
Under His Temptation

Ansel Balder has it all. Good looks, wealth, and position. People considered him a helpful and kind man, not knowing the scandals he kept from the world. Ansel Balder loves his own employee's wife. When Matthew Tjia offers Daphne Tjia, his daughter in exchange for paying off his debt, Ansel Balder agrees. Not to make her his wife, but to make Daphne Tjia as bait for fishing, Rachel Colleen the dark lover, to be jealous and willing to accept his proposal. Then, will Ansel Balder be caught in a trap he made himself?

ry_santi · 都市
131 Chs

Chapter 4

On a plane bound for Florida, Matthew Tjia reads the contract Ansel Balder staff emailed him. Rubbing his chin roughly, Matthew Tjia then scrolled the screen. The debt will be paid off soon if you allow Daphne Tjia to go to Ansel Balder's private island and run errands. Whatever the form, his daughter must be willing to sign, including being a sex slave.

The plane landed at Orlando airport, his home, where the family lives. Matthew Tjia took a taxi to his home on the Fort Pierce estate. He stared straight ahead, at the glass that separated from the pitch black night.

The big house came into view. The closer you get, the clearer it gets. Multicolored lights flicker. Dozens of cars parked in the yard. What is this? Matthew Tjia's tiredness turned into anger when he met a lot of young people in their early 20s gathered. Bottles of drinks and marijuana cigarettes are scattered. The aftermath of passing a law that allows possession of marijuana is a slap in the face. His house was used as a drug party.

Matthew Tjia is looking for a large hose that is usually found in the garden. He turned the faucet to the maximum and then doused the young man hanging out in front of the terrace.

"The party is over! Disband all!" shouted Matthew Tjia while directing the hose to spray the group of young people.

They ran around screaming and cursing. Matthew Tjia entered the house. Loud music hit his ears. Die Young from Kesha is considered by Matthew Tjia to be too brutal, full of satanist symbols, but young men and women are actually engrossed in shaking their hips. It's only been a few days since his daughter has gone wild like this.

"Get out of my house!" Matthew Tjia points the water hose at anyone he can reach, like the fire department.

"Daphne Tjia, your father has gone mad!" Laura, Daphne Tjia's college friend who was hit by the water spray ran away.

"I baptize you with tap water so that you will come back clean from marijuana!" Matthew Tjia directed the hose blindly. The partygoers ran outside, rushing their car to leave the Tan Family home.

"Dad, stop it!" The girl with dyed blonde hair made a loud voice holding back the water. "Dad, I'm wet!"

"You really have to get wet, Daphne Tjia, to make your brain a little smarter," Matthew Tjia snarled and threw the hose into the grass outside.

"What's wrong with you? We're just partying, not breaking the law," Daphne Tjia protested.

"You guys get drunk and smoke weed. For the God's shake."

Daphne Tjia's round eyes shone in disbelief. "We're 20 years old. Do we have to drink milk and pajama parties like kindergartners and set up Twinkle-twinkle Little Stars?"

"Turn off the music, my head is going to explode!" Matthew Tjia's orders.

Daphne Tjia reached for the remote control, pointing it at the sound system. Instantly the living room fell silent. Matthew Tjia looked around. Paper plates and cups were scattered about. There was still a lot of pasta left on the table.

"You have to clean up the rest of the mess, Young Lady," said Matthew Tjia.

"Don't worry, Dad."

Stamping her feet in annoyance, Daphne Tjia picked up a jumbo-sized black garbage bag. Technically, Daphne Tjia didn't clean up, but just stuffed all used packaging into it. Except for the pasta to be heated for breakfast tomorrow.

Matthew Tjia slumped on the sofa, watching his daughter's work. His little girl grew up to be a charming mature woman. Her Chinese blood and white American blood from her late mother add to the uniqueness. On average, Daphne Tjia's friends are pure white, pure black, or Hispanic. Rarely does anyone inherit mixed Asian ancestry like her. Small sharp nose, yellowish white skin not red. His daughter's facial features are attractive. Ansel Balder might be interested in marrying her. Gosh, Matthew Tjia's imagination is so high. Matthew Tjia keeps watching Daphne Tjia's movements. Every now and then step on the garbage bag so that the contents solidify and new garbage can be added. Matthew Tjia suppressed a smile as Daphne Tjia stretched her back, looking sore.

No less than three black plastic bags bulged after being filled with garbage. Daphne Tjia dragged her to the yard, put her outside for the cleaners to pick up.

"It's clean, Dad." Daphne Tjia said proudly.

She joined his father, staring into a much cleaner room.

"Your boyfriend should be helping, not running away."

"How am I going to have a boyfriend if you forbid me from approaching men? Do you remember 5 years ago on your plantation birthday, you even asked me to dress up like a Victorian-era ghost? After that my confidence was completely crushed," Daphne Tjia brought up the coercion that done by Matthew Tjia.

Matthew Tjia frowned in disbelief, "So in the crowd of marijuana users there wasn't one who became your boyfriend?"

Daphne Tjia shook her head. "Nope. We were just friends in college. They were curious to see your orange grove. We went for a walk. You know, Dad, they bought a few pounds of oranges."

That twinkle of happiness, that loose smile, as if the world was just a playground full of fun. Daphne Tjia never thought about financial difficulties. Matthew Tjia didn't have the heart to steal it.

"Daphne, have you ever thought about working after college?" asked Matthew Tjia. Young girls her daughter's age are usually out of their parents' house, starting an independent life in an apartment. Work part time to pay for college. However, Daphne Tjia seems to be without the burden of living with her parents.

"Work? Dad, don't tell me you're going to make me farm in your hot garden." Daphne Tjia's eyes bulged.

"You're in college now, Daphne. Too bad your knowledge isn't being put to use. You have to work."

Daphne Tjia sighed softly. Uh, she hates work. Aren't women created just to shop and dress up? Her neon green manicured nails caressed her own cheeks. "I don't know, Dad," Daphne Tjia finally said. "Looks like I can't do anything."

"Maybe you don't have to work if you want to live well, as long as you marry the right man." Matthew Tjia immediately poisoned his daughter's brain.

"True. Raph Watson is quite rich, but I lost the opportunity to date him five years ago and now he has a girlfriend. David Prince is a rich man's son. His father owns shares in the oil mines in Qatar. Should I approach him?" Daphne Tjia twirled her hair.

"They're nothing compared to this one billionaire." It's time for Daphne Tjia to know. Matthew Tjia reached into his cell phone in his shirt pocket. "Read it."

"MoU for Repayment of Debts," Daphne Tjia spelled it, "Daddy has debts?"

"The plantations haven't been able to pay the price of fertilizer to Shining Urea Corp. Daddy met the CEO. You know who?"

"Ansel Balder. An old man who is rumored to be gay."

"Mr. Balder isn't that old. He's only 35," Matthew Tjia defended.

"I've never seen him holding a girl. Is he gay?"

Matthew Tjia didn't even know. "That's none of our business, what matters to you is the agreement."

Daphne Tjia continued reading and yelped in surprise. "Why is my name here, Dad? I have to work on Ansel Balder's private island for no pay. Doesn't Daddy know it's a labor violation?" she whined.

"This is the only way to pay off the plantation debt. You want to help Daddy, don't you?" Matthew Tjia persuaded.

"Five years, Daddy. That's a long time. How was my college? Why did I have to sacrifice myself to marry that old man who could be a pedophile?"

"Watch yourself, Daphne. Take it on the positive side."

Daphne Tjia doesn't see anything good in signing the agreement, other than paying off her father's debt. But why is she the one who have to sacrifice?

"If you can seduce him while working for Mr. Balder, he will marry you. Your life will be full of wealth."

Daphne Tjia coughed. His father is super materialistic. "Daddy sold me?" she cried dramatically.

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