
Under The Stars {Alice}

They both saw the end before it even began. Willow - a self centred and purposeful girl - meets Marcus - outgoing boy and the king of partying - at the library. They instantly felt something like a spark between each other, but after a while they realise that the spark they have cannot be turned into a light. Not only the age, but also their life goals are really different. Willow has to make a decision - career or her soulmate. At the end, something happened and it made her decision easier.

teenwriter212 · 若者
9 Chs

October 16th, evening

I was walking home when I got a notification on my phone. It was a message from mom. I opened it and stared at the thirty words, that slowly ripped my heart apart a little.

Hey, Sweetie! Please don't be mad, but we won't make it back until at least midnight. Will explain tomorrow. Invite Lily over! Your cake is in the fridge. Love, mom.

I sighed. I couldn't respond to the message. I had at least twenty more minutes until I will be home, might as well get a quick errand run and buy myself dinner.

* * *

I got to my front door and took out the key. I placed it in the hole and twisted it, but the lock didn't move.

''What?'' I said to myself. It seemed like the door was unlocked. But the door is always locked.

I grabbed the handle and pulled it down. The house was quiet and dark, because of the cloudy late afternoon. I set down my bag and keys, as I took off my boots and quietly walked towards the kitchen. My heart was pounding in my chest, hands shaking and coldness rushing through my body.

''Hello?'' I said out loud. If there was an intruder...

I almost had reached the kitchen when I took a look at my left. There was an umbrella bucket. I took one out and prayed that I won't need to use it. I stepped into the kitchen, when on all of a sudden two big strikes of light shot towards the ceiling and a group of people jumped up, yelling ''Happy birthday!'' and blowing party blowers.

I led out a quick scream and pressed my hand against my heart, who was pounding in light speed.

''Happy birthday again!'' Lily was standing on the other side of the counter with a big cake in her arms, that had two miracle candles filling up the room with light and crackling, as three girls from math class came to hug me and give wishes.

Like I said, I didn't had bunch of friends, barely any, and my kitchen wasn't filled with the whole school. The only people here was Lily, the girls from math class, two guys from science class and one guy I wasn't even expecting to see standing in my kitchen.

I was weak in my knees. I needed to sit down. Too much was going on.

''Blow out the candles!'' Lily placed the cake in front of me. My hands were still shaking, but I managed to think of a wish. Everybody cheered. Few seconds later my only known persons slowly exited the kitchen.

''Hey, hey, hey! Where are y'all going?'' Lily rushed after them.

I was still in shock, when he walked up to me.

''Happy birthday, Willow.'' His voice sent me to a different Universe.

''Thanks.'' I managed to say. The room filled up with uncomfortable silence.

''Those guys.'' Lily came in, rolling her eyes. ''They can't even spend one afternoon without their science stuff.''

''Alright, I should go, then. Promised to drive them back to school.'' Marcus pressed away from the desk. ''Happy sixteenth, see you later.'' And he exited the kitchen, afterwards the house and I saw his black car roll out of our driveway.

''So, did you like the surprise?'' Lily asked.

''I guess so.'' I said.

''Admit it, it was a little better than the ''party'' you were supposed to have.'' Lily smiled.

I finally breathed. ''How did you know?''

''Your mom reached out. She explained the situation, and I understood right away, why she was telling me that. Anyhow, do you know how hard it is to find somebody that you're friends with besides the library lady and books?'' Lily exhaled. ''I know this wasn't a super great party and I don't think anybody brought gifts, but I hope it helped a bit.''

''It helped for sure to give me a heart attack. Anyway, thank you for trying. You're the best.'' I said and hugged Lily. ''I'll go in a shower and then binge watch something. Thanks for coming.'' I stood up from the desk and turned to go upstairs.

''Do you want for me to stay? Give you a company?'' Lily asked.

''No. I just want to relax and chill.''

''Okay then. See you tomorrow.'' Lil picked up her jacked and went towards the door.

''Wait, how will you get home?'' I asked.

''Uber!'' Lily shouted from my corridor.

* * *

The sky had cleared up. It was already past sunset time, almost ten p.m.

I was out here because the sky was filled up with bunch of small, bright stars. I was laying down on my back, when I heard a voice call out my name.

''Yes?'' I asked, turning my body to the side and looking for the caller. It took me by surprise.

''Um, hey. Can I come up?''

I stuttered. ''Yeah.''

Marcus pressed a ladder against the side of the roof and climbed up on the roof. He sighed and laid near me.

''Where did you get the ladder?'' I chuckled.

''It was pressed against your garage.''

Oh, right.

''So, why'd you came?'' I asked.

''I don't know, honestly.'' He put the palm of his hand on top of his stomach. He was wearing a black shirt and black pants. ''I saw you here and decided to walk over.''

''Aren't you cold?'' It was middle of the October, and also night time. Not that I cared, just asked. I think.

''A bit.''

''Wanna share?''

Marcus looked at me. We were both laying on our backs, facing each other. His brown eyes stared in mine, again, and I suddenly felt awkward that I asked him that.

''Sure.'' He said. I gave him half of my blanket and he moved closer to me, his shoulders pressing against mine. A pleasant wave of warmness filled my body and few butterflies started their dance in my stomach.

I turned my head back into facing the sky, because my cheeks were burning red. Besides that it was night, I was scared that he's going to notice.

''How are you feeling?'' He broke the silence.


''Well, now, that you're sixteen.''

''Okay, I think. I thought I would be more excited, though. It feels like an ordinary evening.''

''I can help you with that.'' He said and turned his whole body to face me.

''Excuse me?''

''No,'' he chuckled. ''not like that.''

I led out a heavy breath. Can you embarrass yourself even more?

''We can do something, like, answer some questions.''

''Random questions?'' I wasn't expecting the questions game. At first I thought it would be lame, but for some reason I was dying to know more about him.

''Yes, but we both get ten, so think wisely. I can start.''

''Okay.'' The stress was growing in me a bit.

''What's your "and then it got worse" story?''