
Under the Oak Tree

The official English translation is finally here! A flawless love story of the flawed. Stuttering lady Maximilian is forced into a marriage with Sir Riftan, but he leaves on a campaign after their wedding night. 3 years later, he triumphantly returns, ready to cherish her. As life with her husband finally begins, she only has one question — does she deserve this love and happiness? [The first season's spin-off and the second season of "Under the Oak Tree" will resume in the last week of August. Thank you for your support and patience in the meanwhile.]

Suji Kim · ファンタジー
457 Chs

Chapter 80

Sejuleu regarded the map in silence, then turned his head to address Kuahel.

"We would need an ungodly amount of wood to build siege towers that could take on ramparts that high. Just the task of transporting it to the Pamela Plateau would be grueling."

"We must take every weapon available," Kuahel replied, glancing over everyone present with his ever-lifeless eyes. "There are magic negators installed on the ramparts, which means it will be difficult to breach the walls with magic. We will have to rely on physical weapons to capture the city."

"But we already have too much baggage even without the siege towers," said Agnes. "Add to that provisions and fodder and we would need more men to transport everything, which means even more provisions. This issue alone poses quite the headache."

Richard Breston snickered. "What a needless worry. By the end of this war, the mouths that need feeding will have been reduced to half. I assure you, our current supplies are more than enough."