
Chapter 1

"Gen... are you sure tha-"

"YES DAVU!! I want to join the Akari."

"Where is this coming from bro?"

"You and dad have been helping me train and get better everyday. Why wouldn't I want to join?"

"You should think about it some more."

"But I don't want to think about it."

Davu looks at his little brother Genesis with a disappointed look. "You think this is what you want and might believe it, but you don't know what you want Genesis." Davu sighs disgusted at the reality that he has to discourage his little brother. "I'll talk to you tomorrow. I love you." Davu walks out and closes Genesis' door. "I love you too Davu" Genesis turns over to go to sleep. 'What's wrong with what I believe?'

*After Genesis falls asleep.*

"It took you a while, Raven. Gen stayed up late tonight huh?" Raven looked at her brother visibly annoyed but trying to stay calm. "Yeah, he didn't like what you said Davu. He stayed up practicing his invisibility." Raven sits down at the table between her brother and their father, Remla.

"So dad, why can't he join the Akari with you guys?"

"You still being here is reason enough Raven. I didn't protect you and Davu like I should have. I know you're upset but the circumstances called for this solution."

Raven looks at Davu about to try and convince him.

"I don't like it anymore than you do but this is our best option. We need to trust dad's plan and get Gen out of arms reach of our Family."

Raven looks away and responds to Davu in her head. 'His plans are what got us this far. His plans are what got me tethered down.'

Raven got up and walked away. "I'll be upstairs"

*The next day.*

Genesis, still putting on his clothes, runs outside for his daily training with Remla and Davu.

"You're late Genesis."

"Yeah I was up late." Remla starts running. "Okay, let's go. I hope you rested well enough."

Genesis and his family live on a river. Everyday they run along the river to their training area. "Wait, what about Davu?"

"He has group training with his new unit, so we'll be a duo for a while."

Genesis wanted to ask more but he knew he wouldn't receive an answer he liked so he continued to run. When they arrived they worked on hand to hand combat and breathing techniques. "For you to stay invisible during tense situations you must control your breathing. The moment you waiver and attach your breath to a negative emotion you will become visible."

Remla pushes Genesis to turn invisible at the moments he is most exhausted.

"Endurance allows you to sustain power and control. Lacking endurance results in weak abilities or fleeting and self-destructing power."

"Good job son, let's stop here for today."

Remla and Genesis stretch and walk back to their home. Genesis, hesitant to start the conversation, walks in front of his dad so he doesn't see his face.

"I know Davu told you."

Remla looks down at his nervous son. "Why do you want to join the Akari?"

"I don't know."

"You should know that for yourself before you try to convince us."

"Well, why are you training me if you don't want me to fight?"

"I want you to know how to defend yourself, regardless of how you decide to live."

They continue to walk in silence but Remla attempts to lighten the mood. "Come on, let's race! We have enough time to go for a swim before we have to help your mom and Davu make breakfast." Davu is relaxing in the water when they arrive. Genesis takes off his clothes and cannonballs right next to Davu. Remla hops in the river and laughs at his sons playing. After Davu says he just wants to relax in the river, Genesis snaps back to reality. "I don't know why yet but this is what I want. Can you guys trust me?" Genesis says this looking down at the water, trying to get it off his chest. Remla and Davu look at each other attempting to express some positivity.

"What do you think Davu?"

Davu visualizes the frustration on their sister's face the night before.

"As you grow and mature I'm sure you'll figure it out but start with being on time for training." Genesis smiles and runs inside to tell his mom. "Hey mom!! Dad and Davu are giving me a chance."

His mom looks up from cleaning fruit and smiles ear to ear. "That's amazing honey! Extra delicious breakfast to celebrate! Go to your room and dry off." Davu and Remla walk in as Genesis runs to his room. She looks at her husband concerned and confused. Remla goes to hug her.

"I know Naomi... I don't want him to suffer living with us anymore. He'll feel enough pain later on so we can at least try to give him the support he craves for now."

"Do you think this could be dangerous for him though?"

"He'll be fine. Genesis doesn't want to ruin his chances so he won't do anything to jeopardize that."

Naomi nervously grins, "I do love how energetic he is and I trust your judgment so I'll try to be fine with it."

Genesis comes and cuts their conversation short to drag Remla and Davu away so they can dry off too. It is their daily routine that they at least eat breakfast together and clean up after. Genesis spends the rest of the day dreaming about fighting alongside Davu. This day sparked a change in him. He tries his best to imitate Davu and Remla hoping he can prove to them that he is mature and capable. He's always first to training, keeps his space clean and he rarely mentions joining the Akari again. He becomes laser focused and starts making remarkable gains in his training.

Remla and Naomi are in the bed talking getting ready to go to sleep.

"I'm looking forward to when Davu comes back to train with us. Gen is able to use his invisibility while he is fighting now. He even has this silly looking combo that he is trying out where he makes only one half of his body invisible. When he tightens up his technique he's going to really trip people up..."

Remla's excited look turns to one full of guilt. "...it's honestly scary."

"I hope when he remembers the truth he'll be able to still move forward with strength. Even if he doesn't forgive me I'll rest easy."

Naomi, laying on Remla's chest, looked up at him.

"I don't like the things you thought you had to do out of fear. I could never see exactly what you saw but I know you are doing better now with those same fears looming. I hated to see the man I love change like that and I know it will be hard for Genesis to cope with. I can't sit here and tell you what he'll do or how he'll feel but I know despite the frustration he'll see that you tried... You tried to protect him and change your mistakes. Even if you can't see it I believe you are a great father now."

Naomi tried to comfort him but Remla's expression didn't change. "Try to get some rest honey." She laid her head back down and went to sleep.

'I hope the changes to my plan are truly not in vain.'