
Undead Restaurant

What are some enemies that you might face in a fantasy world? The first thing you think of are monsters: skeletons, zombies, specters, you name it. Although these beings are classified as monsters, they are still living beings. Regardless of which, living beings all have some basic necessities, So, what do all living beings (including monsters) need to survive? Food! Note: This is my first book, so there might be some (a lot) mistakes. The schedule is not very consistent. I will try to update at least once a week.

TerraEst · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Dead... (Not Truck-kun this time)

Cole Levine was not some average shmuck. Although, yes, he was an arrogant man, he had the right to it.

He was the number one chef in the world. He owned over ten 3-Michelin-star restaurants. This was a near-impossible feat. There are only 144 restaurants in the world with this level of prestige.

Not anyone could eat the food that he cooks. The gusts need to have high social standing, and even then, it will cost an astronomical amount of money to consume the food that he constructs.

Gorden Remsey? He did not even come close to the level of Cole.

And another fact that brings Cole above Gorden is the fact that he is young, healthy, and handsome.

Cole was walking out of his third jovial customer of the day,

As he was walking across a street-


His phone rang. Cole frowned. There were few contacts on his phone. They include the President of the United States, the Queen of England, and many more powerful leaders of the world.

The call was from an unknown person. Cole frowned. It should not be possible for anyone besides his contacts to call him unless that person was an expert hacker.

Cole decided to take the call because he was interested in who the caller was.

A mysterious voice says, "Look Up."

Cole instinctually looks up just to see-


He saw a van going way past the speed limit coming right at him!

Even as he was running away from it, the van was still speeding up, determined to crash into him.

It was a suicide mission!!!

But, you must understand, Cole Levine was not a nice guy at all. In fact, he was quite evil.

The person in the van was someone who has begged to be served by him for over three years!

Manuel Stanton was an average guy until a fateful day four years ago. He walked past the restaurant of Cole's. He was so enthralled by the smell that he unconsciously walked inside the restaurant.

It was the first restaurant Cole had ever opened, Optimum popina semper. (look it up on google translate) As it was his first restaurant, he loved it more than any other.

Manuel had unwittingly stolen a meal. As he was eating, he thought, 'Wow! So good! It tastes like heaven!'

By then, Cole had already seen him, so he banned Manul from ever coming to any of his restaurants for the entirety of his life.

Although he was forced out, what was done was done. It was like a gateway drug to Cole-cooked food.

Manuel decided to turn to the path of thievery. He has the record for the most food stolen from Cole. It was an astonishing 37! All of Cole's restaurants had high security, but Manuel had managed to steal 37 meals!

After the 37th meal, Cole was finished. He beefed up security so that it was more secure than banks!

Because of this, Manuel had not been able to steal any since then.

Now, he had no meaning in life, so he decided to commit suicide.

He thought, "What better way to die than with my favorite chef?"

That led to this day and this moment.

And then, Manuel crashed into Cole. This was the end of one of the best chefs in the entire world.

As Cole was dying, he laughed, "If only I served that young man on that day, then I would still be alive."

As he was dying, Cole felt a weird sensation pass over his body. He was not a person to believe in souls, but it was as if his soul was being pulled out of his body. Cole thought that he was going insane and closed his eyes to wait for the inevitable.


Cole slowly opened his eyes as he heard a ringing sound.

He saw his body floating in what seemed like...


He saw a wheel appear out of what seems like thin air.

[Undead Chef] - 0.001%

[Slave Chef] - 1%

[Low-Class Chef] - 27%

[Middle-Class Chef] - 42%

[High-Class Chef] - 18%

[Noble-Class Chef] - 9.7%

[Imperial Chef] - 1.3%

[Overlord Chef] - 0.999%

Obviously, he was shocked.

he thought, 'HAHAHA! With these percentages, I'm certain to be a grand figure in this new world!'

He saw a button appear the same way the wheel had appeared.

It said "SPIN"

Cole decides to push the button.

The wheel starts to turn. It progressively gets faster. Then, it stops.

[Undead Chef]

Congratulations on getting the worst item with the worst probability! Your luck must be abysmal!




Hi guys, this is the first chapter of my first book. If you have any suggestions, please comment. Thanks for reading!

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