
Under His Temptation

Ansel Balder has it all. Good looks, wealth, and position. People considered him a helpful and kind man, not knowing the scandals he kept from the world. Ansel Balder loves his own employee's wife. When Matthew Tjia offers Daphne Tjia, his daughter in exchange for paying off his debt, Ansel Balder agrees. Not to make her his wife, but to make Daphne Tjia as bait for fishing, Rachel Colleen the dark lover, to be jealous and willing to accept his proposal. Then, will Ansel Balder be caught in a trap he made himself?

ry_santi · 都市
131 Chs

Chapter 96


senior highschool


"Steven! Steven!"

The sound of cheers from the audience filled the baseball field when Steven Anderson the frog prince waved his right hand making the girls scream hysterically as if they saw an artist. His team just won a baseball game against an upperclassman in a summer interclass event.

I stood in the corner of the field under a tree folding my arms and chewing gum and blowing it up like a balloon. I don't know what kind of demon possessed me to see that nerd kid's match. Sometimes I wonder how girls scream Steven Anderson's name the smart nerdy guy but he always carries a frog with him wherever he goes even to the toilet once. They cheered him on especially when he took off his goggles.

The Anderson looked at me then rolled one eye and smiled so broadly that my bubblegum popped over my mouth and nose.

Hah! Who does he think he is? I'm annoyed.