
3. furious Terris

After two days Terris regained his consciousness and found himself in unfamiliar room and the last thing he remembers was him in the venue then everything went blank

"What happened, why am I not home"

"Easy there young man, I guess we don't know each other but I am your father's friend, Connor"

"Where are my parents, why are you here"

Connor thought about what Liam told him before he left "what am I going to do I can't just tell him that his parents abandoned him, this is harder than I thought"

"Well boy your parents had some business outside so they had to leave you with me for few days"

"You are lying, my parents will never leave me behind no matter what business they need to deal with, they would have taken me with them because they said I was their strength and with me beside them they can do anything"

Connor was speechless due to Terri's young age he didn't expect the young boy to be so difficult "I guess I will just go with Liam's plan"

"Telling you the truth might hurt you more boy why don't you have some rest for now while I bring your food"

"I don't need any food I need to know the truth, where are my parents????"

Connor took a heavy breath before saying

"They abandoned you"


"They left you behind, they abandoned you and they won't be coming back any sooner"

"Shut up!!..."

Connor was startled by the terrifying voice of Terris, he came neerer to check on him but he had to take three steps back because of what he saw.

Terris looked like some strange creatures now, he had few spikes starting from his lower neck to his hunched back part, he had malicious blood red eyes and his two long teeth elongated to his chin and his jaws clenched tightly, he also seems to have grown taller than before.

The Terris Infront of him was looking so terrifying to be true.

Right when he was contemplating on how to deal with what was Infront of him he saw Terris leaping towards him at a deadly speed, he had to do something before it's too late.

He chanted some spell and Terris was pushed back to the bed unconscious.

Connor walked to the bed cautiously, reaching there he saw Terris trying to wake up growling while showing his elongated teeth to him.

Connor chanted another spell before Terris went limp on bed.

After making sure that Terris was totally knocked out did Connor breath a sigh of relief "just how strong is this boy, if I was any weaker like any human maybe right now I might have been lying lifeless on a pool of my own blood" again Connor let out a sigh of relief and went on inspecting Terris to see if there was anything he should be worried of, and found that he had shrunk in size and all the elongated teeth and spikes started to retract back into his body on their own.

"Huuuuph... seems like I was worried for nothing, I just need to prepare something so that he won't go wild due to hunger"

Connor went on with his business, while trying hard to come up with the solution to the current problem he had.

But there was one thing for sure that the mixed blood boy was so terrifying when furious.

He made note on his mind to never anger the boy, and he was contemplating on the best way to talk to the boy to without causing any chaos.

Two days passed without Terris waking up and on the third day he finally woke up and while Connor was preparing himself to experience another uncontrollable rampage he felt a hand on his own hand

"I am hungry and thirsty"

The voice was so week and he could hear the hesitation in it

"Are you okay, boy? Do you need anything in particular"

"Blood" said Terris before he can stop himself

" no I need some meat maybe"

"It's okay boy these things are common after using all that energy yesterday"

"What happened yesterday, did I do something "

"No nothing of important, you said you needed blood??"

"Can I have that, mmmmmh!! PI mean blood"

Terris shifted uncomfortably while looking at nothing particular on the floor

"I can get you some if you want, we will do some testing to see if there are some which you may have the most appetite with, you wait for me in here I will be quick"

Connor went out and caught a few animals, a deer, a rabbit, a snake, a stray dog and a cat he wanted to test what will be Terris reaction after consuming different types of blood

When he went back to his place he found Terris still in the place he left him, he had an outhouse where he'd put all the animals

"Follow me outside boy"

After saying that he went outside but turning around he couldn't see Terris

"Hey Terris common"

" m..Mr Connor I am scared"

"Don't be boy I will protect you until your parents comes back" the last part he said in a lower voice but still Terris heard him.

"My parents?!!!!"

After saying that Terris started experiencing headache

He started holding his head while screaming so Connor chanted a spell and Terris became calm again.

Connor was speculating on something so he wanted to test out to know

"Boy do you remember anything, like what happened a few minutes ago"

Terris looked at him and asked "who are you, what happened?!!"

Connor was now sure that Terris must have lost all the memories of his parents and he can't remember anything he went through the day before

"I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but I guess this is good for me to train him just like his parents wanted.. I also wish he can become stronger than those people"....,....,......

"Now it's time to test your appetite"