. I got it at the store. It's fresh and full of iron. At least, that's what the label says."

"Sans, I've never seen you this active or attentive, not even with Papyrus. That kid has changed you already. He's the reason your HP started rising. Isn't he?"

Sans froze for a second, looked at her thoughtfully, and said, "What can I say? I have a soft spot for him. Besides, we have a lot in common. I just have to be sure Pap doesn't think he's getting replaced."

Undyne was silent for a moment before she asked, "Would you like some help?"

"Sure," Sans said. "I'm choppin' up vegetables. Would ya look after the meat and make sure it doesn't burn?"


Undyne went over to the stove and started spicing up the meat.

In a few minutes, the smells woke up Papyrus. He sat up with his arms still around Frisk's torso. Papyrus yawned loudly as Frisk still slept in his arms. In his grogginess, he stood up and carried Frisk in his arms as if he were a teddy bear.

Papyrus walked into the kitchen and asked, "What are you two doing?"

"We're making dinner, Papyrus," Undyne said without looking away from her work.

"Oooh," Papyrus said perking up immediately. "Can I help?"

Undyne looked at him and said, "No, thanks, Papyrus. We have all the help we…What's that on your face?"

"What are you talking about?" Papyrus said balancing Frisk on his hip while pulling out his phone and turning the camera on himself, so he could see his face.

Papyrus' jaw dropped. Someone had drawn a moustache above his upper lip. Sans couldn't conceal a chuckle.

"SANS!" Papyrus yelled. "Why must you plague my life with your pranks?!"

"I've been paying so much attention to Frisk these past 24 hours," Sans said innocently. "I was afraid you were feeling left out."

"Why are you yelling?" Frisk asked in between yawns.

"I'm yelling because Sans has ruined my face," Papyrus said placing Frisk on the ground in front of him.

"It looks good to me," Frisk said with a weary smile.

"No, it doesn't…Frisk, he did your face, too!"

Sans was laughing out loud at this point.

"What?" Frisk said shaking himself out of his grogginess while Papyrus got out his phone, pulled up the camera for his face to reflect on, and held it in front of Frisk's face.

Frisk looked at the camera and saw his face with a monocle drawn around his left eye.

"Sans!" Frisk said in annoyance.

"How can you treat your little brothers so disrespectfully?" Papyrus asked.

"With all the time you two have spent around me, you should expect this by now," Sans said nonchalantly.

"You have a point," Frisk said in resignation.

"Don't take his side," Papyrus said.

"I'm surprised you didn't try to draw on me," Undyne said flipping the meat over with a spatula.

"I value my life," Sans replied.

"Smart guy," Undyne said with a smile. "Anyways, dinner will be ready soon, so go wash up. That's an order."

"Fine," Papyrus said reluctantly walking up to the stairs. "Come on, Frisk."

"Better do what he says, kiddo," Sans said sarcastically. "You know how we stress appearances around here."

Frisk smirked back at him and followed Papyrus upstairs. He had an idea.

Frisk caught up to Papyrus and whispered, "Papyrus, we should prank him back."

"I like that idea, but how?" Papyrus whispered back as he opened the door to the middle bathroom. "Whenever I try, he always outdoes me."

"I don't know, but it'll have to be something good."

"Shhhhh…Sans always finds out everything. We have to make plans in secret…"

Back in the kitchen, Undyne said, "I'm curious about something, Sans. Papyrus complains about your pranks all the times, but has he ever pranked you back?"

"Not really," Sans said with a smile. "But I'd love to see him try."