
...it seems that...im Overpowered

While sizuin is having his dilemma, the emperor said,

"This crystal ball is called [Status Projector]. It will show the basics of your [Status] such as the skill names and titles so it won't reveal all of your information. This is neccesary since we need to know your class too train you. Who wants to be the first?"

"Me! i'll go first." The cheerful student president said.

When she placed her hand on it, A [Status] appeared




Name: Airi Saito

Race: Human

Age: 17

Class: [Hero]

LVL: 1

STR: 8

VIT: 9

CON: 8

AGI: 9

WIS: 9

INT: 10

Stats points: 40

Abilities points: 40



{Magic Affinity} {Quick Slash} {Limit Break}



{Evil Destroyer} {Light of hope}


Sizuin saw the [Status] screen after he made a new plan.

'Eh? i tought a [Hero] would be stronger than that. Maybe theres different ranks in the [Hero] class like my [Undeath Emperor]?'

"Wow! The [Hero] class is indeed powerful!"

"Airi-chan got 3 skills! im so jealous!"

"She even got titles! and 2 of them too!"

The class erupted in cheers when they saw the Status screen.

"So this is the mythical [Hero] class! It turns out that it's more powerful than the rumors potrayed!"

"No, i think that this [Hero] is more powerfull than her predecessors!"

"Good heavens! To think theres another [Hero] like lord Asahi! The demons will definately be eradicated from the face of this world!"

Several people next to the emperor also exlaimed while some had a scheming look on their faces.

"Wonderful! It seems like this [Hero] is quite strong! I will definately get my court magician and court Knight to train you" The emperor had a happy look on his face.

"i'll go next!" Riku went next

His [Status] showed,




Name: Riku Kouki

Race: Human

Age: 17

Class: [Supreme-Warrior]

LVL: 1

STR: 16

VIT: 15

CON: 15

AGI: 11

WIS: 7

INT: 9

Stats points: 25

Abilities points: 25



{Heavy Slash} {Lesser Limit Break}



{Arch Warrior Sage}


The class was once again in awe when they saw this 'powerfull class' abilities. Abilities were quite rare judging from most of the student's lack of ability. The emeperor's men also praised Riku saying something like

"Another powerful class! The [Supreme-Warrior]!"

"His [status] is also better than his predecessors!"

"Goddess-sama has truly blessed our Empire!"

The next to go was Kanako since Riku and Airi dragged her to the ball.




Name: Kanako Mana

Race: Human

Age: 17

Class: [Supreme-Wizard]

LVL: 1

STR: 7

VIT: 9

CON: 8

AGI: 7

WIS: 14

INT: 17

Stats points: 25

Abilities points: 25



{Greater Magic Affinity} {Lesser Limit Break}



{Arch Wizard Sage}


After all the praises again, it was Haruto next




Name: Haruto izumaki

Race: Human

Age: 17

Class: [Supreme-Wizard]

LVL: 1

STR: 8

VIT: 10

CON: 9

AGI: 8

WIS: 17

INT: 14

Stats points: 25

Abilities points: 25



{Greater Magic Affinity} {Lesser Limit Break}



{Great Wizard Sage}


Next was Sora, his status was the same as Riku except for his title which is {Great Warrior Sage} and slightly higher WIS and INT.

Of the 24 people left, Eiko and 2 more students got [ArchWizard], 3 others got [ArchWarrior], 4 [Craftmens], 4 [Alchemist],5 [Great Wizard] and 5 [Great Warrior].

According to the Emperor and his men, this was quite a good batch of summons.

It was finally Sizuin's turn. He had made sure to stay at the back so that he could check out all of his abilities. When he touched the ball, it showed




Name: Sizuin Xesthroth

Race: Atlantian

Age: 17

Class: [Great Warrior]

LVL: 1

STR: 8

VIT: 10

CON: 9

AGI: 9

WIS: 10

INT: 11

Stats points: 10

Abilities points: 10






He made use of his ability and hid his true status while showing the average stats of the [Great Warrior] class. He didn't know how he got a class upgrade but left it aside for now.

"Alright, now that everyone has finished. I will give you time to relax and refresh your mind since im sure being summon and going through all of this is taxing on the mind. I will get my daughter to lead you all where your new residence is. I hope you will have a good rest chosen ones."

After the princess and the class left, the emperor commanded

"The [Hero] is a girl. This will complicate things a little. Have Arthur and Zeek moniter her and the special ones, We will need to adapt to this new situation."

"Yes your Majesty!" The eight men replied


During their trip towards their residence, the princess tried to get closer with Airi and the special classed ones but Airi was busy encouraging Sizuin on his class together with Riku and Kanako. Sora and Haruto chipped in sometimes while the teacher also helped encourage Sizuin and the Students who think their class are not that good.

Safe to say, the Princess's efforts were futile. She would just listen quietly and answer some questions the Students asked.

Sizuin had also confirmed his theory that somehow his class is quite broken. His class is 2.5 times better than Airi's [Hero] class in just Stats and ability points. He also had some theories on why his class upgraded, his most plausible one is that someone or something helped upgrade it since the {cursed} title was removed.

Right now, he just wanted to rest and think things thoroughly. Airi and Riku wanted to go along to his room but Kanako and Haruto advised them to leave Sizuin some alone time. This gave Aurora a chance to talk with them.

When he finally entered his residence, he saw luxurious furniturs. It was a small room with a king size bed in the middle, a dining table fit for 6 people, a wardrobe filled with all kinds of clothes and a wide window that shows most of the capital city. All of them were furnished and had all kinds of decorations that made the room radiate with an expensive feeling.

The princess had already said that the maids would bring food in when they requested for it.

The first thing Sizuin did was to act amazed and checked everything out. After he was done with that, he ordered food with what was called a [Messenger Crystal]. It would send a messsage and recieves messages to and from other [Messenger Crystal] It had came in contact with whithin a certain radius.

After he finishes his steak, he climb into the bed and 'Slept'. The reason that he did this was that he didn't know if someone was watching or recording his actions. Sizuin figured that the food was safe since if the Empire could control them with something inside the food then they would have ruled the entire world already.

Now that everything has sort of settled down, Sizuin could think deeper.

This world called Arian has 1 major continent, which they are on now, and 5 smaller island. There are 6 intelligent races, Elves, Demons, Humans, Beastkin, Spirits and Dragonkin with their subraces.

The major continent, Zenon, is ruled by Humans and some races that hide there. The humans used multiple [Hero] classed people through out history to establish a firm rule over this continent, they also have superior numbers compared to all races. They used to wage wars but since the demons invaded, they have united to drive them back.

The Elves live on Shilon. They use their superior magic affinity and long lives to claim this island. They prefer to stay out of wars and despise races that wage wars on each other for some benefits and not for their own race. All Elves are borned with the skill {Magic Affinity} so humans offers a high price for them. Their only downside is that their numbers are small compared to humans.

Beastkin rules over Ixigri using their powerfull physique and average numbers. Most of them are natural born fighters with their thirst of fights and exceptional reactions. They however, have lesser inteligence and will mostly fight head on without an exceptional leader to guide them. Their equipment are also less advanced compared to other races.

Spirits reside on Kira and use their powers to summon beast to battle or protect them. They, like elves, also have long lifespans and are exceptional with a branch of magic called {Summon}. Young spirits have a slime like body while older spirits can have their bodies transform to other races appearence. They have small numbers like elves so they tend to avoid wars and stay close to each other.

Dragonkin are dominate on Dravonin. They are called sages by other races thanks to their long lifespans and extraordinary intelligince. They have Superior magic affinity compared to elves and stronger physique than Beastkins. They view other races as weaklings and it is said that a [Hero] could only beat 5 at a time in his peak! They are natural borned overlords with their pride and power but they have even lower numbers than elves. They tend to avoid other races.

Lastly, the Demons rule over Wardor using their numbers that are similar to humans and their cunning and sinister minds to kill other races. They have a similar powersystem to humans and a demon king is always present when they invade other lands. The are beings made of pure evil and will only wage wars and kill every other race they meet. They are a plauge that keeps on spreading.

All of the information was from the goddess and the princess so it can't be completely trusted.

'i just have to wait and gather more information now' Thinking so, Sizuin fell asleep. The next day is going to be troublesome.

I wanna get a total of 10 chapters by next week sunday so expect alot of release on this ;)


This novel somehow got more support than my fan fic so i will make sure this has quality chapters (thx goddd for 6 ps and beyondgood for 2!)


Typing with a phone is troublesome but i got used to it a little by now


btw, the average human stat is 10.

current [Hero] has 30 points per level so 10 of them are from her titles


more comments are welcome please.

Beginning chapters will be slow

doodlyycreators' thoughts