

Aizawa's POV

Nezu walks over to me with his usual cocky smile and it takes everything I have not to roll my eyes or groan. What is the sneaky devil plotting now?

"Monday is a go!" He was practically singing and I let out a sigh. That's all he wanted to say? We already had everything ready and the vendors were going to switch out the green decorations with red, white and blue for the two fanboys. The only thing Momo needed to actually create is if they wanted rings or something special. But judging from the necklaces I've seen hanging around their necks I would say that rings are unneeded. I don't know how I didn't notice the necklaces on either of them before. They were plain silver or maybe white gold and Bakugo's was what looked like a tiny explosion and Midoriya's looked like a lightning bolt. I am surprised it wasn't the other way around but it is what it is.

When that song started playing I froze up just like everyone else did. Why would anyone play that song at a wedding? 'Where is the Love' by Black Eyed Peas. I felt my heart jerk and my blood freeze and almost out of reflex, everyone turned to look at the young couple who had started dancing in a way that I could only describe as hauntingly. The way they danced around all of us as if we weren't even there in the first place.

They were just dancing around me and Hizashi when I heard Bakugo say in the softest voice I have ever heard in my life, "Forever and always, across time and beyond. I am yours, I love you." I blink in surprise and watch as they dance away and I mean damn. Who knew that Bakugo could or would be so romantic?

I mean just damn.


Saturday at last, the one day I can actually sleep in. I mean this week has been so busy between working as a hero, school work and the wedding I am exhausted.


"I swear to All Might that this had better be an actual fucking emergency!" I was yelling all the way to the door before I opened it to see Nezu standing calmly at the door. Hizashi sleepily walks over to join me at the door asking who it was not even bothering to open his eyes.

"Someone with a death wish," I growled and heard him mumble a "That's nice," before drifting off laying his head on my shoulder even while we were standing.

"Speak then leave," I glared at my boss and saw him sigh.

"Monday was canceled, we have to do it tomorrow," that woke Hizashi and I both up!

"What the fuck? Why?" I glared at him and he started fidgeting at my front door.

"The offices are closing earlier this year due to bad weather in the forecast. We have to get them legal or everything will be for nothing. They have to have the paperwork first thing Monday morning or it won't be processed in time."

"Have you told my kids yet?" I questioned him pulling out my phone ignoring the look he gave me when I said my kids. I mean fuck off, they have been publically calling me Dadizawa pretty much since the boys came back.

"No, I am not in your class group chat," he said slowly. Speaking of which, why didn't he just text me? Or for that matter call me? I see a string of missed calls and two or three texts from him. Oh, that's why.

Eraserhead: Plan B Sunday not Monday!

I watched as my students replied with only Midoriya and Bakugo confused as to what was going on.

Deku: What is Plan B? What's wrong with Monday?

Murder King Explosion: Is this about what we talked to Nezu about? This better be a day earlier and not a week later!

I rolled my eyes before responding with yes and yes.

Eraserhead: I'll be over as soon as I can to pick you both up. Be ready. Momo, Iida, and Todoroki do you have this?

Shoto: Yes sir my dad's credit card is already on file for the items needed to be picked up and I'm already up.

Ingium: Yes sir I will go to the church immediately to help with the change of decorations.

Creati: I already have my end done, I ate a lot of cake last night and couldn't sleep until I wore it off. I will help Sato though.

Eraserhead: Good, get everyone up and ready, I'm sure the Dynamic Duo problem children will have to disappear before we are finished.

Deku: What?

Murder King Explosion: Hey!

Murder King Explosion: Even if it is true, but we were busy yesterday and exhausted when we got home!

Eraserhead: Please I really don't need to know the details.

Red Riot: Bro, so manly. You can talk about these kinds of things in front of our teachers/dad's?

Charge Bolt: Dadizawa can I sleep in since I have to do everyone's hair tomorrow again? I'll get up after the Dynamic Duo disappears again.

Pinky: If he gets to can I?

I Can't Stop Twinkling: Oui?

Eraserhead: No one gets to sleep in if I don't. Get to work problem children if you manage to finish early we can all go to sleep early tonight.

I see my students type out their groans and complaints while I turn away from Nezu leaving the door open for him to come in while I went back to my room to change. When I came out again I walked into the no longer spare room to give Kota and Eri a small kiss on their foreheads before closing their door behind me and giving Hizashi a kiss goodbye.

"I'll see you later? Maybe we can still go out for lunch as a family?" I ask and see him beaming in response. Having two such young kids is hard but at the same time they are old enough that I at least I don't have to try and hover over them 100% of the time. The way they light up when I walk into the house is amazing all on it's own.

"Love you, try not to kill any of them." I hear him chuckling as I run out the door. I can just pick up food from either the dorms or a cafe while we wait for the fitting to be done. Ashido can do the last minute touch ups but any big alterations should be done by the staff at the shop. And we shouldn't force Momo to make everything, we were able to order the boy's things to be ready in time. She will still need to make some things of course but not nearly so much. I waited for my car to heat up and pick up my phone again.

Eraserhead: Is there any breakfast we can grab running out the door? Or more importantly coffee?

Mockingjay: Coffee yes, breakfast soon.

Eraserhead: If I were straight I would wonder if you were mine...

Shoto: I knew it! You're Dadizawa's secret love child! I might have been wrong with Midoriya but you're almost a carbon copy of him!

Mockingjay: ... Ignoring that...

Eraserhead: Todoroki, we need to talk about how babies are made but I need to drive now...

Deku: I tried to tell him.

Wow, just wow. Why is Todoroki so obsessed with secret love children? I will admit to thinking the same thing for a short while before finding out about All Might's and Midoriya's connection because I mean come on. He was blatantly obvious about his favoritism, I mean on some level I think he tried. But he was always pushing him harder than any of the other students.

I picked up all three boys and Todoroki sat in the passenger seat while Bakugo and Midoriya sat in the back. Todoroki handed me my coffee and a bran muffin and I happily took both. Before I started lecturing him about where babies came from and how they were made.

"I have not slept with a woman nor have I donated any sperm therefore I cannot be a biological father to anyone. No, not even Shinso," I tried to end my lecture only for him to start asking me questions.

"How are you even comfortable asking me any of this?" I asked after answering more biology questions than I am comfortable with.

"You're Dadizawa. You, Mama Mic and Dad Might are all so easy to talk to about everything and you have never lied to us about anything. Do you really expect me to talk to Endeavor about any of this?" I parked the car and looked in my rear view mirror and couldn't help noticing the way their faces hardened at the mention of the current number one hero's name. It's bad enough that he won't even call him father anymore. I wonder if I could torture him? Or better yet Midoriya and Bakugo since they can delete the experience from his memories?

"I guess not. But lets stop while we are inside and then we can continue once we are alone or with the class again," I let out a sigh when he nodded and at fucking 5 am on a good damn Saturday morning, we walk into the first of many stores to recieve our supplies.

It was decided that Midoriya would be the one to walk down the aisle so that All Might and Inko could walk him down the aisle. None of us wanted anything to do with the logistics of Bakugo walking down the aisle but...

"I want to walk down the aisle, I know that regardless of when or where we are, Deku will always come to me. This time I want to be the one that comes to him," he looked at Midoriya with enough passion that it hurt my head. Deep breaths, okay we can make this work. I send a text to All Might and Inko and they agree to walk him down the aisle and-

"No, I have a better idea. Why don't we both walk down the aisle? At the same time and towards each other? Everyone else can walk down the center aisle and the flower girl can go down in front of one of us and the ring barer the other?" Midoriya's puppy dog eyes are going to end me. But I see Bakugo absolutely light up at the suggestion. So I texted that to All Might and Inko and they both immediately agreed.

All Might: I'll walk Izuku.

Inko: And I'll walk Katsuki, that way I can still watch him walk down the aisle!

I internally groan but show the messages to the boys who beamed at the whole thing. We seperate temporarily for lunch and the three boys stayed together while I met Hizashi and the kids. We were in the same food court but at separate tables. It was nice that they didn't mind giving me some family time and while we ate I decided to ask the kids which aisle they wanted to walk down.

"Deku's please!" Eri squealed happily and Kota, who was even a year younger, laughed with Hizashi and I.

"Then I'll go down Dynamight's with him." Kota grinned, just happy to be included in his hero's big day. My phone buzzed and I picked it up.

All Might: Wait we can walk them both down the center! We'll just stand in between them!

I just forward it to Midoriya and Bakugo who after some debate agreed. "Looks like I didn't need to ask. They are going to both walk down the center aisle after all." I sent all the changes to Iida who was currently working with the wedding director from yesterday so that we could have everything perfect and waiting when we were done.

"Look at you working so hard to make your kids happy!" Hizashi beamed at me and I glared back at him. Really he is going to use that against me now?

"I wonder how well I'll do when these two grow up?" I ask in response and see his shocked face in response as he protectively puts his arm in front of them as if defending them from me and I start laughing. Mama Mic, it makes sense now why he is mama and I'm dad.