
I Will Go


Raven groans loudly as she struggles to get the cover cloth on her, off her.

Her sleep is a disturbing one. The groans that escapes her mouth signifies a horrible nightmare.


Kancial enters the room just in time to hear the loud groan that escapes her mouth. He narrows his eyes at her, watching her every unconscious move.

She rolls on the bed to the left side and breathes out like she has something blocking the air that's passing through her nostrils.

Kancial takes a step forward but stops when she rolls to the right again and release a soft groan.

"What's wrong here?"

There's this presence that can be felt, even by Kancial. Someone is tempering with Raven in her dream... Or maybe in reality?

"Raven? Are you there?"

Raven is seen in a lighted place. The sun is shining and all that is seen is sand and the blue sky. It looks like a desert, but the only thing that makes a difference are the different trees that are located randomly around her.


The first word that escapes her mouth is the name of Kancial... But there is no trace of him.

"Is anyone here?"

Immediately she called out, thunder was heard.

Raven jolted back in shock, because there is no sign of rain in the atmosphere, what's with all the thundery hearing?

Just as she take a step forward to prepare for a flight, a parrot landed in front her. Raven stares at it in surprise. What is a parrot doing in a place like this?

"Wh-What are you doing here?" she whispers and then the parrot hopped once towards her.

"The Creator has asked me to tell you that until you find love on Earth, you will not be allowed to be in the spiritual realms. Hell and Hasma is after you. You will have to find love and come back to Heaven after an incident. You can then conquer them single handedly"

Raven's eyes widen slowly.

Earth? What joins her and Earth now?

"Remember, the Demons of the Earth are after you. So you have to become a human of the earth, alongside with your Angelic being and Demonic personality, you will be able to conquer them"

Raven's vision then goes blank.

"Raven? Are you here?"

The voice of Kancial rings like a bell in the head of Raven and in an immediate moment, her eyes opens wide.

Raven jacks back to her Angelic being and flaps her wings once, sending a great wind across the room.

"I... I saw... I saw something that... That... "

"Calm down. What did you see?"

Kancial walks to the bed of Raven and sits down on the edge of the bed. He pats her back gently, trying to make her calm down and explain what she saw.

"I saw a parrot"

Kancial's patience and curiousity drowned the moment she mentioned that creature's name. "Parrot".

"And... The Parrot brought a message to me. Sent to me by the Creator. It said... That I have to go to Earth, as a human to find love"

Kancial's eyes redden. His heart stops beating and he wishes his ears can only pick the information that is the most relevant in all she is about to say.

"And... It said I needed the personality of the three beings existing. That is, the Demonic, Angelic and Humanly being. I have possessed two, but I need the third one if I am to conquer the Demons and... "

Raven turns to Kancial.

"And that means I have to go to the humans habitat to gain their personality"

Kancial is dumbfounded.

Only one explanation and Raven got the message. The three personalities part are the part he just understood, he never knew this was what the Creator was trying to make him understand when he exited the Throne Room.

How much more can this Angel understand both as Demon and as an Angel.

If she goes down to Earth, she will be the only one Angel in Heaven that has the three existing personalities known as the Angelic, Demonic and Humanly personalities.

Why are things becoming new, dangerous and exciting every single time this female Angel is involved in matters like this?

"Do you want to go?"

Raven's mind is ticking like a clock.

Does she? Does she want to go?

The main reason why all these are happening, is because she refused to marry a Demon. Refusing to marry a Demon yielded her into Heaven and because of her, the Demons wants to conquer Heaven and take her back to Hell to where she will be justified.

And she will still be forced to marry a Demon.

That can't happen. Xuvicer and Golsie had their chance to have a daughter and they lost it. They got her, but now she is the daughter of the Most High.

And no one can break that. Not even Golsie and Xuvicer and the thousands of Demon down there.

And Not Even The Devil, Lucifer. Can stop her.

Nor break the bond she has with the Angels and The Most High.

"I will go"

After some minutes of waiting and reasoning of all these things in the small head of Raven, she finally speaks up, leaving Kancial speechless.

"If that is what will make me free from all the Demons war, I will go"

The decision of Raven makes Kancial go speechless. She is determined, and that is what Heaven is looking for.

"Are Angels also coming with me?"

Kancial stares into the determine yet scared eyes of Raven and slowly flutter his eyelids.

"Are you coming with me?"

Kancial eyes are fixed on those of the girl and he suddenly feels some type of urge... A push towards her.

There's this thing that erupts in him whenever he's with her that he is not quite sure of. His fingers trails up on the neck of Raven and slowly settled on her cheek, lightly tucking loose strands of her red hair behind her ears.

Raven's eyes are now settled on the soft thin lips of Kancial as he leans forward. God are they close or what?

"Do you want me to?"

The soft whispers of Kancial makes all sort of goosebumps to spark up all over the body of Raven.

'I hope this isn't sin. Please let this not be sin' the heart of Raven is beating very fast as her mind can't contain everything that's going on.

"I will. I will go down with you"

Without hearing any reply coming from Raven, Kancial lets go of himself and holding firmly to the cheek of Raven as he leans forward, feeling the flesh that overflows her cheeks, he softly lays his thin, pink and white-surrounded lips on those of Raven.

Raven feels a funny and strange feeling engulf her.

But when she open her eyes....

She finds herself in a red and neatly decorated room.

"Where am I?"