
Undead Love In Deadlands

Korea is transformed to a Deadlands after a project went south. The aftermath turns people into monsterous zombies. Meet Kyung Jisoo and his team as we follow their adventures in the Deadlands as they seek to find a solution.

zainzel · ホラー
11 Chs

Chapter 6 Crossed Blades

Akiko's heart pounded in her chest as she approached the kendo dojo. The rhythmic clash of bamboo swords echoed through the wooden walls, a familiar symphony that filled her with a sense of peace. She adjusted her grip on the cloth-wrapped katana, her fingers tracing the smooth contours of the blade.

Sliding open the heavy wooden door, Akiko stepped into the dojo, the warm air filled with the scent of wood and sweat. The kendo students, clad in white hakama and bogu armor, moved with practiced grace, their swords a blur of motion. Her gaze landed on her teacher, a stern-faced man with a kind heart.

"Sensei," she greeted, bowing respectfully.

The teacher nodded, his eyes scanning her form. "Akiko, what do you have there?"

She held up the katana, explaining the situation. The teacher's eyes widened in surprise. "A katana? A beautiful weapon. But things like this aren't allowed on school premises."

Akiko nodded, understanding. "I know, Sensei. I'll just leave it here for safekeeping."

The teacher accepted the katana, his hands lingering on the hilt. "Sure , but this shouldn't repeat itself"

"Okay, sensei "She added.

As Akiko turned to prepare herself for today,she noticed a figure standing tall and imposing, it was Jin Hyuk, his presence commanding attention.

The sensei's voice cut through the chatter, "Alright, everyone, gather around. Today, we'll be discussing the philosophy behind kendo."

A murmur of discontent rippled through the group, but they eventually found their places on the tatami mats. Jin Hyuk, however, remained standing, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Sir," he began, his voice low and measured, "I believe there's a fundamental misunderstanding."

The teacher raised an eyebrow. "And what might that be, Jin Hyuk?"

"Kendo and kumdo are not the same," Jin Hyuk stated firmly. "Kendo emphasizes control and form, while kumdo focuses on speed and power."

A tense silence fell over the dojo. The other students exchanged puzzled glances.

The teacher chuckled, a warm sound that belied the seriousness of the topic. "Jin Hyuk, my boy, while there are subtle differences, the core principles remain the same. Both disciplines are about respect, discipline, and the cultivation of the spirit."

Jin Hyuk's expression remained unchanged. "With all due respect, sir, I disagree. Kumdo is a more aggressive form of combat, designed for practical application."

The sensei nodded, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Perhaps you're right, Jin Hyuk. But remember, the path to mastery lies in understanding the fundamentals. And the fundamentals of kendo and kumdo are not so different after all."

A heated debate ensued, with Jin Hyuk and the teacher trading arguments. The other students watched with growing fascination, their initial boredom replaced by a sense of excitement. Akiko found herself caught in the middle, torn between admiration for Jin Hyuk's passion and respect for the sensei's wisdom.

As the debate reached a fever pitch, a sudden silence fell over the dojo. All eyes turned to the door, where a new figure stood silhouetted against the fading daylight.

A voice, muffled but clear, announced, "All staff members, please report to the staff room immediately for an urgent meeting."

The announcement echoed through the room, disrupting the heated debate. Students and teachers alike turned towards the source of the voice, their training abruptly halted.

Jin Hyuk's eyes flickered with annoyance. He had been enjoying the intellectual sparring with the sensei. This interruption was untimely. Yet, as the designated leader in the sensei's absence, he knew he had to take charge.

"Everyone, continue with your warm-ups," he instructed, his voice firm. "I'll handle the situation."

As the other students dispersed to follow his command, Jin Hyuk's gaze fell on the katana once more. He moved with deliberate steps towards the weapon rack, his mind racing.

He reached out and carefully removed the katana from its place. His fingers traced the intricate storm symbol, a cold determination settling in his heart.

Jin Hyuk's gaze fell on the katana, his expression turning contemplative. "Who does this belong to?" he asked, his voice low.

Akiko cursed under her breath, a surge of panic coursing through her. "It's mine," she replied, her voice steady despite the turmoil within. "I never knew one of you would come here."

Jin Hyuk's eyes narrowed, his suspicion palpable. "You? Why, were you sent to kill me?"

Akiko shook her head vehemently. "No, I'm not part of them. I came here to make peace."

A flicker of disbelief crossed Jin Hyuk's face. He extended a hand, offering her the katana. With trembling fingers, she accepted it.

In the corner of the dojo, a katana lay encased in a glass box. It was a family heirloom, a symbol of Jin Hyuk's lineage and their long-standing support of the school. He strode towards it, his movements deliberate.

Removing the katana from its protective casing, Jin Hyuk held it aloft. "I challenge you," he declared, his voice carrying through the quiet dojo. "A duel to settle this."

"Not with this," Akiko declared, her voice trembling slightly. She hesitated, the weight of the katana heavy in her hand. A battle was the last thing she wanted, especially against someone as skilled as Jin Hyuk.

Jin Hyuk, however, was unwavering. He unsheathed his katana, the blade glinting menacingly under the dojo lights. His stance was rigid, his focus intense. Akiko could see the determination in his eyes, a fierce resolve that left no room for doubt.

Akiko, caught in a dilemma, kept her katana sheathed. Jin Hyuk, sensing her hesitation, launched the first attack. His sword flashed, a blur of steel that sliced through the air. Akiko raised her arm instinctively, the katana still in its scabbard, deflecting the blow. The impact sent a shockwave through her arm, and the katana slipped from her grasp.

A thin line of blood trickled down her cheek where the blade had grazed her. The students watched in stunned silence, their faces a mixture of shock and fear.

Jin Hyuk pressed his advantage, his attacks relentless. Akiko, now defenseless, could only rely on her instincts to dodge and weave. The wooden floor echoed with the impact of his strikes, each one a testament to his skill and power.

The dojo seemed to shrink around them, the tension palpable. Akiko's breath came in ragged gasps as she struggled to find an opening, a chance to counterattack. But Jin Hyuk was relentless, his sword a blur of deadly precision.

The tense atmosphere in the dojo was abruptly shattered by the sound of the heavy wooden door sliding open. The teacher stood in the doorway, his face a mask of stern disapproval. His eyes, usually filled with wisdom and kindness, were now hard and cold.

"Enough!" his voice boomed, cutting through the chaos. The sharp command echoed in the silent dojo, forcing both Akiko and Jin Hyuk to freeze in their positions.

The sensei stepped into the dojo, his gaze sweeping over the two combatants. His disappointment was evident in every line of his face. "This is not a battlefield!"

Akiko and Jin Hyuk lowered their heads, their bodies trembling slightly. The realization of their actions washed over them, and they felt a deep sense of shame.

"You both have forgotten the true meaning of kendo," the teacher continued, his voice laced with disappointment. "It is about discipline, respect, and control. Not aggression and violence."

With a heavy sigh, the sensei turned to Akiko. "As for you, Akiko, I allowed you to place it here not use it."

Akiko felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her. She had let her fear and anger cloud her judgment.

The sensei then turned his attention to Jin Hyuk. "And you, Jin Hyuk, despite your skill, you have allowed your temper to control you. You have forgotten the principles of honor and fair play that are the foundation of kendo."

Jin Hyuk's expression was one of shame and regret. He had let his desire for revenge overshadow his reason.

The teacher's gaze softened slightly. "Both of you will spend the next week focusing on meditation and reflection. No practice until you have learned to control your emotions and regain your focus."

A heavy silence fell over the dojo as the students watched their sensei, their faces a mixture of shock and disappointment. The incident had cast a long shadow over the once peaceful training ground.

A heavy silence hung in the air as Akiko and Jin Hyuk sat in opposite corners of the dojo, their minds grappling with the consequences of their actions. The punishment, while harsh, was necessary. They had both crossed a line, and now they were paying the price.

Minutes turned into what felt like hours as they sat in solitary contemplation. Their minds raced, replaying the events of the day. Regret, shame, and a flicker of anger warred within them.

Suddenly, the peaceful tranquility of the dojo was shattered. The wooden door slid open with a bang, and a group of students burst into the room, their faces etched with panic. Out of breath, they stumbled into the center of the dojo, their eyes wide with fear.

"Sir!" one of them gasped, "You need to see this!"